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Published byAlannah Gibson Modified over 9 years ago
INSPIRE directive implementation in Lithuania National Land Service under the Ministry of Agriculture of The Republic of Lithuania Cadastres & Geodesy Department Director Dr. Saulius Urbanas
INSPIRE lays down general rules to establish an infrastructure for spatial information in Europe for the purposes of Community environmental policies and policies or activities which may have an impact on the environment. INSPIRE to be based on the infrastructures for spatial information established and operated by the Member States. INSPIRE does not require collection of new spatial data INSPIRE does not affect existing Intellectual Property Rights Few facts regarding to the INSPIRE directive
INSPIRE components I. Metadata II. Interoperability of spatial data sets and services III. Network services (discovery, view, download, transform, invoke) IV. Data and Service sharing (policy) V. Coordination and measures for Monitoring & Reporting INSPIRE is a Framework Directive Detailed technical provisions for the issues above will be laid down in Implementing Rules (IR)
Legal provisions Transposition to the national legislation Deadline – 15 May 2009 Adoption of Implementing Rules Technical preparation Establishing National Spatial Data Infrastructure Platform, applications Launching metadata system Review of national SDI standards and SDI data management tools Development of: interoperable tools viewing and download services data e-dissemination (licensing, e-commerce) means monitoring INSPIRE implementation
Transposition plan, approved by Government at 10th Sept 2008 NLS is responsible for development of infrastructural means for metadata, datasets, network services, sharing services and access to the INSPIRE portal functionality Ministry of Environment is responsible for communication with EC (including reporting), monitoring of spatial data implementation and use
Implications on legislation INSPIRE article Legal actResponsibleDate 5,7,10,11,12, 13,14,17,18, 21 Governmental resolution Ministry of Env1 st Febr 2009 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17 Law on Geodesy and Cartography Ministry of Agr1 st Febr 2009 4, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17 Law on RegistersCommittee for development of Information Society 1 st Febr 2009
Working group for drafting the Law on Geodesy and cartography Ministry of Agriculture National Land Service Ministry of Environment Committee on developing of Information Society Ministry of Transport and Communication Ministry of Interior Affairs Association of Municipalities
Main changes to the Law on Geodesy and cartography Definition of Lithuanian Geographical Information Infrastructure (LGII) Introduction of Georeferential base Cadastre Requirements for interoperability between state spatial data (datasets) Requirements for access to state spatial (geographical) data
Funcional goal of Lithuanian Geographical Information Infrastructure (LGII): to develop an official Geographic Information source system and Information Environment (Infrastructure) allowing the incorporation of GI into almost any Public Sector Information (PSI) service Preparation for INSPIRE technical implementation – development of LGII
Feasibility study Core LGII development GI managers qualification improvement Integration of large scale (municipal) data into LGII 2003 2005 200720092011 Development of supplementing INSPIRE IS 2013 Projects, related to LGII and INSPIRE implementation
Preparing to INSPIRE: core LGII development project, 2005-2008
LGII technological framework: Common data model concepts Data specifications Interoperability (data exchange / conversion) mechanisms Metadata system Data dissemination / e-access to user LGII central node and connections with related nodes Fully operational system (hw/sw) User interfaces (web-applications) Harmonised reference data (products) Recommendations for changes toward to legislations The LGII project targets
Development of methodology LGII vision LGII business model LGII administration model (legal framework) NMDP – National Meta Data Profile (standard) Spatial data classification catalogue (FACC) – all Inspire themes Unified reference (base) data model (URDM) Including definition of Unique identifiers (UIDs) Implementation methodology of URDM Reference (base) data harmonization methodology, incl.: new data specifications (base reference national data) conversion rules (instructions) GI terminology dictionary
LGII nodes Users New data providers National Land Service and SE “GIS-Centras” Fire protection and Rescue Service Environment Protection Agency SE “Centre of Registers” Forestry Service Road Direction Geology Service Service for Protected Areas Vilnius municipality
LGII operational structure
LGII organisational framework Legal ground Financing Management Solutions LGII State Budget EU funds Data providers contribution Users fees LGII Coordinating Board LGII management group LGII data providers INSPIRE directive Law on Geodesy & Cartography Law on Registers Metadata portal Common reference data model Data interoperability means Data analysis User right management (licensing) A platform for VAR products
Relation between the INSPIRE themes and georeferencial base data / LGII partners data Annex I 1. Coordinate reference systems 2. Geographical grid systems 3. Geographical names 4. Administrative units 5. Addresses 6. Cadastral parcels 7. Transport networks 8. Hydrography 9. Protected sites Annex II 1. Elevation 2. Land cover 3. Ortho-imagery 4. Geology Annex III 1. Statistical units 2. Buildings 3. Soil 4. Land use 5. Human health and safety 6. Utility and governmental services 7. Environmental monitoring facilities 8. Production and industrial facilities 9. Agricultural and aquaculture facilities n Population distribution – demographyArea management/restriction /regulation zones & reporting units n Natural risk zones n Atmospheric conditions n Meteorological geographical features n Oceanographic geographical features n Sea regions n Bio-geographical regions n Habitats and biotopes n Species distribution n Energy Resources n Mineral resources
Relation between INSPIRE and LGII components INSPIRE implementing rules INSPIRE Committee INSPIRE data interoperability means INSPIRE portal INSPIRE metadata system INSPIRE network services LGII metodology LGII Coordinating Board LGII data interoperability means LGII portal LGII metadata system LGII platform for webservice applications
We feel being advanced technically implementing INSPIRE in Lithuania... However major obstacles to be solved in organisational, financial and legal aspects... For the end…
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