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How to Write a Thesis Seminar on Expression. What is expected from the Thesis PROCESS AND RESULT Evidence of the candidate’s capacity to carry out independent.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Write a Thesis Seminar on Expression. What is expected from the Thesis PROCESS AND RESULT Evidence of the candidate’s capacity to carry out independent."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Write a Thesis Seminar on Expression

2 What is expected from the Thesis PROCESS AND RESULT Evidence of the candidate’s capacity to carry out independent research under the guidance of supervisor and demonstrate the result of that work.

3 Process Find and watch films - films to be discussed and films related to those Analyse them and discover the possible issues that you can take up for your thesis - MAKE A LIST Find and read articles and books - those directly on the subject of your thesis and those related to it. TAKE NOTES and discover what is discussed, particularly, what is the matter of critical debate. Do you agree or disagree the discussion: What you disagree to will help you find your own argument.

4 Process What should you do with the information on the internet? Extremely useful to search the source of information and database,,,,, JSTOR On line information and database will send you to written sources. You should use internet sources, only when they are not available in written forms.

5 Process Keep clearly what you gathered - everything that you want to keep - in ‘CLIPS Research Record Files’ - detachable cards which can be reassembled. Can be lengthy or repetitive Keep records where appears the scene which we take note of. Hour, Minute, Second with comments

6 Result THINK - PLAN - WRITE - REVISE Think about what you watched and read; go through your cards and records Reassemble and group the cards according to themes ex. Lighting: Card A, Card D, Card N, Card Q … Pan: Card B, Card H, Card J, Card Z Race (West Indians) Card E, Card F, Card N, Card L

7 Result PLAN Plan what you are going to write Plan what method and approach you are using Plan what conclusion you want to draw Plan what structure you will give 1 Introduction (incl. materials and methods) 2 Hypothesis 3 Observation and analysis (narrative and style) 4 Case Studies (2 and 3 can be combined) 5 Conclusion 6 Bibliography and References

8 Result Write with the reader in mind - me: avoid writing too much obvious facts and lengthy summary of stories Write following academic writing conventions Italicize the title of the film, Godfather; For titles (book, article, film, thesis, chapter etc), capitalize words except articles and prepositions ‘One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest’; Footnote at the bottom of the page if there are many, but place footnotes at the end of the chapter, if there are a few. Follow MLA Style Sheet

9 Film Studies Thesis Studies Film Analysis Genre studies Director studies Film History Film Theory Technical Analysis Sociology of (through) Film Star Studies Studies on an individual aspect of filmmaking

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