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FIT FOR LIFE FIT FOR LIFE A Social Competence Training Programme for Adolescents Philipp Jugert Bremer Institut für Pädagogik und Psychologie ProMenPol,

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Presentation on theme: "FIT FOR LIFE FIT FOR LIFE A Social Competence Training Programme for Adolescents Philipp Jugert Bremer Institut für Pädagogik und Psychologie ProMenPol,"— Presentation transcript:

1 FIT FOR LIFE FIT FOR LIFE A Social Competence Training Programme for Adolescents Philipp Jugert Bremer Institut für Pädagogik und Psychologie ProMenPol, Berlin, October 8-9, 2009

2 FIT FOR LIFE Central Aims of the Programme Increase Availability of differentiated Social Skills Success in School, in Vocational Training and in the Job Prevention and Reduction of Social Conflicts and Behavioural Disorders Improvement of Learning and Working Behaviour

3 FIT FOR LIFE  Accurate perception  Recognition and Expression of Emotions  Perspective-Taking (Empathy)  Communication  Cooperation  Rational Conflict Resolution  Self-control  Self-regulation Social Skills

4 FIT FOR LIFE Target Groups Adolescents and Young Adults who are socially disadvantaged: Youths without school certificate Youths that dropped out from an apprenticeship Migrants, Refugees, Asylum seekers Graduates from special school

5 FIT FOR LIFE Theoretical Background  Social-Cognitive Information Processing Theory (Crick & Dodge, 1994)  Social-Cognitive Learning Theory (Bandura, 1986)  Developmental Tasks (Havighurst 1982; Hurrelmann, 2002) Perception Interpretation Search for Reactions Evaluate and Choose Reaction Conduct Attention Memory Execute Behaviour Motivation

6 FIT FOR LIFE Self-Efficacy (Bandura, 1994) Experience Self-Efficacy Competent, goal oriented Behaviour Cope with Failure Cope with more difficult Problems Self-confidence and Self assurance Belief/Confidence in own Skills Ability to cope with tasks Various Ways how to solve a problem

7 FIT FOR LIFE Structured Roleplay Behavioural Exercises Rules of Conduct Feedback Training Methods Trainingsrituals Concentration Exercises Warm up Individual Counseling

8 FIT FOR LIFE Structure of a Training Session Mood Discuss Rules Relaxation Work through a Module Evaluation and Transfer Closing Discussion

9 FIT FOR LIFE Modules of FIT FOR LIFE Motivation Feedback Self-confidence Self-management (Health) Communication Body language Cooperation and Teamwork Leisure time Life planning Job and Future Feelings Fit for Conflict 1 & 2 Empathy Praise and Criticism


11 Implementation & Dissemination Manual published as a book 10 % direct training 90 % Train-the-Trainer Seminars Type of Institutions: Secondary schools Special schools Vocational Schools Youth services Children‘s homes & Youth centres Youth custody

12 FIT FOR LIFE Implications for Policy Makers Roll-out is not well funded Gap widens between job demands and level of development of socially disadvantaged youth Without increased investment in these youth, the public and private follow-up costs will be immense!

13 FIT FOR LIFE Thank You very much for your attention! Funded by: European Social Fund (ESF), Federal Employment Agency, and the State of Bremen

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