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MIMIC WP 3 Identification and assessment of security-related risks Kick off 5.-6.9.2011, Helsinki Mirva Salokorpi Research manager, seafaring and logistics.

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Presentation on theme: "MIMIC WP 3 Identification and assessment of security-related risks Kick off 5.-6.9.2011, Helsinki Mirva Salokorpi Research manager, seafaring and logistics."— Presentation transcript:

1 MIMIC WP 3 Identification and assessment of security-related risks Kick off 5.-6.9.2011, Helsinki Mirva Salokorpi Research manager, seafaring and logistics

2 Project personnel and other partners  Part-time Project manager will start in early October  Recruitment process for a full-time Project specialist on going, the application deadline 8.9.  Research manager (Mirva Salokorpi): responsibility of project establishing and supervising, participate in some tasks, if needed  Project secretary (Päivi Piira)  UTARTU  Finnish ”METO-group” KyUAS | KymiTechnology | Mirva Salokorpi24.9.2011

3 The Main Goal (in the project plan)  The main goal is to define security related threats of maritime oil transportation in the Baltic Sea, and to evaluate their impact on the total safety concept. IMO's adopted FSA (formal safety assessment) is the key procedure here. KyUAS | KymiTechnology | Mirva Salokorpi34.9.2011

4 Background  ”Finnish maritime stakeholders (auhtorities) group” (METO-group: The Finnish Transport Agency, Finnish Transport Safety Agency, The Finnish Border Guard, Ministry of Defence, The Finnish Navy, Ministry of Transport and Communication) is the driving force behind  will be as an Advisory Board for wp 3  Preliminary study (METO-group, Aalto, VTT and KyAMK) was completed 2010 (not published), oulined the total safety concept KyUAS | KymiTechnology | Mirva Salokorpi44.9.2011

5 Background/purpose/need/aim  To get more information and tools for authorities to develop co-operation and preparing for security threats in the Baltic Sea  Comprehensive approach, basic knowledge about security and safety chains, where these threats and risks can be encounterd  The essential question/challenge: how to model security threats? KyUAS | KymiTechnology | Mirva Salokorpi54.9.2011

6 Main tasks 1.state of the art of the security issues related to oil transportation; 2.identification of threats using FSA procedure; 3.recommendations for using best available risk control options and instruments in the Baltic Sea KyUAS | KymiTechnology | Mirva Salokorpi64.9.2011

7 Tasks and milestones I Milestone May-Aug 2011 ”O-result” II Milestone Sep-Deg 2011 Start Literature review (task1) First brainstorming session (task1) Subcontracted study will be ordered (task2) III Milestone Jan-Apr 2012 First report will be published (task1) Project seminar (results of task1, other wp:s and kick off of task3) 2 x brainstorming sessions (task2) Subcontracted study will be finished Web-based questionnaire IV Milestone May-Aug 2012 Preliminary report (task2) Presenting the results of the task 1 List of identified threats and their ranking (task2) Preliminary plan for Risk Control Options (task3) KyUAS | KymiTechnology | Mirva Salokorpi74.9.2011

8 Tasks and milestones (2) V Milestone Sep-Deg 2012 Final report of the task 2 The results for the different stakeholders for information and comments Preliminary findings of the task 3 VI Milestone Jan-Apr 2013 Developing the Web Service (UTARTU) (security risk assessment maps) Preliminary report (task3) VII Milestone May-Aug 2013 Closure of the task3 Testing and using of the Web tool Meetings with stakeholders (results and future) Writing final report VIII Milestone Sep-Deg 2013 Closing period Final report (for financier) KyUAS | KymiTechnology | Mirva Salokorpi84.9.2011

9 Questions/discussion Any other connections to other WP:s or participants? Presentation of the project in Finnish Russian Maritime Assembly 12-14 October 2011 (Ust Luga), call Russian oil companies and ports to participate to the project +358 44 702 8513 KyUAS | KymiTechnology | Mirva Salokorpi94.9.2011

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