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Success and motivation. Discuss these questions with a partner. Think of a person you consider to be successful. What makes you think they are successful?

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Presentation on theme: "Success and motivation. Discuss these questions with a partner. Think of a person you consider to be successful. What makes you think they are successful?"— Presentation transcript:

1 success and motivation

2 Discuss these questions with a partner. Think of a person you consider to be successful. What makes you think they are successful? What, in your view, are the reasons for their success? What do you think are the obstacles to success?

3 Programming your mind for success Would you get up on the stage in front of nearly a thousand people? Write down a couple of reasons why or why not. What happens to the man who gets up on stage? She gives three reasons for someone not coming up on stage. What do you think they might be? fear – obstacles – motivation What were the people who did volunteer thinking? What is the point of this little experiment?

4 Programming your mind for success She gives three reasons for someone not coming up on stage. -fear of getting up in front of so many people, the unknown: you don’t what she will ask you to do -there are the obstacles of being at the back of the theatre, walking in the dark, tables and chairs in your way -you have no motivation, you can’t be bothered to do it, let someone else do it for you What were the people who did volunteer thinking? -curiosity, How exciting!, no one else will do it (sense of duty) What is the point of this little experiment? - it demonstrates the power of your mind

5 life experience Write a short paragraph (max 100-120 words) about a time in your life when you had to overcome fear, obstacles or a lack of motivation. (time limit: 14 min) What was the outcome? Were you successful or were the circumstances too much to overcome? Read the paragraph to your partner.

6 grit |grɪt| 1 small loose particles of stone or sand: she had a bit of grit in her eye. 2 courage and resolve; strength of character: I've known few men who could match Maude's grit.

7 grit |grɪt| PHRASES grit one's teeth clench one's teeth, especially when faced with something unpleasant: grit your teeth and splash yourself with cold water! resolve to do something difficult or unpleasant: Parliament must grit its teeth and take action.

8 The key to success? Grit (1.53) 1.What was the question she was asking in her research? 1.What were some of the situations in which she asked this question? 1.What is her definition of grit? 1.What did she learn at the Chicago public schools?. 1.Does talent make you gritty? Why or Why not? 1.What is growth mindset? 1.Why teach kids about the brain?

9 The key to success? Grit (1.53) 1.What was the question she was asking in her research? Who is successful here and why? 1.What were some of the situations in which she asked this question? West Point Military Academy, national spelling bee, rookie teachers in tough neighborhoods, private companies 1.What is her definition of grit? passion and perseverance, stamina, sticking with your future for your teacher, working hard, life is a marathon not a sprint 1.What did she learn at the Chicago public schools? Grittier kids did not drop out regardless of family income, achievement test scores, sense of safety, IQ. 2.What is most shocking about grit? We know very little about it. 1.Does talent make you gritty? Why or Why not? Grit is unrelated or inversely related to talent; talented individuals often do not follow through. 1.What is growth mindset? The belief that the ability to learn is not fixed; it can change with effort. 1.Why teach kids about the brain? They are more likely to persevere when they fail. Failure is not a permanent condition.

10 A Great Place to Work 1.loyaldetermineddedicatedbelieving 2.relativerelatedassociatedequivalent 3.knownpopularinfamousremarkable 4.inonforwith 5.answeredreactedrespondedreturned 1.opengivehavemake 2.effortsresultsresponsiblesuccess 3.tooveryhoweverso Numbers 9 and 10 are the same word. Fill in the blank. 11.appraiseclassifyratemerit 12.furnishingprovidingarrangingmaking

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