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© 2013 The QoE Limited © 2014 The QoE Limited I Q O E O PENING SESSION W HAT IS DIGITAL ? 8 August 2014.

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1 © 2013 The QoE Limited © 2014 The QoE Limited I Q O E O PENING SESSION W HAT IS DIGITAL ? 8 August 2014

2 © 2013 The QoE Limited © 2014 The QoE Limited B ACKGROUND The speed of the change in the digital world continues to amaze. The agility, power and speed of this real world phenomenon challenges the purpose, financial structure, route to market, service delivery and, most importantly, the decision making and management of even the strongest companies. As a result the fundamental elements of customer experience are accentuated by increased expectation of a fast, joined up and personal experience.

3 © 2013 The QoE Limited © 2014 The QoE Limited W HAT IS DIGITAL ? Social media Advanced data transfer technology A mind-set Connectivity Sharing platform Searchable information portal for everyone Clever devices Communities A social revolution

4 © 2013 The QoE Limited © 2014 The QoE Limited A MBITIONS FOR DIGITAL Improving business agility Changing existing bolt on mind-set Introducing digital into an analogue environment Encouraging and empowering peer to peer support Identifying and capturing forward thinking indicators Proper use of SM Establishing and popularising the benefits of the cloud Addressing legacy issues and the approach to financing implementation Re-defining organisations’ purpose and business model Providing one view of product and service, a single version of the truth Reflecting the move from career to rounded life people proposition

5 © 2013 The QoE Limited © 2014 The QoE Limited C HALLENGES Mind-set Identifying the needs of the business and customer Adjusting to transparency Allowing for and assessing connectivity and competency variations Partner and vendor strategies Lack of skills and aptitude within traditional organisations Maintaining authenticity on SM channels Developing a consistent persona The cross function nature of both development and implementation

6 © 2013 The QoE Limited © 2014 The QoE Limited P OSITIVE DEVELOPMENTS Big data analytics can identify and power new and commercially attractive services On demand and scalable resource is becoming more attainable and reliable Gamification is providing the link between functionality and intuitive behaviour Agile philosophy is becoming more accepted and implemented Early adopters are providing evidence of success Digital is the logical extension for a customer and experience focused organisation

7 © 2013 The QoE Limited © 2014 The QoE Limited I N CONCLUSION The world of digital experience is complex but the rewards are potentially transformational for organisations’ Purpose Brand values Customer and employee engagement Business model Commercial success Future Probably the biggest obstacle is the mind-set of its people and we need to explore digital through a number of lenses to develop the complete picture...

8 © 2013 The QoE Limited © 2014 The QoE Limited Organisational mind-set Implications on relevant retail environment Data – analytics – big data Knowledge – search and availability, push and pull dynamics Behaviours – individual and communities Tech limitation – real world and future Consumer impact – expectations Implications for purpose and business model Impact on customer and employee life Single view of the customer, products and services Beyond customer loyalty into engagement, community and monetisation strategy I Q O E L ENSES

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