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Finance Update 1.A different approach All finance enquiries to New online accounting system called “Xero” New bank.

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Presentation on theme: "Finance Update 1.A different approach All finance enquiries to New online accounting system called “Xero” New bank."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finance Update 1.A different approach All finance enquiries to “ New online accounting system called “Xero” New bank account All finances now on the new system Lisa will be responsible for issuing and paying invoices Moya and Colin approve invoices, once they are loaded on the system Accountants will do the VAT return, file the statutory company returns and audit the books 2. 2014 accounts will be presented at next meeting

2 Membership Fees 1.Membership Fees are invoiced in late November/early December each year 2.They are due for payment by the end of December 3.Over 50% have paid already – thank you 4.Please ensure all dues are paid by the end of January 5.New bank account no longer NatWest now Child & Co [part of RBS] several venues have paid into the old account. This will not be possible next time as the account will be closed by then. Bank account details are on the invoice…

3 Articles of Association 1.Subscriptions for each subscription year shall be due and payable in advance of the subscription date on which that subscription year commences. 2.Members of the Company are obligated to complete the annual member survey and declare their turnover in order to determine the correct level of membership. 3.Any member of the Company who wishes to resign his membership in accordance with Article 15(a)(i) for the following subscription year must give written notice before the first of October in the current subscription year.

4 Any questions?

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