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PRACTICAL GUIDEBOOK Methods, Assessment and Producing Lessonware.

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Presentation on theme: "PRACTICAL GUIDEBOOK Methods, Assessment and Producing Lessonware."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRACTICAL GUIDEBOOK Methods, Assessment and Producing Lessonware

2 Summary

3 Collaborative learning Why does it work? How does it work ? Heterogeneity of the group is seen as a strength in collaborative learning. Allows effective and timely support / scaffolding. The students have the support of both the teacher and their peers.

4 Web tools Why do we need the Internet and the new medias in teaching? The language lives and develops also on the web, not just in books or traditional media. The web requires a new type of literacy and reading skills. The students need the tools to become competent users of language and communicators in various contexts – also on the web.

5 Tw gjitha materialet e trajnimeve janw nw dispozicion nw:

6 Changing classroom practice Change is a gradual process for students and for teachers. It is important to continue to do things differently – one thing at a time. Do not expect instant overnight change or success, but make sure you continue to develop. Stop doing now Experiment with ideas with other colleagues Start doing now Start slowly

7 Developing creative thinkers Language in the classroom: ‘ What would happen if...’ ‘What could…?’ ‘What might…?’ ‘What do you notice about…?’ ‘Let’s use different thinking hats.’ Stop Giving answers Over planning the lessons Play with / experiment Improvising Taking risks Start Answering questions with questions. Looking for connections Giving open-ended tasks Start slowly Start lessons with a question or problem to explore Bring in interesting constraints

8 Homework Your task before the next training day: 1) Re-design: Include one of the methods / activities in an existing lesson plan and re-think the learning process: the students are at the center and you are in the role of a facilitator. 2) Try the method or activity (or several) in your classroom. 3) Make notes of your experience (the good and the bad). –Describe the experience and analyze why it succeeded or why it failed. –What would you change and why? 4) Fill out the form: “Stop doing now, Start doing now” Bring your lesson plan and your experiences to DAY 2 of this training in March. Be prepared to discuss it with a peer and have it evaluated by a peer.

9 Facebook group How many of you have a Facebook account? Are you a member of a Facebook group? A volunteer: Who could set up a Facebook group for this group of trainees?

10 Self and Peer assessment Your task: 1.Evaluate your own contribution to the group work today. Use the provided form. 2.Evaluate one of your peers’ contribution to the group work today. Use the provided form

11 Reflection Your task: Start a small learning diary and reflect on your learning: Write in a notebook or in wiki / blog other online space your thoughts about: –What you learned today? –How you learned it? What was difficult? What was easy?

12 Exit poll Your task:On the note in front of you, write three things you learned today 1. 2. 3. Write down three things to develop 1. 2. 3. Pass the note to the person on your left. Read the note you got from the person on your right. Leave the notes in the bowl by the door.

13 THANK YOU! Faleminderit! You have worked very hard today. Try out some new things and make a lot of mistakes!

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