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Bingo- WW2 Some of the Terms to know: Binders out and ready.

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Presentation on theme: "Bingo- WW2 Some of the Terms to know: Binders out and ready."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bingo- WW2 Some of the Terms to know: Binders out and ready

2 This was signed by the Americans and the British at the beginning of the war. It was an American pledge to help Britain defeat Germany.

3 Atlantic Charter

4 The name of the secret plan to build the Atomic bomb.

5 Manhattan Project

6 The form of government characterized by total control of the population. Stalin used it in Russia.

7 Totalitarianism

8 The meeting of FDR, Winston Churchill and Josef Stalin to discuss how Europe would be divided after the war.

9 Yalta Conference

10 Government sponsored images and media used to influence a population

11 Propaganda

12 Conserving and limiting the amount of products that people can buy is called______

13 Rationing

14 This meeting saw the leaders of Britain and France cave in to Hitler’s demands for land.

15 Munich Conference I want that land over there. For, uh, living space. If it will shut you up

16 When the government put Japanese citizens into concentration camps.

17 Internment

18 This event drew the US into the war in the winter of 1941.

19 Pearl Harbor

20 This period of time gets its name from the 25 Million children it brought into the US population.

21 Baby Boom

22 To give someone something just to make them happy. The Munich Conference marked a time when Britain and France did this for Hitler.

23 Appeasement

24 The American plan to get to mainland Japan by avoiding some islands and attacking others.

25 Island Hopping

26 This term refers to the efforts that Americans went through to prepare the nation for war.

27 Mobilization

28 The period of time following the Second World War that saw Americans fearing and even hating the Soviet Union.

29 The Cold War

30 Literally meaning “Lightning War” this was the German tactic that was used to invade Poland and begin the Second World War

31 Blitzkrieg

32 Located in Poland, this was the largest of the Nazi Death Camps.

33 Auschwitz

34 Mussolini practiced this type of leadership, it is characterized by violence, nationalism and a single, powerful leader.

35 Fascism

36 This international group was discussed in Yalta and formed in San Francisco. It’s intention is to give nations a place to discuss their differences instead of fighting.

37 The United Nations

38 Literally meaning “Night of Broken Glass” this event occurred when Jewish businesses, homes and temples were vandalized all across Germany and Austria

39 Kristallnacht

40 Some Review From Previous Units

41 The “Surprise Attack” most similar to Pearl Harbor, 1898-style

42 The USS Maine

43 Powerful industrialists like John D. Rockefeller were known as this

44 Robber Barons

45 This theory was used to justify the success of big business, the existence of poverty & the power of millionaire tycoons

46 Social Darwinism

47 This suffragist leader was arrested for picketing the White House during World War I

48 Alice Paul

49 This term describes a celebration of African-American culture in literature and art

50 Harlem Renaissance

51 Crop surpluses was the major problem faced by this group in the late 20’s and early 30’s

52 Farmers

53 This WWI act was revived for WW2. It required registration of men between 21 and 31 for the draft

54 Selective Service Act

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