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HELD-02 James Winterbottom. What is HELD? HELD is an application layer location acquisition protocol Designed to provide location in the form of a PIDF-LO.

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Presentation on theme: "HELD-02 James Winterbottom. What is HELD? HELD is an application layer location acquisition protocol Designed to provide location in the form of a PIDF-LO."— Presentation transcript:

1 HELD-02 James Winterbottom

2 What is HELD? HELD is an application layer location acquisition protocol Designed to provide location in the form of a PIDF-LO while remaining access agnostic. Supports mobile, nomadic and static users Complies with RFC-3693 requirements for a using-protocol Supports delivery of location by-value, and location by-reference Supports location assertion

3 A Service View

4 Changes to HELD Draft format changed to be task oriented describing what parameters should be set for specific types of operations. Changed terminology to be inline with RFC-3963 Removed OBO Moved examples to main body of document. Corrected and added more examples.

5 What’s New Tentatively added SLP as a service discovery technique based on comments from last IETF. Added using HELD to talk with LG. Added using HELD for LS to LS comms Speculatively added LERO Added identity parameters and extension parameters.

6 Some misconceptions HELD discovery is intended to support the finding of the LS for an arbitrary Target. –HELD discovery is intend for a Target to find the LS in its administrative domain. The Target may then provide recipients or other nodes with a locationURI from which they may acquire location from the LS on request.

7 Some misconceptions HELD location acquisition introduces overheads vs layer 2 techniques. –The LS serving the access network must be discovered. This is a one time operation. Once discovered the LS may be queried many times without requiring LS re-discovery.

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