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Special assignment, OFES, USA 1 ITER, Cadarache, January 26, 2007 Clement Wong, General Atomics, USA Valery Chuyanov, Chang Shuk Kim, at this time the.

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Presentation on theme: "Special assignment, OFES, USA 1 ITER, Cadarache, January 26, 2007 Clement Wong, General Atomics, USA Valery Chuyanov, Chang Shuk Kim, at this time the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Special assignment, OFES, USA 1 ITER, Cadarache, January 26, 2007 Clement Wong, General Atomics, USA Valery Chuyanov, Chang Shuk Kim, at this time the only TBM engineer Alessandro Tesini, the remote handling manager Markus Iseli, Kimihiro Ioki, replaced by Michael Pick Manfred Glugla, Jerry Sovka, ITER Otto Bede, KFKI-RMKI, Hungary, generated the AEU drawings most likely has left Cadarache ITER, Cadarache, January 26, 2007 Clement Wong, General Atomics, USA Valery Chuyanov, Chang Shuk Kim, at this time the only TBM engineer Alessandro Tesini, the remote handling manager Markus Iseli, Kimihiro Ioki, replaced by Michael Pick Manfred Glugla, Jerry Sovka, ITER Otto Bede, KFKI-RMKI, Hungary, generated the AEU drawings most likely has left Cadarache TBM Facility Requirements in ITER and Estimated Cost ‘A very preliminary assessment’ September 07 IO action items background, by C. Wong

2 footer text, location, date 2 Three Interface Areas +tritium area a total of 4 areas Ancillary Equipment 1. Port Cell Area 2. Hot Cell Area 3. TCWS Area EU HCPB helium system TBM Port Plug Cooling lines

3 footer text, location, date 3 1. Port Cell Area: replacement of TBM TBM Removal: Step 1: Disconnect port plug and ancillary equipment, move AEU away Step 2: Bring in transfer cask and extract port plug and move it to hot cell Step 3: Move and insert port plug into the hot cell “red zone” TBM Return: Step 4: Test of TBM and ancillary equipment at the hot cell area Step 5: Disconnect utilities and put port plug on the transfer cask and move it to the port cell Step 6: Insert TBM, take transfer cask away and reconnect TBM with the ancillary equipment AEU & transportTBM transfer cask Cutting and re-welding of PbLi pipes on the AE will be done in a tent Hot cell area Mainly for the purpose of cost estimate, transfer cask to be supplied by IO

4 footer text, location, date 4 2. Hot Cell Area Utilities: e.g. AC/DC, water, high pressure helium, diagnostics…etc., for the testing of TBM and ancillary equipment Needs additional Hot cell “red zone” windows and services RH equipment Hot cell area for ancillary equipment maintenance Utilities for TBM and ancillary equipment tests To be parked and Maintained here AEU

5 footer text, location, date 5 TBM Exchange Since then at the TBWG-18 meeting, remote handling area presented the transport cask carrrying the tubes area and AEU EU group coordinated presentation with in-situ remote cutting and re-weld of tubes US presented a mostly hands-on port plug removal approach These are not only approaches and should be analyzed by parties

6 footer text, location, date 6

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10 10 US suggestion: Moving the bioshield inward and re-locate the interface 2 to next to the AEU between 11 and 9

11 footer text, location, date 11 Next Action items from CS Kim

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