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1 African Commission on Agricultural Statistics 20 th Session, 10 – 13 December 2007, Algiers, Algeria AGRI-GENDER DATABASE Tool kit for collection and.

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Presentation on theme: "1 African Commission on Agricultural Statistics 20 th Session, 10 – 13 December 2007, Algiers, Algeria AGRI-GENDER DATABASE Tool kit for collection and."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 African Commission on Agricultural Statistics 20 th Session, 10 – 13 December 2007, Algiers, Algeria AGRI-GENDER DATABASE Tool kit for collection and use of sex disaggregated data World Census of Agriculture Programme 2010 By Diana Tempelman Senior Officer, Gender and Development FAO, Regional Office for Africa

2 2 Presentation outline World Census of Agriculture Programme 1930 - 2010 1. Agricultural data in WCA: 1930–’90 2. Gender related data in the 2000 WCA 3. Gender related data in the 2010 WCA 4. Gender module for 2010 WCA  AGRI-GENDER DATABASE 5. Conclusion

3 3 1.Agricultural data in WCA: 1930–’90  Focus on quantities produced  Demographic data, if at all  head of the household or agricultural holder  Women’s involvement perceived as domestic or reproductive not economic or productive

4 4 Among others:  Addresses gender biases in statistical tools  Expands data collection to small-scale and peri-urban agriculture  data analysis and presentation at sub-holding level, introducing the sub-holder concept 2. Gender related data in the 2000 WCA

5 5  defined as a single agricultural activity managed by a particular person in the holder’s household on behalf of the agricultural holder. one or more sub-holdings in a holding. could comprise a single plot, a whole field, a whole parcel, or even the whole holding. could also be a livestock operation associated with or without any land (FAO, 2005a). SUB-HOLDING

6 6 Data available from WCA 2000 on selected gender relevant issues  Male and Female heads of agricultural HH “Feminisation of agriculture”  Access to resources – land  Access to resources – animals / finances  Labour constraints  Access to agricultural extension  Crop preferences

7 7  Male and female headed HH feminisation agriculture (1) Demographic data  Male and female headed HH feminisation agriculture (1) ProvinceAgric. census 1984Agric. survey’85– ‘86Agric. surveys ’89 – ‘90 MaleFemaleMaleFemaleMaleFemale Extreme North91,88.291,88.292,67.4 East91,68.490,89.285,614.4 Central77,822.278,521.571,828.2 South84,915.181,118.971,228.8 Coast79,120.979,920.163,236.8 West75,824.273,626.466.034.0 National85.414.685.214.879,420.6 Heads of agricultural holdings / sex in selected provinces - CAMEROON

8 8 Guinea 85+ 80 - 84 75 - 79 70 -74 65 - 69 60 - 64 55 - 59 50 - 54 45 - 49 40 - 44 35 - 39 30 - 34 25 - 29 20 - 24 15 -19.10 - 14.5 - 9 > 5 MaleFemale Scale maximum = 800000 Guinea – Labé Region 85+ 80 - 84 75 - 79 70 -74 65 - 69 60 - 64 55 - 59 50 - 54 45 - 49 40 - 44 35 - 39 30 - 34 25 - 29 20 - 24 15 -19.10 - 14.5 - 9 > 5 MaleFemale Scale maximum = 90000  feminisation of agriculture (2) Demographic data  feminisation of agriculture (2)

9 9 Male & female headed HH – NIGER Data presentation at sub-national level

10 10 Male and female headed HH –Tanzania at regional level Agricultural HH Tanzania: 20% female headed 80% male headed

11 11 Tanzania Access to resources  Tanzania LAND

12 12 Land area per HH by sex of HoHH TANZANIA – REGIONAL VARIATION

13 13 NIGER Access to resources – NIGER ANIMALS & effects of financial constraints PROVISIONAL DATA Sedentary animals by sex of owner – NIGER ( % )

14 14  labour constraints Demographic data  labour constraints Tab.2 – Number of inactive /active household members and number of male active members per sex of Head of Household (HoHH) –TANZANIA

15 15 Impact labour constraints -Tanzania Impact labour constraints - Tanzania female headed HH’s use of credit

16 16 Division of Labour Female heads of households take on the additional roles normally undertaken by the male head of household; Off farm income, bee keeping and fishing whilst also being responsible for the normal female duties of the household beer making, collecting water, etc. They also use more of hired labour

17 17 Data analysis & presentation sub-holding level  access to agricultural extension services Tab 4 : Access to agricultural extension by sex of sub-holder - SENEGAL

18 18 Crop preferences analysis and presentation sub-holding level Tab 3 Area cultivated / crop by sex of agricultural holder and sub-holder Burkina Faso, mid 1990s

19 19  area under maize Crop preferences Data presentation at sub-national level  area under maize

20 20  area under vouandzou Crop preferences Data presentation at sub-national level  area under vouandzou

21 21  area under gombo Crop preferences Data presentation at sub-national level  area under gombo

22 22 Gender publications 2000 WCA Forthcoming Gender profiles:  Livestock sub-sector, NIGER  Agricultural sub-sector, NIGER  Overall agricultural sector, CAPE VERDE

23 23 CORE CENSUS module  limited number of variables  exhaustive data collection TWELVE SUPPLEMENTARY MODULES 3. Gender related data 2010 WCA 01: Land 02: Irrigation and water management 03: Crops 04: Livestock 05: Agricultural practices 06: Agricultural services 07: Demogr.& social characteristics 08: Farm labour 09: Household food security 10: Aquaculture 11: Forestry 12: Management of the holding (sub-holdings / sex of sub-holder)

24 24 4. Gender module for 2010 WCA

25 25 4. Gender module for 2010 WCA  AGRI-GENDER DATABASE i. Agricultural population and households ii. Access to productive resources iii. Production and productivity iv. Destination of agricultural produce v. Labour and time-use vi. Income and expenditures vii. Membership of agricultural/farmer organisations viii. Food security ix. Poverty indicators

26 26 ii - Access to productive resources NIGER

27 27 ii - Access to productive resources

28 28 ii - Access to productive resources ANIMALS The GAMBIA

29 29 iii - Production and productivity MALI

30 30 iii - Production and productivity NIGER

31 31 v. Labour and time-use ETHIOPIA

32 32 v. Labour and time-use UGANDA

33 33 v. Labour and time-use ETHIOPIA

34 34 v. Labour and time-use TUNISIA

35 35 5. CONCLUSION – DISCUSSION ITEMS  Steps to enhance production of sex- disaggregated data  Steps to enhance utilisation of sex- disaggregated data

36 36 Thank you for your attention

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