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WORKING YOUR WAY ITE Success depends on Working Smarter not Harder 10 THINGS EMPLOYERS LOOK FOR 1.Positive Attitude 2.Adaptability and Flexibility 3.Passion.

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Presentation on theme: "WORKING YOUR WAY ITE Success depends on Working Smarter not Harder 10 THINGS EMPLOYERS LOOK FOR 1.Positive Attitude 2.Adaptability and Flexibility 3.Passion."— Presentation transcript:

1 WORKING YOUR WAY ITE Success depends on Working Smarter not Harder 10 THINGS EMPLOYERS LOOK FOR 1.Positive Attitude 2.Adaptability and Flexibility 3.Passion and Enthusiasm 4.Communication Skills 5.Excellent Work Ethic 6.Ability of Accepting Responsibility 7.Displaying Creativity 8.Trusteeship, Reliable and Honesty 9.Qualities of a Team Player 10.Efficiency, Effectiveness, Productivity 10 THINGS EMPLOYEES CAN OFFER 1.Professional Outlook, Display Discipline 2.Lateral and Cognitive Thinking 3.Success Stories, Achievements 4.Good Negotiator, Translator 5.Quality Control, Assurance 6.Walking the Talk, Going the Extra Mile 7.Self-Initiator, Beyond Expectations 8.Commitments, Integrity 9.Mentorship, Leadership, 10.Hands on Best Practices 10 THINGS TO CONNECT THE DISCONNECTED 1.STOP thinking about others become your OWN BRAND 2.Display your levels of CONFIDENCE in INTERVIEW / JOB situations 3.Exercise DISCIPLINE under time constrains and pressure 4.Mental SYSTEMS pick logically and consider options carefully 5.THINK, THINK AGAIN across multiple sessions 6.Distinguish yourself BUILD CONTACTS from within 7.Speak the LANGUAGE of the informed and deserved 8.MASTER MIND Plan of Action 9.What means becoming a SELF TOKEN of Excellence 10.TECHNIQUES, Strategies, Case Studies, Methods, Formulas

2 WORKING YOUR WAY ITE Success depends on Working Smarter not Harder 1.Focus on dedication to the industry you are expected to work in 2.Understand holistic views of your technical and professional knowledge 3.Think yourself about that what makes team work valuable and functioning 4.Demonstrate analysis skills and how you solve problems and make decisions 5.Show your adaptability qualities, maintaining effectiveness in various environments, tasks, and circumstances with people who make a difference 6.Work standards for yourself to succeed, the actions you take and the levels of success you place for your own performance measure 7.Remember, a happy person has a happy satisfying job, supervisor, manager, executive always watch dogging your achievements but ever willing to disqualify an error or failure you may make 8.Taking initiatives to achieve your goals by going the extra mile beyond what is expected and is best for the business 9.Achievements have a lot to do with self drive and wanting to learn as you go along by being observant for change 10.Outline your planning and organizing styles, structured in dialogue with vertical and horizontal communication, expressions 1.Getting a JOB is like anything else, it requires dedication, time and personal engagement 2.The landscape is massive, search your way along, advertisements, journals, websites, referrals, job fairs, networking never ends 3.Make the effort to understand the Canadian rules of the GAME, CANADA does not owe you anything, create your own opportunity 4.There are several ways of killing / skinning the cat, choose what is best for you, especially in times of recession 5.Build on your self esteem, forget the negative, focus on yourself, be well poised, believe in yourself, and think of your success

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