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Dr Ambika Prasad Dash Consultant – Laparoscopic and General Surgeon Apollo Hospitals, Bhubaneswar.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr Ambika Prasad Dash Consultant – Laparoscopic and General Surgeon Apollo Hospitals, Bhubaneswar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr Ambika Prasad Dash Consultant – Laparoscopic and General Surgeon Apollo Hospitals, Bhubaneswar

2 Laxman Pradhan 48 years, Male, from Janla, Khurda Sustained Blunt Trauma Abdomen due to RTA when car collided with a parked truck from back on 16 th 03 2013 at 2 AM. He Reported to our Hospital – Emergency at around 12 PM – Admitted to MICU at 1:00 PM At arrival: Patient was restless with profuse sweating, heart rate:134/m, RR: 44/m Abdominal Distension - + Mild to moderate diffuse abdominal pain CBG > 500mg/dl Sustained a bout of hypotension, responded to fluid resuscitation History of DM - since long

3 Lab Investigations and Imaging FAST Minimal Pleural Collection Peritoneal Collection CECT Pneumoperitonium Peritoneal Collection Lab Parameters: TLC – 2.1 x 10 3 µL pH – 7.24 Lactate – 6.2 mmol/l Glucose – 571 mg/dl SGOT – 124 U/dl SGPT – 130 U/dl Sr Amylase – 601 U/l

4 Emergency Exploratory Laparotomy Findings 2-3 liters of peritonial collection with food particles Ileal disruption at about 1 ft from I-C junction Mesenteric tear with focal hemorrhagic collections

5 Post Operative Period Extubation not possible Patient sent to ICU with ET tube Patient required pressure support to maintain BP Glycemia control achieved by insulin infusion

6 POD - 1 Patient quite irritable Heart rate – 144 /m, BP: 124/66 mm Hg with vasopressors TLC count: 2000/µl At around 9PM patient had bradycardia and reccurrent VT(Heart Rate 260/m, Pulseless) CPR done, VT controlled, BP Low Gasping.

7 1 AM: Patient had AF Cardioversion done with 300 J Planned for urgent dialysis for presistent Lactacidosis and dialysis done at 1:40 AM Patient got VT again at 9:30 AM (18-03-13), DC Cardioversion (200 J) given. Gasping, BP:80/60 with high dose pressor agents, Temp: 107 0 F Poor prognosis explained to patient attendants. 1:40 PM: Patient had cardiac arrest, CPR done Declared dead at 2 PM.

8 Conclusion Patient died of Cardiac Arrest due to repeated VT Attributable causes may be: Late presentation to Hospital Uncontrolled diabetes for which patient was taking irregular treatment. Severe Sepsis and Lactacidosis which could not be reverted back with adequate interventions.

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