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 road to revolution  colonial reaction to stiffening British control  economic differences  role of influential radicals  philosophies that influenced.

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Presentation on theme: " road to revolution  colonial reaction to stiffening British control  economic differences  role of influential radicals  philosophies that influenced."— Presentation transcript:

1  road to revolution  colonial reaction to stiffening British control  economic differences  role of influential radicals  philosophies that influenced the Declaration of Independence  events of the Revolutionary War  Articles of the Confederation  appeal of a confederate form of government  weaknesses inherent in the government  reasons for change

2  a bundle of compromises- the U S Constitution  personalities present at and absent from the convention  compromises- reasons and results  Constitutional interpretations - strict vs. loose constructionists, Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists  the Bill of Rights  Washington's presidency  Hamilton's financial plan  Foreign policies/ domestic issues  Birth of political parties

3  Washington's presidency  Hamilton's financial plan  Foreign policies/domestic issues  Birth of Political Parties  the Adams presidency  Alien and Sedition Act  XYZ and Citizen Genet  Jefferson vs. Hamilton, continued  Louisiana Purchase  What events made it possible?  Was it constitutional?  Lewis & Clark

4  Tensions with Europe  tensions and alliances with Britain and France  War of 1812 ▪ causes ▪ Treaty of Ghent  Monroe Doctrine  rationale  impact today  Sectionalism  Other issues  rising leaders  tariffs  the American System  ascendancy of the Supreme Court

5  Rise of political parties  leaders  political issues  election of 1824  Age of the common man  How democratic was Jackson?  Reform ▪ Why was there a rise in reform movements in this period? ▪ What role did women play in the reform movements? ▪ What were the lasting effects? ▪ Were the Jacksonian reforms jacksonian?  Indian Removal Act  Other issues  the Nullification Crisis  the Bank

6  The Presidency  Harrison and Tyler, too  Taylor and Fillmore  Pierce  the rise and fall of the Whigs  the rise of the Republican party  third parties  Causes of sectional strife  Slavery  King Cotton  Lives of slaves  Mexican War  Why did we fight?  Why did we not take all of Mexico?  How did land acquisition affect the U.S.?  Slavery and territories  tariffs  Compromise of 1850  Kansas-Nebraska Act  Explosion  Uncle Tom's Cabin  Dred Scott  John Brown  Election of 1860

7  The Civil War  strengths and weaknesses of the Union and of the Confederacy  battles  new technology and its impact  impact of geography on battles  Emancipation Proclamation  Why did Lincoln sign it when he did?  What were its effects on the war and on slavery  Reconstruction  the plans of Lincoln, Johnson and the Radical Republicans  impact of Reconstruction on the North and on the South  the 14th Amendment  end of Reconstruction  Compromise of 1877  Politics of race  Why was there a decline in Black civil liberties in the 1890's?  Plessy v. Ferguson - rationales and ramifications

8  industrialization  railroads  Captains of Industry or Robber Barons  the New South  rise of the unions  politics  “Waving the Bloody Shirt”  corruption  cultural and social changes  urbanization  immigration  Who came and how were they different?  What impact did they have on American society?  westward expansion  clash of cultures  taming of the land  “innocent victims”  Populism  causes of the movement  platform  extent of success

9  imperialism  Spanish-American War ▪ causes ▪ role of the press ▪ territories gained ▪ technological advances  Central America  Dollar Diplomacy  the Panama Canal  Other acquisitions  1. Alaska  2. Hawaii  the Progressive movement  factors that initiated the movement  role of the press  impact on government policy of laissez-faire  WWI  causes  early neutrality  taking sides  battles  civil liberties during the war  the Treaty of Versailles

10  1920's  the roaring economy  consumer spending  the automobile  the business of America  the rampaging bull market  new social order  the Harlem Renaissance  Jazz Age  role of women  emergence of 20 th century literature  art and architecture  fear  fundamentalism vs. darwinism  racial/political unrest  the Red Scare  rise of the KKK  nativism and immigration restrictions

11  the Great Depression  tragedy of Hoover  nature of the Depression  the New Deal ▪ characteristics ▪ policies and programs ▪ instant relief ▪ long-term reforms ▪ the arts ▪ the Dust Bowl ▪ packing the Supreme Court ▪ evaluation of short and long term effects of New Deal government  other FDR policies  quarantine  extent of neutrality

12  Causes of WWII  European and Asian imperialism  U.S. preparations the War  Europe  1. the Blitz  2. the Holocaust  D-Day  new technology  defeat of the Germans  the Pacific  major battles  Bataan and other atrocities  at home  industrialization  impact on the economy  impact on women and minorities  internment of Japanese Americans  deprivation  the decision to drop the atomic bomb

13  the Cold War  the U. N.  rise of Soviet world power  containment in Asia ▪ China ▪ Korea  McCarthyism  the Space Program ▪ How were efforts achieved? ▪ What have we gained?  1950's  conformity  rise of the middle class  television  rock and roll

14  the Civil Rights Movement  why it finally happened  methods ▪ 1. historical backgrounds ▪ 2.successes  major personalities  the New Frontier and Camelot  Vietnam  Why?  How did it differ from other wars? ▪ the tour of duty ▪ technology ▪ the response at home  impact of geography on warfare  Johnson and the Great Society  Nixon  foreign policy ▪ the Soviets ▪ China  Watergate  the women's rights movement  causes  major personalities  30 years later  society  television  countercultures

15  Carter  Iran  the economy  Camp David agreement  Reagan  the Cold War  trickle down economy  Iran-Contra affair  Bush  the economy  "read my lips"  the Gulf War  Clinton  " it's the economy, stupid"  impeachment

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