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ANTHONY SIMONE STEPHY TIANA. Part 1Part 2 Outline why academics at university think that Critical Reading is important Show why learning this skill at.

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2 Part 1Part 2 Outline why academics at university think that Critical Reading is important Show why learning this skill at university is necessary in the business world

3 Critical reading can be defined as the process of understanding, rather than just reading on the face of the text. This is done by recognising what the text says and reflecting on what the text does.

4 Critical reading examples – scientific reading for research at university, libraries, books etc. Critical reading examples in the business world – Market research, surveys

5 Why Academics think critical reading is important We always hear that critical reading is import, but lets discuss why academics think critical reading is important at university and if its going to affect the rest of your life

6 To make educated opinions and informed decisions (PBS Teaching staff, 2010) A technique of critical reading is comparing sources: –Author’s have different perceptions on certain events –By critically reading numerous sources, a broader understanding is established Deep understanding of texts allows for connections of the facts: –By joining perceived facts of different sources the reader can better understand the event –This allows for deep understanding and comprehension of information

7 To comprehend the text and identifying the important information. Lei, Rhinehart, Howard, Cho (2010) Critically read the topic sentences, to gain an immediate understanding of the prospective arguments –Each source has an amount of issues to recognise, topic sentences outline these issues. Each author has a unique perception of an event –The same event can be interpreted in many different ways Each source has a purpose and a motive behind it –The reader must perceive the intention of the author, and therefore understand the arguments put forth

8 “breakdown [of] logical construction of meaning” (Lewis, 1991, p.422) When students face a difficult/recondite text: Outcomes are different; –being able to critically read = comprehension of the source –not being able to critically read = not being able to comprehend the source, therefore, individual skips this source, or only understands based on surface level comprehension (Wiley. J, 2009)

9 Skills For Readers –skill for readers to doubt the information rather than simply absorb it (McCaw, 2008) making inferences Process : analysis of the text > sentence structure, paragraph structure, persuasive techniques used by the author> questioning the relevance of the argument within the source

10 UNIVERSITY  Independent reading accounts for as much as 85% of learning in university, because many students are not ready for collage reading. (bosley, L, 2008) –for readers who cultivate the method of reading critically can also think critically. Lewis (1991) Understanding and applying research methods strengthen student’s ability to value subjects and outcomes that affect them. learning to read the discipline’s literature in critical ways to understand the issues [in the area of study]... and methods in evaluating them [the literature]

11 Cont…. understand the link between theory and professional intervention develop communication skills learn to work independently expand innovation and creativity work successfully with diverse people advanced ability to apply academic concepts to practice situations in professional practice.


13 ALSO A NECESSARY SKILL IN THE BUSINESS WORLD. Not only is this skill paramount at university but also is a necessary skill in the business world because…

14 Literature : Translated directly, literature means acquaintance with letters. However, in modern time literature relates to creative writing with recognised artistic value.

15 Academics: Associated with excelling in a specific area of higher education and works at a collage or university.

16 University: a large and diverse institution of higher learning created to educate for life and for a profession and to grant degree

17 Skill: an ability acquired by training Important: having relative or crucial value Business world: a group of people that come together for the common purpose of commercial or industrial enterprise for their living.

18 Critical thinking enables an individual to think rationally therefore making more informed decisions. Celuch, K & Slama, M (1999)

19 States that higher productivity organisations depend of employees that are capable of making judgments and decisions rather than follow direction. Celuch, K & Slama, M (1999): cited in Tyson (1995)

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