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Financing from the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank.

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Presentation on theme: "Financing from the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank."— Presentation transcript:

1 Financing from the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank

2 2 BSTDB - Brief History January, 1998 - BSTDB founded with SDR 1 billion (approximately $ 1.4 billion) of subscribed capital June, 1999 - BSTDB Inaugural Ceremony and beginning of operations

3 3 BSEC Members - Shareholders of BSTDB Romania 13, 5% Ukraine 13,5% Russia 16,5% Moldova 2% Turkey 16,5% Bulgaria 13,5% Albania 2% Greece 16,5% Armenia 2% Azerbaijan 2% Georgia 2% This map is for illustrative purposes only.

4 4 Objectives of BSTDB To contribute to the transition process of the Member States towards the economic prosperity of the people of the Region. To finance regional projects of the public and private sectors in the Member States, and support trade activities in the BSEC region.

5 5 BSTDB Products Project finance Corporate finance Equity Guarantee Program Trade finance

6 6 Project Finance Green field projects Capacity expansion programs Capital Expenditure and modernization programs Working capital needs Post-privatization investments

7 7 Trade Finance Guarantee Program Pre-Export Finance Program Single Buyer Credit Program Multiple Buyer Credit Program Single/ Multiple Supplier Refinancing Program

8 8 Loans BSTDB loan: –Min USD 5 million –Max USD 22 million –Up to 35% of the total project costs for green-field projects –3-7 years maturity, depending on the type and structure of project –Competitive pricing and grace period

9 9 Frequently Asked Questions

10 10 Why BSTDB? Stringent but quick approval process Ability to process “small” projects Team blending international and local expertise No political or macroeconomic conditionality attached to the financing Unique provider of trade finance

11 11 How to apply? Send a proposal (business plan) to the contact person at the end of this presentation The proposal should be in English and as detailed as possible in order to speed up BSTDB decision A pro-forma list of initial information requirements is available for interested parties

12 12 What is BSTDB’s Project Cycle? Disbursement Signing Board Approval Credit Committee Approval Concept Clearance Eligibility Review

13 13 How long does it take from “first call” to “signing”? Disbursement Signing Board Approval Credit Committee Approval Concept Clearance 1-2 months Eligibility Review 2-4 weeks 3-4 months

14 14 What security does BSTDB require? Depending on the Project, the following may be required: Mortgage / pledge of fixed assets Standard pledge of shares, bank accounts, etc. Off shore security Guarantee from Sponsors Sovereign guarantee is not required

15 15 What is the maturity structure of BSTDB loans? Preferably 3-7 years Possible 10 years In exceptional cases more than 10 years

16 16 What has BSTDB achieved so far? (Signed Operations) TOTAL $ 492,119,315 Project Finance 34 Projects $ 410,424,315  Trade Finance 11 Projects $ 67,107,000  Equity2 Operations $ 5,750,000  Guarantee2 Operations $ 8,838,000

17 17 Is BSTDB interested in co- financing? Yes. Very much so. Co-financing with International Fianancial Institutions or commercial banks Parallel Financing Syndications

18 18 BSTDB Operations in Romania Total Financing in Romania: $ 70,059,553 1) PROJECT FINANCE -Rompetrol $ 18,000,000 -Petrom $ 10,000,000 2) SME Financing -Banc Post $10,000,000 -Banca Romaneasca- -KfW Guarantee $6,053,500 - UniCredit SME Leasing $7,000,000 3)Equity - Trans-Balkan SME Equity Fund $4,000,000

19 19 BSTDB Operations in Romania 4) TRADE FINANCE 15,006,053 -Termoelectrica $15,000,000 -Banca Transilvania $6,053.00

20 20 Whom to contact? Orhan Aytemiz Director – Manufacturing Finance Tel: (+ 30 2310) 290 439 Fax: (+ 30 2310) 290 432 e-mail: Web site:

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