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Ferris State University Michigan Department of Career Development 1 Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Answer Key.

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1 Ferris State University Michigan Department of Career Development 1 Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Answer Key

2 Ferris State University Michigan Department of Career Development 2 Epidemiology Is TB on the increase or decrease in the US? Decrease What US populations have the highest number of reported cases per year? Foreign populations

3 Ferris State University Michigan Department of Career Development 3 Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (TB) What is TB? A slow growing bacteria that effects the respiratory tract of humans What other areas of the body can be affected by this bacteria? Bone Brain Kidney

4 Ferris State University Michigan Department of Career Development 4 TB Growth What happens after the bacteria have entered the body? They begin to grow in the alveoli (small air sacs) of the lungs and then spread throughout the lung and body

5 Ferris State University Michigan Department of Career Development 5 Incubation What is the usual incubation period? 2-6 weeks for TB infection Up to 2 years for TB disease (highest risk) What does a positive skin test mean? Bacteria is in body, but not contagious How contagious is a person showing symptoms? Highly contagious

6 Ferris State University Michigan Department of Career Development 6 Testing Name the types of testing for TB: Tine Test PPD (purified Protein Derivative) Describe the PPD Test: The skin of the forearm is injected with Tuberculin, and it is checked in three days for a possible reaction. No reaction=negative test Reaction=positive test

7 Ferris State University Michigan Department of Career Development 7 Transmission How is it transmitted? Inhalation of the infectious airborne particles or droplet nuclei Infectious particles are carried in the air after an infected individual speaks, coughs, sneezes, or certain medical procedures are performed.

8 Ferris State University Michigan Department of Career Development 8 Particles What are these particles called? Droplet nuclei What is the size of the particles? 1-5 micron sized droplets

9 Ferris State University Michigan Department of Career Development 9 Respirator What is a respirator? A personal protective device that removes air contaminants such as dust, mists, and aerosols from ambient air. Who has to approve the respirator, and what efficiency should it be? NIOSH

10 Ferris State University Michigan Department of Career Development 10 AFB Isolation What does AFB stand for? Acid Fast Bacilli What are the requirements of an AFB isolation room? Warning signs Must be maintained under negative pressure Exhaust air away from air intakes

11 Ferris State University Michigan Department of Career Development 11 Filters Describe a HEPA filter, and state its use- High Efficiency Particulate Air filter Used to filter air for recirculation in an AFB isolation room

12 Ferris State University Michigan Department of Career Development 12 Settings at Risk What type of setting have a higher risk for TB? Health care settings Correctional institutions Homeless shelters Long-term care facilities for the elderly Drug treatment centers

13 Ferris State University Michigan Department of Career Development 13

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