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TEAM AR.DRONE Final presentation 31-8-2012 1. Ingredients 31-8-2012 2 AR drone Drone moving API -Compass -front Camera -bottom Camera.

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Presentation on theme: "TEAM AR.DRONE Final presentation 31-8-2012 1. Ingredients 31-8-2012 2 AR drone Drone moving API -Compass -front Camera -bottom Camera."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEAM AR.DRONE Final presentation 31-8-2012 1

2 Ingredients 31-8-2012 2 AR drone Drone moving API -Compass -front Camera -bottom Camera

3 Our Idea 31-8-2012 3  Autonomous Drone Delivery System (ADDS)  Autonomously navigating drone inside buildings  Avoidance of obstacles

4 Concept 31-8-2012 4  3 Components:  Position Detection 2D grid camera based  Navigation shortest path to destination  Flight Control execute calculated path

5 Challenges and Approaches 31-8-2012 5  Challenging Hardware  No distance measurement utilities usage of abstract grid coordinates  Drone drifts fault tolerant navigation  Drone can not mount additional hardware usage of built-in hardware only  built-in compass is not reliable 4 Directions only

6 Architecture 31-8-2012 6 Image of code Position of drone drone commands next movement Grid of QR-Codes Path finding Destination

7 Results 31-8-2012 7

8 Future work 31-8-2012 8  In-house delivery service  Guiding service  Observing service  Outdoor deployment (GPS?)  Different localization/positioning approaches for indoors  3D Navigation

9 Questions?  Any questions left? 31-8-2012 9

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