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Welcome to Fifth Grade! Back to School Night Sept. 2, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Fifth Grade! Back to School Night Sept. 2, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Fifth Grade! Back to School Night Sept. 2, 2015

2 Meet Mr. John Zavatsky Graduated from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 1995 Graduated from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 1995 Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education Certified to teach Elementary & Middle School (K – 8) Certified to teach Elementary & Middle School (K – 8)

3 Meet Mr. John Zavatsky This is my 21 th year of teaching This is my 21 th year of teaching I have taught two years at Derry Area – Kindergarten & 4 th Grade I have taught two years at Derry Area – Kindergarten & 4 th Grade My next 18 years have been at Greater Latrobe – LES 13 years My next 18 years have been at Greater Latrobe – LES 13 years - 4 th Grade for 2 years - 4 th Grade for 2 years - 6 th Grade for 11 years - 6 th Grade for 11 years – MVES 6 years – MVES 6 years - 5 th Grade for 6 years - 5 th Grade for 6 years

4 Meet Mr. John Zavatsky Please feel comfortable to contact me at any time during the year with questions or concerns. Please feel comfortable to contact me at any time during the year with questions or concerns. Email: Email: Phone: (724) 834 - 7399 Phone: (724) 834 - 7399

5 What is it? What is it? A safe way for teachers to text message and stay in touch with parents A safe way for teachers to text message and stay in touch with parents

6 GLSD Websites MVES home page MVES home page Mr. Zavatsky’s page Mr. Zavatsky’s page Storytown, Go Math, & Science Fusion Storytown, Go Math, & Science Fusion


8 Rights and Responsibilities All students have the right to a safe and positive learning environment. All students have the right to a safe and positive learning environment. All students have the responsibility to adhere to school-wide rules. All students have the responsibility to adhere to school-wide rules. All students have the responsibility to adhere to grade level and classroom rules. All students have the responsibility to adhere to grade level and classroom rules.

9 “Give Me Five” 1. Eyes on me 2. Listen 3. Quiet 4. Hands Free 5. Be Still

10 5 th Grade Rules  Bring all your materials (pencils, tablets, assignment book, and books) to class.  Enter quietly, sit down, and get out your materials for the class.  Raise your hand and wait for permission before speaking or leaving your seat.  Keep hands, feet, objects, and unkind comments to yourself.  Follow directions the first time they are given.

11 Consequences  Warning –  Note home to parents  Loss of RECESS  Call home to parents  Report to Principal Notice the consequences are not numbered. They can be applied in any order.


13 Lockers  Students are assigned lockers by homeroom teachers.  Lockers will be used before Homeroom, before Lunch, after Recess, & before dismissal.  No decorations should be on the outside of your locker unless assigned by your teacher.  Attach Personal items to your locker on the inside using magnets.  NO locks on your locker.

14 Assignments and Homework A. Take responsibility for developing good work and study habits. B. Make sure you understand the assignment, the purpose of the assignment, when it is due, and how it is to be done. C. Ask for further explanations and initiate a request for help if the original directions are confusing or unclear.

15 Assignments and Homework D. Develop a personal system for recording and or remembering assignments. (homework notebooks are REQUIRED) E. Budget time to complete all assignments on time.

16 Assignments and Homework H. Exceptions will be made for students who are ill, and or, have family emergencies. At that time, a note from a parent/guardian will be required for the student to acquire full credit.

17 Take Home Folder “RED” Please check Daily for time sensitive information Please check Daily for time sensitive information “Bring Back” “Bring Back” “Keep at Home” “Keep at Home” Graded Assessments and all other papers will be sent home on “GOOD News” Wednesday Graded Assessments and all other papers will be sent home on “GOOD News” Wednesday

18 Grading Scale 92-100A 92-100A 91- 83B 91- 83B 82 - 72C 82 - 72C 71- 61D 71- 61D 60-belowF 60-belowF


20 ENCORE CLASSES Encore classes are simply a new term for the old itinerant or “fine arts” classes. Encore classes are simply a new term for the old itinerant or “fine arts” classes. P.E. P.E. Music Music Art Art Library Library

21 Core Classes These are the core academic classes. These are the core academic classes. Math Math Science Science Social Studies Social Studies Language Arts Language Arts

22 Language Arts STORYTOWN STORYTOWN Reading -read Main & Paired Selection Reading -read Main & Paired Selection -Vocabulary -Vocabulary -Focus Skill & Strategy -Focus Skill & Strategy -Fluency -Fluency -Decoding / Word Attack -Decoding / Word Attack

23 Language Arts STORYTOWN STORYTOWN Grammar -capitalization & punctuation Grammar -capitalization & punctuation -usage (example: pronoun) -usage (example: pronoun) -subject-verb agreement -subject-verb agreement -sentence completeness -sentence completeness

24 Language Arts STORYTOWN STORYTOWN Spelling -vowel patterns Spelling -vowel patterns -open & closed syllables -open & closed syllables -diagraphs & diphthongs -diagraphs & diphthongs -inflections -inflections -prefixes & suffixes -prefixes & suffixes -vccv, vcccv, c-le -vccv, vcccv, c-le -endings – en, el, & er -endings – en, el, & er -homophones -homophones -word parts -word parts -origin words -origin words

25 Language Arts STORYTOWN STORYTOWN& Four Square Method Writing -focus Writing -focus -content development -content development -organization -organization -style -style

26 Language Arts Extension The “Language Arts Extension” period will be held during FIFTH or NINTH period every day. This is NOT time to do your homework! The “Language Arts Extension” period will be held during FIFTH or NINTH period every day. This is NOT time to do your homework! Leveled Readers Leveled Readers Enrichment activities Enrichment activities Skill Remediation Skill Remediation GOAL GOAL Speech Speech

27 Social Studies Harcourt Brace Ancient Indians to American Revolutionary War *Civilization: Government, Religion, & Learning  Outlines  Lesson Reviews  Activity Sheets  Study Guides  Projects  Chapter Tests

28 Home – School Connection We need your help! Volunteer Opportunities Volunteer Opportunities a note was sent home regarding volunteers for parties and the field trip (the 5th grade field trip will take place during Spring 2016) a note was sent home regarding volunteers for parties and the field trip (the 5th grade field trip will take place during Spring 2016)

29 STEM with Mrs. Durigon STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering and Math One 10-hour module created by PLTW (Project Lead the Way) offered to Kindergarten, Third grade and Fifth grade. Kindergarten: Pushes and Pulls Third Grade: Forces and Interactions Fifth Grade: Robotics and Automation

30 STEM with Mrs. Durigon While working through the PLTW modules students collaborate with each other to create a solution to a real-world problem. Students must use their knowledge of science and math concepts, operate educational apps on iPads, and ultilize an engineering design process throughout their work within the module. Please visit Mrs. Durigon’s website to learn more about Project Lead The Way (PLTW) and STEM.

31 Reminders Morning Tutoring -”OPEN” invitation on Tuesdays and Thursdays - Begins Oct. 1 Morning Tutoring -”OPEN” invitation on Tuesdays and Thursdays - Begins Oct. 1 Field trip - will take place in May 2016 Field trip - will take place in May 2016 Conferences – Nov. 10, 2015 - I will send home information Conferences – Nov. 10, 2015 - I will send home information Wellness Walk will be in October 2, 2015 Wellness Walk will be in October 2, 2015 ALL MV donations come back to our school ALL MV donations come back to our school

32 Birthday Treats Send email to notify me Send email to notify me 26 pre-cut treats with napkins 26 pre-cut treats with napkins Allergies – Please be aware of nuts (tree nuts, peanuts and nut products Allergies – Please be aware of nuts (tree nuts, peanuts and nut products

33 Scavenger Hunt Read your child’s Goal Pennant– My goal for this year is…. Read your child’s Goal Pennant– My goal for this year is…. Use a computer to find my Lesson Plans for Social Studies & L. Arts – This is what you can do if your child is ABSENT – There is a Teacher & Student section – use STUDENT section. Ask for HELP if needed. Use a computer to find my Lesson Plans for Social Studies & L. Arts – This is what you can do if your child is ABSENT – There is a Teacher & Student section – use STUDENT section. Ask for HELP if needed. Use a computer to find Homework for Social Studies & L. Arts. Ask for HELP if needed. Use a computer to find Homework for Social Studies & L. Arts. Ask for HELP if needed. Find your child’s Apple in the classroom. Read about their favorite thing they did this summer. Find your child’s Apple in the classroom. Read about their favorite thing they did this summer. Read the Owl – Who Am I? To find and open your child’s locker and check for organization. Read the Owl – Who Am I? To find and open your child’s locker and check for organization.

34 Others Tasks Visit the Encore teachers Visit the Encore teachers Visit the Book Fair in the library Visit the Book Fair in the library Visit the PTO & the Spirit Wear Sale Visit the PTO & the Spirit Wear Sale

35 Thank You For Attending!

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