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Research Infrastructures for e-Science
Neil Geddes e-Science Director, STFC
Overview A European vision for the future Networking and HPC
European Research Area European Research Infrastructures European e-Infrastructure Networking and HPC EGI and NGI Rest of the World Summary and conclusions
Research Infrastructures and the European Research Area
Lisbon 2000 "the most dynamic and competitive knowledge-based economy in the world capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion, and respect for the environment by 2010“ Europe has a long tradition of excellence in research and innovation; European teams continue to lead progress in many fields of science and technology; However our centres of excellence often fail to reach critical mass in the absence of adequate networking and cooperation; Need to bring resources together and build a research and innovation equivalent of the "common market".
European Research Area
ERA scientific research programmes integrating the EUs scientific resources. concentrated on multi-national co-operation medical, environmental, industrial and socio-economic research European Research council, research Infrastructures ... The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) Launched in April 2002 Commissioned to produce a forward look Roadmap Brings together 27 MS, 5 AS, 1 EC member
ESFRI Roadmap European Strategic Forum for Research Infrastructures
gy F orum o n Research Infrastructures European Strategic Forum for Research Infrastructures develop the scientific integration of Europe and strengthen its international outreach Roadmap identifies new Research Infrastructure (RI) of pan-European interest corresponding to the long term needs of the European research communities, covering all scientific areas, regardless of possible location. Projects must be “open access” and genuinely Pan-European or Global next 10 to 20 years different degrees of maturity supported by a relevant European partnership or intergovernmental research organisations. enhancement of the European Research Area
CESSDA - Council of European Social Science Data Archives
CLARIN = Common LAnguage Resource and Technology Infrastructure DARIAH - Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities ESS – European Social Survey SHARE - Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe
Sweden + UK committed EBMRC – Marine Biology
INSTRUCT – Integrated Structural Biology Infrastructure for Europe ECRIN - European Clinical Research Infrastructures Network EU-Openscreen - European Infrastructure of Open Screening Platforms, integrates high- throughput screening platforms, chemical libraries, chemical resources for hit discovery and optimisation, bio- and cheminformatics. INFRAFRONTIER - infrastructure large-scale phenotyping and archiving of mouse models EATRIS - European Advanced Translational Research Infrastructure in Medicine BLS4 – Bio Security Laboraties – level 4. ELIXIR - a sustainable infrastructure for biological information in Europe Rueo-Bio-Imaging Sweden + UK committed
AURORA BOREALIS - Research icebreaker for deep drilling
EMSO - European multidisciplinary seafloor obervation (continuous monitoring system) EUFAR , a Heavy-Payload fleet of airborne research in Environmental and Geo-Sciences EURO-ARGO, a world wide in situ global ocean observing system based on autonomous profiling floats IAGOS-ERI commercial passenger aircraft operated for a RI for regular observations of atmospheric composition ICOS Integrated Carbon Observation System LIFE WATCH, biodiversity RI brings together hardware, software and governance structures
Jules Horowitz Reactor - Research reactor for materials studies and novel fuel development. Cadarache (2014) International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) High Power laser for Energy Research (design study to 2012) European Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage Experimental Laboratory
International treaty signed
Construction started International treaty signed Site selected XFEL - Denmark, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Russia, the Slovak Republic, Sweden and Switzerland signed the “Convention concerning the Construction and Operation of a European X-ray Free-Electron Laser Facility” – as the official title of the English version of the convention reads. For internal reasons, France and Spain will sign the Convention a bit later. China and the United Kingdom plan to join within the next six months. EMFL – European Magnetic Field Laboratory. ESRF Upgrade - In 2008, the Council of the ESRF launched theESRF Upgrade Programme , an ambitious ten-year project serving a community of more than 10,000 scientists. Funding for a first phase of the Upgrade (from 2009 to 2015) has been secured to deliver: Eight new beamlines with capabilities unique in the world Refurbishment of many existing beamlines to maintain them at world-class level Continued world leadership for X-ray beam availability, stability and brilliance Major new developments in synchrotron radiation instrumentation Funded
ELI – Extreme Light Infrastruture
FAIR – Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research SKA – Square Kilometer Array ELT – Extremely Large Telescope. PRINS KM3Net – neutrino telescope – 1 km**3 water in mediteranean SPIRAL2 – GANIL upgrade, French heavy ion research accelrator CTA – Cerenkov Telescope Array
E-Infrastructures HPC Access Distributed activities Data deluge
Common ESFRI Issues e-Infrastructure Reflection Group Access Distributed activities Data deluge Data processing Data management Data access Lack of understanding Requirements Opportunities Support the creation framework for electronic resources across Europe. Political, technological and administrative Cost effective, shared Particular attention is directed towards grid computing, storage, and networking Supporting research HPC
E-IRG Roadmap 2005 and 2007 What is an e-Infrastructure? Networking
Middleware Authentication and authorisation Resources Supercomputers, grids, storage … Data handling Scientific collaboration Working together with industry
Networking: GEANT
HPC: PrACE 3-5 systems PRACE Creation in early 2010
Preparatory Phase: Principal Partners France Germany The Netherlands Spain UK General Partners Austria Finland Greece Italy Norway Poland Portugal Sweden Switzerland Additional General Partners Bulgaria Czech Republic Cyprus Ireland Serbia Turkey There is not a lot that can be publicly said about UK participation - we are working through the various aspects and will be having a discussion with EPSRC Council in December. UK Position EPSRC has been an active participant in the preparatory phase project along with colleagues from University of Edinburgh and Daresbury Laboratory. EPSRC has been the UK rep on the management board PRACE Creation in early 2010 Interim Office in Lisbon Open competition for final Seat First machine likely to be German
Grid: EGI Office in Amsterdam (March)
Information catalogs, AAA, Metadata/data catalogs, File replication, file transfer Job brokering Interfaces and portals ...
Virtual Research Communities
INFRA : Virtual Research Communities The main objective is to enable an ever increasing number of users from all science and engineering disciplines and beyond to access and effectively use e-Infrastructures in order to increase their participation in research of global relevance and/or to allow them to access and share facilities, instruments, software and data from wherever they are based [...] The deployment and further evolution of e-Infrastructures addressing the research infrastructures (and related scientific communities) of the ESFRI-roadmap is particularly encouraged. Deployment of e-Infrastructures in scientific communities... Deployment of new types of e-infrastructure services and tools ... Training in the use of advanced information and communication tools and virtual research environments in order to enable researchers to use e-Infrastructures. Addressing human, social and economic factors influencing the creation of sustainable virtual research communities as well as the take up/maintenance of e-Infrastructure services by communities.
DRAFT Proposed next steps
Use these contacts to build matrix for technical requirements & organisational aspects requirement CLARIN DARIAH/ CESSDA EISCAT3D EPOS LIFEWATCH ELIXIR XFEL CTA FAIR SKA Single sign-on Persistent storage Global workflows Virt Org stds DRAFT Bob Jones - EGEE09
UK e - Infrastructure HEIs HPCx + HECtoR Regional and Campus grids
Users get common access, tools, information, Nationally supported services, through NGS HPCx + HECtoR Regional and HEIs Campus grids Community Grids Where we see ourselves fitting into the much bigger picture Integrate internationally with other grid projects such as EGEE and Teragrid Integrated internationally LHC VRE, VLE, IE ISIS TS2
Collaborating e-Infrastructures
CNGrid Bob Jones - EGEE09
Summary European Research Area driven by societal needs and world leading research ICT infrastructure services fully integrated and central to enabling full exploitation and benefits from ERA infrastructures Standards based coordination and integration essential to supporting the required multi and inter-disciplinary challenges of the 21st century Data, PrACE, EGI, NGI’s, GEANT ...
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