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DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 Awareness Raising and Advocacy Programme Bill Hubbard DRIVER Review, Athens, February 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 Awareness Raising and Advocacy Programme Bill Hubbard DRIVER Review, Athens, February 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 Awareness Raising and Advocacy Programme Bill Hubbard DRIVER Review, Athens, February 2008

2 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 DRIVER Testbed objectives « The first step towards a pan-European infrastructure for digital repositories » 1.Network of 50+ repositories 2.DR Infrastructure testbed for data harmonization and service orchestration 3.Studies 4.Advocacy and awareness services

3 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 Advocacy - Starting position Different countries have proved that working repositories can be built and that repository networks can be put together The challenge is to encourage every country to participate and to move beyond local networks to a European Vision Experience has shown that effective advocacy, support and promotion is essential in achieving take-up of repository systems

4 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 Advocacy action lines DRIVER advocating... Functioning national networks of repositories Engagement of stakeholders Permissive legal environment Technical capabilities & systems Community building and development

5 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 Deliverables - WP 8 D8.1: Programme to address Repository Developers across the EU D8.2: Programme to address Institutional Managers in targeted regions or countries D8.3: Programme to address key research funders (or consortia of funders) in Europe D8.4: Other appropriate briefing/advocacy material D8.5: Programme to address selected academic subject-communities D8.6: Briefing papers for selected relevant agencies produced and circulated. D8.7: E-RAP available on the web D8.8: Active information exchange facilitated through section based on wiki structure and discussion lists D8.9 Exit strategy developed for the continuation of the E-RAP in the longer term

6 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 Action lines and deliverables Functioning national networks of repositories –D8.1 - D8.2 - D8.4 Engagement of stakeholders –D8.2 - D8.4 - D8.5 Permissive legal environment –D8.3 - D8.4 - D8.6 Technical capabilities & systems –D8.6 - D8.7 Community building and development –D8.7 - D8.8 - D8.9

7 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 How DRIVER advocacy is helping Promotion of Open Access and repositories Information on repository establishment Information on forming national networks Bringing together key contacts Focus for repository development in a country Advice for advocates, developers, agents of change Functioning national networks of repositories

8 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 DRIVER Support website

9 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 Overview Information on Open Access

10 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 Building repositories

11 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 mentor DRIVER Mentor service

12 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 Engagement of Stakeholders How DRIVER advocacy is helping Information sheets for different stakeholders Website addresses different stakeholder needs Speaking and presence at stakeholder conferences Advice on advocacy and materials for local agents to use with local stakeholders

13 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 Posters and leaflets for DRIVER outreach

14 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 Researchers Information for Academics

15 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 Legal Environment How DRIVER advocacy is helping Promoting information and services –permission to archive and direction to archive Promoting policy development with national and international funders –funding mandates are key Advising on development of services for authors within repositories –user-centred efficient ingest services are essential

16 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 Copyright Legal issues - copyright

17 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 Funders Legal issues - policies

18 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 RoMEO JULIET External service information

19 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 Technical capabilities For both Data Providers and Service Providers DRIVER is developing: enhanced technical infrastructure capabilities standardisation of guidelines test-bed exemplars of services DRIVER is promoting these developments to users

20 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 Guidelines DRIVER Guidelines

21 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 Community Building How DRIVER advocacy is helping: Providing focus for national development through establishing contact networks Supporting development of national organisations through advice and case-studies DRIVER is developing a pan-European organisational framework for administrative, technical and advocacy development

22 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 wiki-EU DRIVER Wiki

23 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 wiki-Spain Wiki example

24 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 Advocacy impact 31 conferences 7 workshops 4,500 fliers distributed plus local off-prints Support website has c.9,500 page requests per month and rising 5 countries mentioning DRIVER assistance –Belgium - Spain - Ireland - Austria - Hungary

25 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 Growth of web-use Monthly page requests in second period

26 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 Scope of dissemination success Recognised by the EC as key component of their eInfrastructure Strategy Explicit mentioning of DRIVER in the EUA Open Access recommendations Grants of national funders refer to DRIVER Wide awareness and reference in OA community Approaches from Latin America, China, India, South Africa

27 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 For more information Bill Hubbard SHERPA Manager

28 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008

29 Additional information Wiki Workshops Conferences Tasks Continuing advocacy

30 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 wiki

31 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 wiki-Austria

32 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 Workshops within international events Ghent 11/2006 (first period) Utrecht 15-16/1/2007 (first period) Brussels 19/1/2007 (first period) Geneva 18-20/4/2007 Ghent 10/5/2007 Vienna 13/6/2007 Berlin 27/28/11/2007

33 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 DRIVER presented at 31 conferences (1) Krakow 8/6/2006 (EASE Workshop "Two Roads to Open Access) Copenhagen 29/8/2006 Alicante 22/9/2006 (DORSDL) Goettingen 27/9/2006 (Annual DINI conference) Glasgow 18-20/10/2006 (Open Scholarship) Goettingen 7/11/2006 (Links4Science Workshop) Helsinki 20-22/11/2006 (IST conference) Bonn 23/11/2006 Braga 27-28/11/2006 (2nd Portuguese OA Conference) Berlin 6/12/2006 (DINI workshop)

34 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 DRIVER presented at 31 conferences (2) Brussels 6/2/2007 (FP7 Info day) Brussels 15-16/2/2007 (Scientific Publishing in the European Research Area) Dublin 20/2/2007 (IUA meeting on Institutional Repository network in Ireland) Lisbon 3/2007 (EEUA) Geneva (CERN) 4/2007 OAI5 Santiago 5/2007 FESABID The Hague 5/2007 Berlin 6/2007 Stockholm 6/2007 IATUL Uppsala 6/2007 ETD

35 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 DRIVER presented at 31 conferences (3) Grenoble 6/2007 (EUNIS) Berlin 7/2007 (DINI) Singapore 8/2007 (DC Conference) Lisbon 9/2007 Padua 9/2007 Budapest 9/2007 (ECDL)University of New Hampshire 10/2007 (NSF) Madrid 10/2007 (VII Workshop REBIUN) Granada 11/2007 (ERIH Meeting) Helsinki 11/2007 (Finnish OA conference) Berlin 11/2007 (DCC/DPE/DRIVER/Nestor joint workshop)

36 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 Tasks - Work Package 8 Task 8. 1: Awareness raising for repository developers Task 8.2: Awareness raising for institutional managers Task 8.3: Awareness raising for research funders Task 8.4: Awareness raising for selected subject communities Task 8.5: Policy development programme Task 8.6: European Repository Awareness Point

37 DRIVER Review, Athens 15 February 2008 Continuing DRIVER Advocacy Institutions to set up repositories and form local networks for support Local advocacy to engage stakeholders Encourage supportive mandates and policies Adopt DRIVER technical development guidance Contact DRIVER to take part in pan-European organisation

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