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Andrew McNab - Manchester HEP - 15 February 2002 Testbed Release in the UK EDG Testbed 1 GridPP sources of information GridPP VO GIIS and Resource Broker.

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Presentation on theme: "Andrew McNab - Manchester HEP - 15 February 2002 Testbed Release in the UK EDG Testbed 1 GridPP sources of information GridPP VO GIIS and Resource Broker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Andrew McNab - Manchester HEP - 15 February 2002 Testbed Release in the UK EDG Testbed 1 GridPP sources of information GridPP VO GIIS and Resource Broker Installation UK Deployment

2 Andrew McNab - Manchester HEP - 15 February 2002 EDG Testbed 1 Integration by ~20 people from EDG middleware WPs and WP6. Intensive integration periods at CERN during October and December See for official documents –especially 29th October and 10th December presentations, and User and Installation Guides Everything taking longer than planned Rollout ongoing (currently CERN, CNAF, Manchester, RAL, Lyon, NIKHEF,...) but TB1 still a moving target Version v1.0.0 out end of January as a snapshot of what was being used in Dec/Jan V1.1.0 (still) imminent <== this is the version to be used in EDG demos and this is what we need to get up and running. Not yet something that can be done from the documentation alone.

3 Andrew McNab - Manchester HEP - 15 February 2002 GridPP sources of information –collect links to key documents eg install guide at –provide GridPP Howtos to fill in gaps –links to other TB1 resources: VO, tb-support list etc –intended for exchanging information between people trying to set up a Testbed site –(please ask questions on the list, so other people can help and/or benefit from the responses.)

4 Andrew McNab - Manchester HEP - 15 February 2002 GridPP VO Service EDG WP6 defines a standard way to publish lists of certificate names via LDAP to define authorisation groups WP6 also provides mkgridmap, a tool to construct a sites grid-mapfile from one or more VO authorisation servers. Now have a GridPP VO service at –this exports website groups via LDAP –eg group testbed becomes ou=testbed,dc=gridpp,dc=ac,dc=uk –format is same as WP6, so can access GridPP VO with mkgridmap Since authorisation groups are defined via website, can easily add and manage additional groups BaBar VO also hosted on the server (added via SLAC accounts) However, most Grid developers in an LHC experiment should be listed by central EDG VOs at NIKHEF.

5 Andrew McNab - Manchester HEP - 15 February 2002 GIIS and Resource Broker a.k.a how do I get on the list of sites and receive jobs? GRIS - local LDAP server on, say, a Computing Element (= site gateway) GIIS - indexing LDAP server, which receives information from GRISs Currently use Resource Broker at CERN - it uses local GIIS to get list of TB1 sites For sites to receive jobs, they need to be registered with the GIIS used by the users RB. GridPP and BaBar RBs being set up at Imperial. BaBar GIIS at Bristol GridPP GIIS to be at RAL

6 Andrew McNab - Manchester HEP - 15 February 2002 Installation Edinburghs LCFG with WP4 modifications is official EDG procedure However, some concerns about the effort to set this up and rollout new versions, esp at smaller institutes. For December, produced a kickstart based installation But (1) configuration via LCFG now specified and we want to use this But (2) the large number of packages now in v1.1.x breaks RedHat anaconda/kickstart For v1.1.0 will support LCFG-based installations –trying kickstart-like installation of initial LCFG server to answer concerns of small sites –once a local LCFG is up and running, installation of CE, SE etc is no more difficult than kickstart installation (3.5disk + wait 7mins) –This should also make it easier to rollout new releases quickly

7 Andrew McNab - Manchester HEP - 15 February 2002 UK Deployment Start with UK WP6 people (+ other experts) Use and to get second round of sites up Ready for wider deployment when installation is practical just from documentation Eventually maintain production and development testbeds –mapped onto EDG/WP6 pro and dev testbeds to some extent –and coexisting with other production grids (eg CMS and BaBar MC generation.)

8 Andrew McNab - Manchester HEP - 15 February 2002 Summary Testbed release(s) stabilising EDG-provided documentation improving GridPP support resources exist: – – – GridPP GIIS and RB being provided Installation procedure being simplified

9 Andrew McNab - Manchester HEP - 15 February 2002

10 Manchester Testbed Status 6 dedicated machines (6*1GHz) for use as Testbed 1 elements (CE etc) and LCFG server(s). –One running permanently as CE in current TB1 and accessible via Resource Broker at CERN since December. But no registered SE yet. 7th machine hosts,, and a 0.5TB disk array. 8th machine used for building and testing EDG Globus RPMs. 9th machine running Globus 1.1.3 and hosts a 0.4TB array. BaBar PC farm is configured to use pool accounts and is accessible locally via PBS –although have run test jobs via Testbed CE, we dont have this set up permanently at this stage.

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