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Homewood By: Dazhia Clark. Uptown Uptown is a sometimes nice little area but that depends on what streets you are on. Streets like Race, Hermitage, Idlewild,Monticello,

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Presentation on theme: "Homewood By: Dazhia Clark. Uptown Uptown is a sometimes nice little area but that depends on what streets you are on. Streets like Race, Hermitage, Idlewild,Monticello,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Homewood By: Dazhia Clark

2 Uptown Uptown is a sometimes nice little area but that depends on what streets you are on. Streets like Race, Hermitage, Idlewild,Monticello, Mt. Vernon, and Upland are the baddest streets in Homewood. The bar is on the corner of Upland, surprisingly that’s not where the trouble comes from.

3 Downtown Downtown is where most of the historic buildings and places are. The Carnegie library and the Homewood football field are on the same intersection.Westinghouse,the high school, is a landmark they’re not ever tearing it down, it belongs to the history of Homewood. The fire station is right down the street. Places like the Homewood Coliseum are places where people like t go when they first get there for the first time.

4 Back in the Old Days In the old days, there used to be a store on every corner. There was a Giant Eagle,2 Laundromats,McDonald’s, and plenty of Penny candy stores. This place used to be full of life, that is until it got infested with violence now kids can’t even walk to the store without having to think about getting shot.

5 NOW!!!!! Now there’s only two stores, a hair store, a barber shop,a funeral home and a KFC.There is one thing that Homewood has a lot of…that’s is bars of course. There are like two parks for the kids to go to, one is at Belmar, an elementary school, and an empty lot if you call that a park. Homewood is not really a fun place to be anymore, unless you’re and adult

6 Summer Time!!!! The Homewood field is a place where in the summer time you can swim, play baseball, or watch the little league football team play. You can never be bored in the summer time if you’re in Homewood.You can also go to the YMCA or the WYMCA.

7 Homewood House The Homewood House is a place where elderly people live. It’s pretty much like a nursing home but with more visitors and freedom. Some people call them the old people’s apartments.

8 Religion Homewood is a very religious place. There’re plenty of churches everywhere. On the corner of Idlewild there is a church.

9 Maybe???? Maybe if the people out there in Homewood wasn’t so lazy and picked up a little trash it wouldn’t be so bad,right. If you have been there a long time you’d probably used to the way it looks and the way it is out there. People who aren’t from there are making more of an effort to make it a better place more than the people who are from there.

10 Thank You for Learning!!! Presented By:Dazhia Clark

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