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1 Mission Details AA241x - Design, Construction, and Testing of Autonomous Aircraft Lecture 3 April 8, 2013 Juan J. Alonso Roberto Bunge Wade Spurlock.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Mission Details AA241x - Design, Construction, and Testing of Autonomous Aircraft Lecture 3 April 8, 2013 Juan J. Alonso Roberto Bunge Wade Spurlock."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Mission Details AA241x - Design, Construction, and Testing of Autonomous Aircraft Lecture 3 April 8, 2013 Juan J. Alonso Roberto Bunge Wade Spurlock Department of Aero & Astro Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305, U.S.A.

2 Personnel Instructor: –Prof. Juan J. Alonso, Durand 252, x3-9954, Course Assistants (CAs): –Robbie Bunge (lead CA), Durand 464 / 353 / 055, –Wade Spurlock, Durand 353 / 055, 2

3 Communications General announcements: – Course website for lecture notes, rosters, useful links,, etc: – All Q&A through Piazza site Each team must have its own website by the Due Date of PS1 3

4 Team Websites You will be required to have a team website that contains: –Team members, contact information, responsibilities –All technical details of your design, controls, mission planning (it is up to you how you want to organize it…but it must be kept current: we will check it regularly to gauge progress) –Presentations / data –Pictures, videos, etc. documenting work 4

5 5 Teams Game of Drones Pegasus Planet Express Infinity Eye Chimera 5

6 Mission – Search & Rescue This year’s mission is inspired by search & rescue missions As every year, this is a competition: one winner. Which team will it be? There is a prize for the top 2 teams… “Find” and “locate” three targets (stranded people) in Lake Lagunita Two components for “mission score”: –Time to first “sight” all 3 targets: t sight in seconds –Reported location of each target: (distances in meters) Total score, J, with  = 300 m,  sec,  = 3 m: 6 i

7 Lake Lagunita – Aerial View 7 Allowable area ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ Target Camera Field of View (FOV) = f(h) Target position estimate, R = g(h) Estimated location

8 Important Parameters Total score, J, with  = 300 m,  sec,  = 3 m: FOV: –Diameter = 100 m @ 400 ft altitude (max altitude permitted) –Diameter = 50 m @ 100 ft altitude (min altitude permitted) –Linear variation in between Target position estimate (TPE), R: –Diameter = 25 m @ 400 ft altitude –Diameter = 10 m @ 100 ft altitude Battery life is not unlimited! Target 600 mAh, 2 cell LiPo, but can vary! 8

9 “Camera” API snapshot mySnapShot = takeASnapShot(); will return: –bool targetInPic[3] with True/False for each of the targets 0, 1, and 2 –float targetLat[3], targetLong[3], targetRadius[3] containing (for targetInPic[i] == True) the latitude and longitude of the center of the TPE, and its radius TPE has its center at the location of the actual target + noise Noise in center of TPE is drawn from a uniform distribution (in lat and long) between –R/2 and R/2 Remember, R(h) 9

10 Tentative Syllabus April 1: Introduction, team make-up discussion April 3: Teams finalized, Performance Estimation, hardware handed out April 8: Introduction to ArduPilot Mega 2.5 April 10: Electric propulsion, propeller performance, motor/propeller matching. April 15: Performance estimation, PS1 Due April 17: Airfoil and Wing analysis / design April 22: Intro to S&C, aircraft stability & control April 24: S&C, basic PID control ideas, other April 29: Vortex Lattice program/s intro & capabilities May 1: Lab time, PS2 Due 10

11 Tentative Syllabus (II) May 6: Mission planning May 8: Mission planning continued (if needed) May 13: Lab time May 15: Lab time May 20: Lab time, PS3 Due May 22: Final flight discussions May 27: Lab time May 29: Lab time Jun 3 & 5: FLIGHT TRIALS!!!! Jun 10: Possible flight trials. June 12: Final reports due Jun 13: Grades due 11

12 Some Final Thoughts Flight test procedures –See “Do & Do Nots” on course webpage –Please be careful, exercise judgment, and minimize risks! Damaged, broken, missing equipment: –Your team is responsible for the equipment you are issued –Your team is responsible for replacing the equipment that has been damaged –We may have spare parts that you can borrow immediately, but your team is responsible for ordering and re-stocking the damage parts –We want you to think about what you are doing, before you are doing it. 12

13 Some Help… Sign up for Stanford AA’s very own UAV club for help with flying R/C and others goodies Mailing list can be found at: uav- students@lists.stanford.eduuav- 13

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