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European Operational Concept Validation Methodology E-OCVM Version 3: What’s New Episode 3 - CAATS II Final Dissemination Event Matthias Poppe DFS Episode.

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1 European Operational Concept Validation Methodology E-OCVM Version 3: What’s New Episode 3 - CAATS II Final Dissemination Event Matthias Poppe DFS Episode 3 Brussels, 13 & 14 Oct 2009

2 Episode 3 - CAATS II Final Dissemination Event 2 Brief History Why do we need an Operational Concept Validation methodology?  “To improve the transfer from R&D to operations… a common ATM validation methodology is needed” (B. van Houtte, L. Breslin, B. Redeborn, April 2005) Version 1 and 2 of the E-OCVM define this common methodology  Concept Lifecycle Model (V0, V1, …)  Structured Planning Framework (Strategy, Plan, Report)  Case Based Approach (Safety, Human Factors, …)

3 Brussels, 13 & 14 Oct 2009 Episode 3 - CAATS II Final Dissemination Event 3 Version 3: What’s New? Main new aspects are  Emphasis towards integrated Concept Development Lifecycle  Assessment of concept maturity and lifecycle transitions  Management of stakeholder expectations through cases Methodology Version 3 continues to be a framework for R&D conduct  It extends version 2 based on previous experience, e.g. Lessons Learnt from Episode 3 - To better address large scale validation - Involving complex concepts with performance targets - Addresses the need to construct a sound basis for decision making

4 Brussels, 13 & 14 Oct 2009 Episode 3 - CAATS II Final Dissemination Event 4 Concept Development Lifecycle Emphasis on Integrated Approach: Link between Validation, Verification and Concept Definition V0V1V2V3 What evidence & maturity becomes available at what stage? Can we do the transition to the next phase? V1 Scope V2 Feasibility V3 Integration

5 Brussels, 13 & 14 Oct 2009 Episode 3 - CAATS II Final Dissemination Event 5 Maturity and Transitions Maturity Assessment process is being defined  Manage the progress from ATM Needs to Implementation - Identify research needs, define performance targets - Includes project monitoring and steering  At exercise level decide of what has to be done next - Ensure meeting the transition criteria for the next phase - Definition of studies, validation exercises Detailed transition criteria V n to V n+1 available  Based on R&D needs and key questions to be answered - Example: V2-V3 Operational viability (User acceptance, safety analysis, Human Factors) reached?  Evidence comes from validation exercises and case development

6 Brussels, 13 & 14 Oct 2009 Episode 3 - CAATS II Final Dissemination Event 6 Case Development Cycle Environmental Case Safety Case Cost-Benefit Analysis Business Case V1 Environmental Case Safety Case Cost-Benefit Analysis Business Case V2 Environmental Case Safety Case Cost-Benefit Analysis Business Case V3 Exercise 2 V1 Environmental Case Safety Case Cost-Benefit Analysis Business Case V1 Environmental Case Safety Case Cost-Benefit Case Business Case V1 Environmental Case Safety Case Cost-Benefit Analysis Business Case V2 Environmental Case Safety Case Cost-Benefit Case Business Case V2 Environmental Case Safety Case Cost-Benefit Analysis Business Case V3 Environmental Case Safety Case - Human Factor Case Business Case V3 V1 Exercise Outputs Direction for exercises Exercises 1…n V1 V2 V3 Validation Repository Exercise results feed into individual cases

7 Brussels, 13 & 14 Oct 2009 Episode 3 - CAATS II Final Dissemination Event 7 Cases Improvements Main Objective:  Providing key stakeholders with targeted information  Developed along the concept lifecycle in iterations  Key input for deciding priorities in exercise design Detailed guidance material available from CAATS II and EUROCONTROL:  Safety Case  Environment Case  Human Factors Case  Standards and Regulatory Case  Business Case

8 Brussels, 13 & 14 Oct 2009 Episode 3 - CAATS II Final Dissemination Event 8 Thank you!

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