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Warm Springs Ranch Resort (WSRR) City Council Public Hearings Large Block Plat February 12, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Springs Ranch Resort (WSRR) City Council Public Hearings Large Block Plat February 12, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Springs Ranch Resort (WSRR) City Council Public Hearings Large Block Plat February 12, 2009

2 Overview of Large Block Plat Allows the City to effectively regulate large projects – Mainly those which may be phased Required of every PUD Includes (but not limited to) the following: – Max allowable densities – Types and uses of structures – Location of building envelopes – Location and dedication of streets, alleys, easements, parks and other public lands

3 Warm Springs Ranch Resort Large Block Plat Specifics Submitted as part of the Applicant’s PUD/Annexation Broken down into 8 Large Blocks Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval of Large Block Plat on September 22, 2009 P&Z; each Large Block assigned a zoning district Areas with a slope of greater than 25% should be included in the Mountain Overlay District (MO) Updated January 2009


5 Western Site Plan


7 Core Hotel and Eastern Site Plan


9 Southeastern Site Plan


11 Overview of 8 Blocks Block 1: Urbanized area north of Warm Springs Creek on 13.72 acres. Block 2: Golf Course and Open Space Area of 39.25 acres. Block 3: Westerly Estate Lot on 2.79 acres. Block 4: 7 Residential Villas on 2.89 acres. Block 5: 6 Residential Villas on 2.40 acres. Block 6: 12 Residential Villas, Hotel Events House and Lawn on 4.5 acres. Block 7: Open Space on 10.37 acres. Block 8: Southern Estate Lot on 2.47 acres.

12 Zoning to follow each Large Block Zoning District Limit Uses to the Following Block 1 (Urbanized areas north of Warm Springs Creek-includes lands already within city limits) T Uses/buildings as identified in the Development Agreement including core hotel, townhouses, workforce housing, Warm Springs Restaurant Block 2 (Golf Course and Open Space-to be annexed) RU Golf Course; Open Space, and related open space uses/buildings as identified in the Development Agreement Block 3* (Westerly Estate to be annexed) T One family dwelling; short term occupancy Block 4 (7 residential villas- to be annexed) T One family dwelling; duplex; hotel; tourist housing accommodations Block 5 (6 residential villas- to be annexed) T One family dwelling; duplex; hotel; tourist housing accommodations Block 6 (12 residential villas and Hotel Events House- to be annexed) T One family dwelling; duplex; hotel Block 7 (Open Space- to be annexed) RU Golf Course; Open Space, and related open space uses/buildings as identified in the Development Agreement Block 8* (Southern Estate - to be annexed) TOne family Dwelling; short term occupancy WSRR Annexation Areas: Recommended Zoning and Uses *Areas within 50 feet of the mean high water mark to be managed consistently with other riparian areas, as outlined in the Development Agreement.

13 Block 1 (E.1.3) Urbanized area north of Warm Springs Creek on 13.72 acres Remain Tourist Zoning (T) Land within city limits Uses include: Core Hotel Building (538,131 sq.ft.) Workforce Housing (36,295 sq.ft.) Townhomes Warm Springs Ranch Restaurant Other guest uses (597,643 square feet)

14 Block 2 (E.1.2,1.3,1.4) Golf Course and Open Space Area 39.25 acres Recreation Use District (RU) Block to be annexed into the City Land runs south and west from Block 1 Warm Springs Creek to the north Jurisdictional wetland complex (2.2 acres) High to moderate quality; ecological function Uses include: Passive Open Space Portions of Golf Course Irrigation Ponds

15 Block 3 (E.1.4) Westerly Estate Lot 2.79 acres Recommended Tourist Zoning (T) Allow short-term occupancy Block to be Annexed into the City Uses include: One home site Building envelope approx. 0.54 acres 5,900 max. gross sq.ft. Accessory Uses and garages limited to 1,200 gross sq.ft. Closest residential development to existing neighborhoods north of WS Creek

16 Block 4 (E.1.4) Residential on 2.89 acres Tourist Zoning (T) Recommended Block to be annexed into the City Between Block 2 and USFS land to the south Uses include: 7 residential villas (approx. 25,984 sq.ft.) Single-family and duplex dwellings Hotel and tourist housing accomodations

17 Block 5 (E.1.4) Residential on 2.40 acres Recommended Tourist Zoning (T) Block to be annexed to the City Between Block 2 and USFS land to the south Uses include: 6 residential villas (approx. 22,272 sq.ft.) Single-family and duplex dwellings Hotel and tourist housing accomodations

18 Block 6 (E.1.4) Residential and Semi-Private Events on 4.5 acres Recommended Tourist Zoning (T) Block to be annexed to the City Between Block 2 and USFS land to the south Uses include: Events House (approx. 3,400 sq.ft.) and lawn area Semi-private facility used in conjunction with hotel events 12 residential villas (approx. 44,544 sq.ft.) Single-family and duplex dwellings Hotel and tourist housing accomodations

19 Block 7 (E.1.2) Open space on 10.37 acres Recommended Recreation Use District (RU) No development proposed Block to be annexed to the City Conifer hillside in USFS land at base of Bald Mtn.

20 Block 8 (E.1.2) South Estate Lot on 2.47 acres Recommended Tourist Zoning (T) Allow short-term occupancy Block to be Annexed into the City Uses include: One home site Building envelope approx. 0.58 acres 5,900 max. gross sq.ft. Accessory Uses and garages limited to 1,200 gross sq.ft. Propose site adjacent to existing cottonwood forest and Blue Avalanche Zone Building envelope outside of Avalanche zone

21 Maximum Allowable Densities

22 Density Calculation Block 1 (Floor Area Ratio – F.A.R.) FAR for lands on the north side of Warm Springs Creek (Block 1) Total square footage of Block 1: 597,628 sq.ft. Area between MHW and within roadways: 162,949 sq.ft. Net Applicable area for Block: 434,679 sq.ft. Total gross floor area in Block 1: 620,146 sq.ft. Block 1 F.A.R. = 1.43 F.A.R. allowed by underlying Zoning District (T Zone) = 0.5* ** * Portion of Block 1 is within GR-L Zone and a portion is within the County as RD Zone. ** If inclusionary housing provided, then max F.A.R. allowed in T Zone is 1.6. If hotel is provided, then max floor area and height or minimum open site area requirements may be exceeded.

23 Types an Uses of Structures Plat notes – Number of structures – Maximum gross square footage and units permitted on the following Blocks: Block 1 (core hotel) Blocks 3 and 8 (estate lots) Blocks 4, 5 and 6 (villas), – Block 2 (Golf Course and Open Space) – Block 7 (Open Space – no development)

24 Location of Building Envelopes Building envelopes have been designated and shown for the following Blocks: – Blocks 3 and 8 Estate lots – Blocks 4, 5, and 6 Villas – Block 1 Tent Diagram to guide core hotel building Workforce Housing

25 Location and Dedication of Streets, Alleys, Easements, Parks and other Public Lands These areas have been identified on the plat

26 Lot and Block Requirements 16.04.04F Each large block assigned a zone district; Areas with a slope of 25% or greater MO

27 Zoning to follow each Large Block Zoning District Limit Uses to the Following Block 1 (Urbanized areas north of Warm Springs Creek-includes lands already within city limits) T Uses/buildings as identified in the Development Agreement including core hotel, townhouses, workforce housing, Warm Springs Restaurant Block 2 (Golf Course and Open Space-to be annexed) RU Golf Course; Open Space, and related open space uses/buildings as identified in the Development Agreement Block 3* (Westerly Estate to be annexed) T One family dwelling; short term occupancy Block 4 (7 residential villas- to be annexed) T One family dwelling; duplex; hotel; tourist housing accommodations Block 5 (6 residential villas- to be annexed) T One family dwelling; duplex; hotel; tourist housing accommodations Block 6 (12 residential villas and Hotel Events House- to be annexed) T One family dwelling; duplex; hotel Block 7 (Open Space- to be annexed) RU Golf Course; Open Space, and related open space uses/buildings as identified in the Development Agreement Block 8* (Southern Estate - to be annexed) TOne family Dwelling; short term occupancy WSRR Annexation Areas: Recommended Zoning and Uses *Areas within 50 feet of the mean high water mark to be managed consistently with other riparian areas, as outlined in the Development Agreement.

28 Block Requirements 16.04.04G Assessment of length, width and shape of blocks. Blocks proposed in this PUD are more akin to phasing blocks than to a typical City block Blocks will allow suitable lots and sublots Further detail regarding cuts and fills for roads analyzed during subdivision and Design Review process

29 Street Improvement Requirements 16.04.04H





34 Street Improvement Recommendations Abandon upper portion of Bald Mountain Road and to develop Private Road #1 Roundabout proposed on Warm Springs Road is the preferred alternative from a public safety standpoint Fire Chief, Police Street Department and City Engineer united in these recommendations

35 Street Improvement Recommendations Private Road #2 servicing the westerly estate lot and Private Road #3 servicing the southern estate lot allowed to exist within blue & red avalanche zones* Road gated where access to the villas restricted during periods of high avalanche hazards – As determined by the City of Ketchum Emergency Services Personnel *Chapter 17.92 of Ketchum City Code does not restrict roads from avalanche zones

36 Required Easements 16.04.04J

37 Existing Easements Maintained or Relocated A 10’ water line easement through proposed Block 3 A 5’ wide private access easement within Sun River Townhomes Sublot 2 from Bald Mt. Road to Warm Springs to benefit Creek The 10’ water line easement referred to in plat note #9 relocated within the new road right-of-ways. The 30’ wide roadway, driveway and utility easements commonly known as Townhouse Lane (Inst. Nos. 129007, 165890 & 306216) will be relocated as described in plat note #8. The 40’ wide Bald Mt. Road non-dedicated roadway across property – Dedicate that 40’ to the city if the city chooses to keep Bald Mt. Road – If Bald Mt. Road is relocated, no roadway encumbering that portion of the property.

38 Easements Created 40’ wide private roads emergency access and public utility easements A 10’ wide water line easement – Connect waterline easement to the public utility easement in the private road in Block 4. A 30’ wide access and public utility easement A 15’ wide sewer line easement A 10’ wide fisherman access and nature study easement A 25’ wide scenic and riparian setback will be created; a 50’ riparian setback on all Blocks that will be annexed

39 Sanitary Sewage Disposal Improvements 16.04.04K Central sanitary sewer systems to be installed and connected to Ketchum sewage treatment system Guided through Design Review

40 Water System Improvements 16.04.04L P roject will connect to the City water system Water system improvements further dictated by requirements set forth in DA

41 Planting Strip Improvements 16.04.04M Detailed landscaping plan provided during Design Review Type/location of retaining walls

42 Cuts, Fills and Grading Improvements 16.04.04N Subdivision of each block to guide evaluation

43 Drainage Improvements 16.04.04O Subdivision of each block to guide evaluation

44 Utilities 16.04.04P Utilities safely designed in the event of hazard (flooding, avalanche )

45 Off-Site Improvements 16.04.04Q Necessary improvements as a result of the impacts of this project Traffic/Circulation Improvement to Warm Springs Road along the project frontage Roundabout and reconfigured roadway design Improvements to Bald Mountain Road Proportionate share signalization of a traffic signal at Lewis/WS Road Proportionate share traffic calming improvements needed at WS Road and Highway 75 Bus pullout along WS Road Water System improvements Sewer System Improvements Undergrounding of existing overhead power lines on WS Road Impact fees further deliberated as a part of the Development Agreement

46 Condominiums 16.04.060 Townhouses 16.04.070 Condominium and townhouse plats will be submitted for each building within the project.

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