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Middle East Government and Economy Trivia. Round One Government.

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Presentation on theme: "Middle East Government and Economy Trivia. Round One Government."— Presentation transcript:

1 Middle East Government and Economy Trivia

2 Round One Government

3 Round 1 Question 1 Name the form of government that is based on religion.

4 Round 1- Answer 1 Theocracy

5 Name a country in the Middle East which power is held in the hands of a monarch and only the monarch. Round 1- Question 2

6 Saudi Arabia Round 1 Answer 2

7 What type of government has elected officials voting on legislation on behalf of the people. Round 1 Question 3

8 Republic or Representative Democracy Round 1 Answer 3

9 Which type of government has a monarch who is limited by a constitution, and an elected group of officials? Round 1 Question 4

10 Constitutional Monarchy Round 1 Answer 4

11 A political system in which legislature selects the government such as a prime minister along with cabinet ministers Round 1 Question 5

12 Parliamentary Democracy Round 1 Answer 5

13 Round 2 Economics

14 Round 2 Question 1 France does not import American cosmetic products. What type of trade barrier is this?

15 Round 2 Answer 1 standards

16 Round 2 Question 2 What are economic activities based on in a traditional economy

17 Round 2 Answer 2 Habits, ritual, or cultural custom

18 Round 2 Question 3 The climate of the ME has led to the scarcity of what?

19 Round 2 Answer 3 Crops/farming

20 Round 2 Question 4 What is the goal of OPEC?

21 Round 2 Answer 4 To control production rates of oil (which in turn controls price)

22 Round 2 Question 5 What type of economy does Turkey have?

23 Round 2 Answer 5 Command (slowly moving towards mixed)

24 Round 3 Government

25 Name a country in the Middle East with a Parliamentary Democracy Round 3 Question 1

26 Israel Round 3 Answer 1

27 What is the name of Israel’s legislative branch? Round 3 Question 2

28 Round 3 Answer 2 Knesset

29 In an Oligarchic government how many people are involved in making the decisions? Round 3 Question 3

30 A small group of people Round 3 Answer 3

31 This type of government is held by one central authority Round 3 Question 4

32 Autocracy Round 3 Answer 4

33 Describe two examples of how women’s rights are limited in Saudi Arabia Round 3 Question 5

34 Can’t vote, can’t drive cars, must dress modestly/cover up, must have a male guardian, genders are separated at events Round 3 Answer 5

35 Round 4 Economy

36 Round 4 Question 1 Give one example of how Saudi Arabia is trying to make their economy more mixed.

37 Round 4 Answer 1 Offering incentives to people to start their own businesses by giving loans or giving discounts on utilities (electricity, etc)

38 Round 4 Question 2 Israel has a high GDP. What does it spend a large portion of its money on?

39 Round 4 Answer 2 Its military

40 Round 4 Question 3 What term best describes the economy of Israel?

41 Round 4 Answer 3 Mixed

42 Round 4 Question 4 Why can it be dangerous to specialize too much in one thing?

43 Round 4 Answer 4 If that industry/resource/service runs out/becomes less popular your economy will suffer

44 Round 5 Question 5 Reliance on trade with other countries to fulfill a country’s economic need is called…

45 Round 5 Answer 5 interdependence

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