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CONFIDENTIAL Enabling Energy Finance: Green for Growth Fund, Southeast Europe Energy Efficiency (EE) and Renewable Energy (RE) Agenda Panel 4, Istanbul,

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Presentation on theme: "CONFIDENTIAL Enabling Energy Finance: Green for Growth Fund, Southeast Europe Energy Efficiency (EE) and Renewable Energy (RE) Agenda Panel 4, Istanbul,"— Presentation transcript:

1 CONFIDENTIAL Enabling Energy Finance: Green for Growth Fund, Southeast Europe Energy Efficiency (EE) and Renewable Energy (RE) Agenda Panel 4, Istanbul, 23 rd November 2012 Mr. Peter Coveliers - Chairman of the Green for Growth Fund (GGF) Investment Committee

2 CONFIDENTIAL Initiating Shareholders Shareholders Donors and Shareholders 2 TA Facility Donors Committed Fund Volume: ̴ EUR 191 mil Prospective Fund Volume over the next five years: EUR 420 mil Domicile: Luxembourg SICAV-SIF First closing: December 17 2009

3 CONFIDENTIAL Governance Structure 3

4 CONFIDENTIAL GGF Target Region Finance in Motion office 4

5 CONFIDENTIAL Objectives and Instruments 5 Objectives  Minimum 20% reduction in energy consumption  Minimum 20% reduction in CO 2 emissions  Promotion of renewable energy Partners  Financial Institutions  Non-Financial Institutions (project finance) Instruments  Medium to long-term senior loans  Subordinated loans  Letters of credit  Guarantees  Mezzanine debt instruments  Local debt securities  Equity  Technical Assistance support

6 CONFIDENTIAL GGF’s three year investment, in building its capacities and reputation in the region, is paying off in the form of portfolio growth and successful TA projects Fund Performance 6 EUR million in Outstanding Portfolio Number of TA projects * Projected Values

7 CONFIDENTIAL As a public-private partnership (PPP), GGF can leverage donor funds, in the form of first-loss junior C shares, and IFI funds, in the form of mezzanine B shares, to enable flow of private capital, into senior A shares and notes. Capital Structure - Overview 7

8 CONFIDENTIAL Guiding Principles of a new PPP structure How can a Public-Private Partnership Help?  Donor support a limited and valuable resource  Complimentarily – address underserved market segments  Additionality – work hand in hand with existing programs  “Crowd-in” private investors for demonstration effects  Address the larger ecosystem with a multi-level approach  Non-distortion – work with already functioning markets  Double bottom line

9 CONFIDENTIAL PPP in Practice Banks Private Investors EquitySenior DebtMezzanine PROJECT SPV Enabling and Enhancing Private Investment

10 CONFIDENTIAL Technical Assistance 10

11 CONFIDENTIAL Guiding principles and mission of the TAF  Support the Fund‘s mission and strategic direction  Produce synergy effects with investments  Ensure independence  Adhere to principles of transparency GGF Technical Assistance Facility (TAF) 11 The TAF is meant to foster the development activity of the GGF and – inter alia – to assist partner institutions (PIs) in their development in the area of EE and RE toward the achievement of the Fund‘s mission. The TAF is meant to foster the development activity of the GGF and – inter alia – to assist partner institutions (PIs) in their development in the area of EE and RE toward the achievement of the Fund‘s mission. TA Facility Donors

12 CONFIDENTIAL 56 TA projects under management Volume of projects under management: EUR 3.5 mil Working with 30 Partner Institutions (or potential PIs): 26 FIs + 4 NFIs Utilizing 19 different service providers and consulting companies Committed TAF Fund Volume EUR 7.5 mil Key Figures 12 TA measures approved in 2012 in SEE and ENR by % of projects TA measures realized in 2011 in SEE by % of projects

13 CONFIDENTIAL The Role of Technical Assistance Banks Private Investors EquitySenior DebtMezzanine PROJECT SPV Supporting the Fund‘s Mission Technical Assistance

14 CONFIDENTIAL Thank you for your attention!

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