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The 1950s “ The Golden Age ” Presented by: Lauren Hearing Morgan Holmes Tyler Wakefield.

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1 The 1950s “ The Golden Age ” Presented by: Lauren Hearing Morgan Holmes Tyler Wakefield

2 The Golden Age of America The “Golden Age” of American television generally refers to the proliferation of original and classic dramas produced for live television during America’s postwar years. From 1949 to approximately 1960, these live dramas became the fitting programmatic complements to the game shows, westerns, soap operas, and vaudeville and variety acts on TV that dominated network television’s prime time schedule. As the nation’s economy grew and the population expanded, television and advertising executives turned to dramatic shows as a programming strategy to elevate the status of television and to attract the growing and increasingly important suburban family audience

3 Television o Small screened TVs were in black and white o Owning a television was a symbol of status o Television was a main source of entertainment o By 1950 4.4 million families were tuning in to the wonders of TV o The most popular shows during the 1950s were sitcoms o 3D movies were very popular during the 1950s. o The first feature film premiered in the 1950s o Drive in movies were popular and quickly became a hit. o It was common for people to set up screens and attach speakers in order to view the films. o Broadway plays also earned notority o Musicals such as Oklahoma! and West Side Story premiered Movies

4 Broadway o Broadway plays also earned notoriety o Musicals such as Oklahoma! and West Side Story premiered Playboy Playboy magazine started in 1953 Hugh Hefner began the publication with a loan from his mother

5 Music o Rock music is said to be the sound of the 1950s; but until mid decade Rock n’ Roll did not exist o Elvis Presley’s popularity skyrocketed during the 1950s o For 55 weeks Elvis had the best selling record in America o As Rock n’ Roll’s popularity grew, so did opposition. Beat Generation o Beats were fascinated with the black urban culture. o Words such as, “hip,” “dig,” “cool,” “man,” and “split,” were widely used by the Beats. o Beats also explored sex and drugs. o Rock n’ Roll “American Bandstand” was the first national TV show devoted exclusively to Rock n’ Roll and was hosted by Dick Clark.

6 Entertainment

7 National & International Headlines  1953- The Rosenburgs were convicted of conspiring with the Soviet Union  1955- Rosa Parks was arrested on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama.  The United States Population reached 151,648,000

8 Literature  Across the River and into the Trees- Ernest Hemingway  Betty Crocker Cookbook  The Cain Mutiny- Herman Wouk  The Top Selling Book of the decade was The Bible. Communication  1951- First Direct Dial Transcontinental Telephone Call made by Mayor M. Leslie Downing of Englewood, New Jersey.  1951- The first telephone call is placed on AT&T’s new microwave radio-relay skyway, the first facilities to transmit telephone conversations across the United States by radio rather than wire or cable  1954- The Solar Cell captured free electrons and turned them into electrical current. This was the first solar battery  1956- Transoceanic Telephone Cables

9 Fashion Popular Women’s Styles  A Cashmere sweater set and poodle skirt  A scarf knotted around the neck.  Their boyfriend’s Letterman jacket  A shirt with a portable collar and rolled up jeans  Peddle pushers and Mary Jane’s to pair with Bobby socks.  Pony Tails and Big Hair Popular Men’s Styles  A sporty Letterman jacket.  Converse shoes with Bobby socks  Black leather jacket with the collar turned upward.  A rolled up black or white T-shirt  Popular gym wear included short shorts and tight shirts  “Greased” or slicked hair.

10 Fashion

11 Pop Culture  People began using slang phrases like: “What’s buzzin’ cuzzin’?” (What’s Up?), “Razz my berries” (Excite me), “Pile up Z’s” (Get some sleep).  The Hula Hoop was invented by Arthur K. Melin. More than 100 million Hula Hoops were sold within their first month on the market.  Space Age Pop music became popular. Famous Space Age artists include: Les Baxter, Martin Denny, Henry Mancini, and Enoch Light.  The drive- in movie was very popular! Big outdoor theaters were created so people could view the movies from their cars.  Credit Card system was introduced in America  The Fifties were ultimately named “The Golden Age”

12 Scientific Inventions & Technology  An oral vaccine was invented to flight against polio and other crippling disasters.  Rosalind Franklin used X-ray procedures to discover the structure of DNA  The snowmobile was invented and used to travel and transport through snowy weather.  Three- dimensional Movies stole the theater over  Zenith created the “lazy bones” tuning device.  Antihistamines were used for the treatment of allergies and head colds.  Telephone Answering Machine created by Bell Laboratories and Western Electric.  Super Glue was invented  Mr. Potato Head was patented  Oral Contraceptives invented  The internal pacemaker was

13 SPUTNIK I ¥ History changed on October 4,1957, when the Soviet Union successfully launched Sputnik I, a satellite, into orbit ¥ The Sputnik I launch changed everything. As a technical achievement, Sputnik caught the world’s attention and the American public off-guard. ¥ The Sputnik I launch also led directly to the creation of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) ¥ In July 1958, Congress passed the National Aeronautics and Space Act, commonly known as “Space Act,” which created NASA as of October 1, 1958 from the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) and other government agencies.

14 Sports Willy Mays o Over his career, the “Say Hey Kid” had 660 homeruns, one batting title, two MVP Awards, 24 All-Star Game appearances, and four World Series appearances. Bob Cousy o During his career, Bob Cousy led his team to six championships including five in a row from 1959 to 1963 Mickey Mantle o During the entire decade of the 1950s, Mantle averaged 32 Home Runs, 111 Runs, 94 RBI, 100 Walks. He also led the Yankees to seven American League pennants and five World Series titles.

15 Sports

16 Natural Disaster  Assam, India, 1950: earthquake (1,526 dead)  Holland, 1953: Sea flood (1,794 dead)  Iran, 1953: Rain flood (10,000 dead)  Louisiana, USA, 1957: Hurricane (400 dead)  Worldwide, 1957: Influenza Pandemic (about 4 million dead)  Japan, 1958: Typhoon (5,000 dead)  Ethiopia, 1958: Famine (100,000 dead)  China, 1958-61: Famine (38 million dead.

17 Transportation  1950’s Trucks and barges were completed successfully for agricultural products as railroad rates rose.  1956: Interstate Highway Act  Popular Cars  Autstin Healey 1958  1958 Austin A55  Austin A40 1952

18 Popular Foods & Beverages o Beginning in the early 1950s Mc Donalds became a franchise. o The first Kentucky Fried Chicken was opened in 1952 by Col. Harland Sanders. o The Betty Crocker Cook Book was also very popular during this time period and allowed wives and mothers a variety of ways to feed their families. o Drive- in Diners were also a common go to for fast dining. Often these places served hamburgers, hotdogs, french fries, soda, and milk shakes.

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