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DO NOW 1.Update agenda: Review Assignments #11 and 12 TRF #8 (For any core class) 2.Update T.O.C. 2/26-27 Altered Minds #13 2/26-27 TRF #8 #14 3.Do Now.

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW 1.Update agenda: Review Assignments #11 and 12 TRF #8 (For any core class) 2.Update T.O.C. 2/26-27 Altered Minds #13 2/26-27 TRF #8 #14 3.Do Now."— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW 1.Update agenda: Review Assignments #11 and 12 TRF #8 (For any core class) 2.Update T.O.C. 2/26-27 Altered Minds #13 2/26-27 TRF #8 #14 3.Do Now Activity: Take out Left Brain-Right Brain #11 to be checked for completion. Take out Brain Lateralization #12 to complete now. ESAT Warm Up —Straight to your seat —Materials & HW out —Put Backpack Away —Complete Do Now Silently ESAT Warm Up —Straight to your seat —Materials & HW out —Put Backpack Away —Complete Do Now Silently

2 We will explore the effects of seizures and brain surgery on human behavior by taking notes while watching two informative video clips. YESTERDAY’S BIOPSYCHOLOGY OBJECTIVE TO COMPLETE TODAY!

3 HALF BRAIN REMOVAL: HEMISPHERE-ECTAMY GIRL LIVES WITH HALF HER BRAIN (6 MINUTES)GIRL LIVES WITH HALF HER BRAIN Seizures and Rasmussen’s Syndrome Cognitive Intelligence Right Brain-Left Body Immediate Results Long-term Results Elastic-Plasticity

4 FINALIZE CORNELL NOTES 1.Highlight subheadings and key terms. 2.Construct appropriate HLQs in each space provided. 3.Develop a 3-5 sentence summary to capture the main point of each subsection.

5 WHILE YOU WORK… SIGN UP FOR THE ENGLISH DEPARTMENT NIGHT!! Sign up to share your original poem! Departmental night: Thursday- March 26th It will be a café atmosphere with hot beverages and snacks. Credit will be offered to those of you who share your work!

6 TODAY’S BIOPSYCH OBJECTIVE I will use my own words to summarize the effects of lobotomies by reading about 11 individuals and writing about the results of their operations. 1 st person in focus: Phineas Gage NOT AN OPERATION! AN ACCIDENT!

7 ALTERED MINDS READING EXPECTATIONS Sit with your assigned lexile partner. Use Miss Madruga’s Biopsychology link to access the two websites for today’s reading. Practice and apply STRONG PARAPHRASING today. Check in with each other to think of synonyms and new ways of explaining what you read. Write thorough responses with key details included. Finish SIDE ONE today and SIDE TWO will be completed on Wednesday.

8 PERIOD 5 LEXILE PARTNERS: SIT TOGETHER AT YOUR TABLE NUMBER 1-2: Daniela & Jose 3: Bryan & Riley 4: Jeremy & Eduardo 5: Daniel & Briana 6: Jane & Steven 7: Ariana & Tabatha 8: Sophia & Keyla 9: Raul & Kiana 10: Kevin & Anais 11: Ulysses & Jhoana 12: Aramis & Emily 13: Michael & Lorna 14: Clyde & Ruben 15: Daisy & Franklin

9 PERIOD 3 LEXILE PARTNERS: SIT TOGETHER AT YOUR TABLE NUMBER 1-2: Edgar & Ricardo 3: Alan & Lisleth 4: Luis & Marwin 5: Astrid & Iman 6: Rosa & Otukani 7: Cindy & Natalia 8: Melissa & Glendy 9: Mariana & Alden 10: Kody & Kassandra 11: Patrick & Andy 12: Justice & Veronica 13: Danniel & Justine 14: Jeremiah & Brian 15: Julian

10 PERIOD 2 LEXILE PARTNERS: SIT TOGETHER AT YOUR TABLE NUMBER 1: Katheryn & Justin S. 2: Marques & Jocelyn 3: Jasmine & Delilah 4: Luis & Valerie 5: Brisa & Anthony 6: Omar & M. Rodriguez 7: Gladys & Viviana 8: Mia & Emily 9: Elsie & Alejandra 10: Jose & Silas 11: Raul & Alex 12: Ben & Angel 13: Mathew & Rogelio 14-15: Brandon & Kyle & Justin D.

11 PERIOD 4 LEXILE PARTNERS: SIT TOGETHER AT YOUR TABLE NUMBER 1-2:Jessica & Anayele 3: Steven M. & Mario 4: Leslie & Fernanda 5: Daniel & Alexis 6: Bryanna & Sorina 7: Athena & Maria M. 8: Gabriel & Jocelyn 9: Jennyfer & Neftaly 10: Jennifer & Sydnee 11: Justin & Denise 12: Gonzalo & Isaias 13: Melanie & Valeria 14:Jeremiah & Shianne 15: Calvin & Steven A.

12 PERIOD 6 LEXILE PARTNERS: SIT TOGETHER AT YOUR TABLE NUMBER 1: Empty 2: Jan & Carina 3: Kaite & Stephanie 4: Julie & Joselin T. 5: Carmen & Maria 6: America & Jocelyn B. 7: David & Juan 8: Yamilett & Mia 9: Cassandra & Cristina 10: Empty 11: Empty 12:Karina B. & Josh 13: Kai & Audrey 14-15: Aaron, Pedro & Dario

13 PARAPHRASING CHALLENGE (1) In 1968, Harlow presented the first account of the changes in Gage's behavior following the accident: (2) "The equilibrium or balance, so to speak, between his intellectual faculties and animal propensities, seems to have been destroyed. (3) He is fitful, irreverent, indulging at times in the grossest profanity (which was not previously his custom), manifesting but little deference for his fellows, impatient of restraint or advice when it conflicts with his desires, at times pertinaciously obstinate, yet capricious and vacillating, devising many plans of future operations, which are no sooner arranged than they are abandoned in turn for others appearing more feasible. (4) A child in his intellectual capacity and manifestations, he has the animal passions of a strong man. (5) Previous to his injury, although untrained in the schools, he possessed a well-balanced mind, and was looked upon by those who knew him as a shrewd, smart businessman, very energetic and persistent in executing all his plans of operation. (6) In this regard his mind was radically changed, so decidedly that his friends and acquaintances said he was 'no longer Gage.'"

14 SAMPLE SUMMARY FOR A LOBOTOMY PATIENT Must Include: 1)Who the person is or was. 2)Why a lobotomy was performed on him or her. 3)The results of the lobotomy. Anna Ruth Channels suffered from severe headaches and was referred to Freeman in 1950. He prescribed a transorbital lobotomy. The procedure cured Channels of her headaches, but it left her with the mind of a child, according to her daughter, Carol Noelle. "Just as Freeman promised, she didn't worry," Noelle says. "She had no concept of social graces…”

15 CORRECTING TRF #7 Use a highlighter or red pen and write CB and your name.

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