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Superior School of Commerce “Nicolae Kretzulescu” September 11 th 2001 Teacher: Student: Teacher: Student: Cuatu Georgeta Seretean Bogdan Petru 12 G 12.

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Presentation on theme: "Superior School of Commerce “Nicolae Kretzulescu” September 11 th 2001 Teacher: Student: Teacher: Student: Cuatu Georgeta Seretean Bogdan Petru 12 G 12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Superior School of Commerce “Nicolae Kretzulescu” September 11 th 2001 Teacher: Student: Teacher: Student: Cuatu Georgeta Seretean Bogdan Petru 12 G 12 G2010-2011

2 Argument The World Trade Center was more than the twin towers: it was a complex of seven buildings. They were proof of New York's belief in itself! Whenever a cultural icon of such significance disappears, it is as if the beliefs represented by it no longer have a symbol. People are hurt, they become confused, as on of the certainties their lives had always been based upon is gone. America did not seem to have been prepared for this attack. Its over selfconfidence was demolished, shattered, mocked at. The point I will try to make in this paper is that hate, violence, intolerance only leads to more destruction, as the consequences of what happened on 9/11 are still disturbing our world.

3 Chapter I: The descriptions of World Trade Center Did you know that…  The WTC opened in 1970 after 8 years of construction.?  More than 50,000 people worked in the twin towers?  Eighty seven tons of food was delivered to the building each day.  On Sept. 11 the building was 95 percent full, with over 400 tenants. Observation deck and Windows on the World The North Tower (1 WTC) had a restaurant on the 107th floor called Windows on the World. Life of the World Trade Center The complex was so large that it had its own zip code, 10048.

4 Chapter II : The attacks of 11 th september 2001 The September 11, 2001 attacks (often referred to as 9/11) were a series of coordinated suicide attacks by al-Qaeda upon the United States. 1,366 people died who were at or above the floors of impact in the North Tower (1 WTC). 1,366 people died who were at or above the floors of impact in the North Tower (1 WTC). 200 people jumped to their deaths from the burning towers 200 people jumped to their deaths from the burning towers 16,000 people were below the impact zones in the World Trade Center complex at the time of the attacks 16,000 people were below the impact zones in the World Trade Center complex at the time of the attacks numerous other buildings at the World Trade Center site were destroyed or badly damaged numerous other buildings at the World Trade Center site were destroyed or badly damaged

5 Theories regarding the 9/11 attacks 1. The attacks were conceived and implemented by members of al-Qaeda. 2. Attacks must have been the work of the Mossad, not Islamic terrorists. 3. 63.6% of Americans believe that Arab fundamentalists were responsible for 9/11 while 26.4% of believed that "certain elements in the U.S. government knew the attacks were coming 4. Matthias Bröckers dismisses the official account of the September 11 attacks as being itself a conspiracy theory that seeks "to reduce complexity, disentangle what is confusing," and "explain the inexplicable".


7 Chapter III The effects of the disaster Economic aftermath Thirty percent of Lower Manhattan office space was either damaged or destroye Thirty percent of Lower Manhattan office space was either damaged or destroye U.S. stocks lost $1.2 trillion in value for the week. U.S. stocks lost $1.2 trillion in value for the week. the DJIA had fallen 1,369.7 points. the DJIA had fallen 1,369.7 points. Potential health effects Felicia Dunn-Jones died of lung disease five months after Sept. 11. Rebuilding the World Trade Center On November 22, 2004, New York Governor George Pataki named the living former presidents as honorary members of the board rebuilding the World Trade Center On November 22, 2004, New York Governor George Pataki named the living former presidents as honorary members of the board rebuilding the World Trade Center

8 Conclusion Horrible pictures of 9/11 attacks will indelibly remain for years in many people’s minds. Terrorist acts frequently have a political purpose. Horrible pictures of 9/11 attacks will indelibly remain for years in many people’s minds. Terrorist acts frequently have a political purpose. Very often, the victims of terrorism are targeted not because they are threats, but because they are specific "symbols, tools, animals or corrupt beings“. The 9/11 was a turning point in the presidency of George W. Bush and U.S. foreign policy, leading directly to U.S. support for the overthrow of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan.

9 Bibliography Neilan, Terence. "2 Planes Crash Into World Trade Center", The New York Times, 2001-09-11. Neilan, Terence. "2 Planes Crash Into World Trade Center", The New York Times, 2001-09-11. Lipton, Eric. "Study Maps the Location of Deaths in the Twin Towers", The New York Times, 2004-07-22. Lipton, Eric. "Study Maps the Location of Deaths in the Twin Towers", The New York Times, 2004-07-22. Roddy, Dennis B.. "Flight 93: Forty lives, one destiny", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 2001, October 28. Roddy, Dennis B.. "Flight 93: Forty lives, one destiny", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 2001, October 28. Siegel, Aaron. "Industry honors fallen on 9/11 anniversary", InvestmentNews, September 11, 2007. Siegel, Aaron. "Industry honors fallen on 9/11 anniversary", InvestmentNews, September 11, 2007. Glynn, Simone A (May 7, 2003). “Effect of a National Disaster on Blood Supply and Safety: The September 11 Experience”. Journal of the American Medical Association. DOI:289 No. 17 Vol. 289 No. 17^Red Cross Woes. PBS (2001-12-19 Glynn, Simone A (May 7, 2003). “Effect of a National Disaster on Blood Supply and Safety: The September 11 Experience”. Journal of the American Medical Association. DOI:289 No. 17 Vol. 289 No. 17^Red Cross Woes. PBS (2001-12-19

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