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The 12 : Jesus’ Mobile Supreme Court Apostles send Peter and John to Samaria Barnabas brings Saul to the apostles in Jerusalem Paul returns to Jerusalem.

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Presentation on theme: "The 12 : Jesus’ Mobile Supreme Court Apostles send Peter and John to Samaria Barnabas brings Saul to the apostles in Jerusalem Paul returns to Jerusalem."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 12 : Jesus’ Mobile Supreme Court Apostles send Peter and John to Samaria Barnabas brings Saul to the apostles in Jerusalem Paul returns to Jerusalem church Peter goes to the apostles in Jerusalem Antioch church sends Barn/Paul to apostles/ elders In Jerusalem Jerusalem church sends Barnabas to Antioch Acts 8:14-179:26-2911:1-1811:22-24 15:1-35 (16: 31) 18:18-22 After 2 nd Missionary journey Q: How are people saved? (after 1st missionary journey) Greeks’ Salvation confirmed Gentiles’ Salvation confirmed Saul’s conversion confirmed Samaritans salvation confirmed Rosetta Stone Luke 22:29-30

2 Jesus’ Commissions the 11 Apostles Prior to His Ascension Luke 24 Paul Commissions the Elders Prior to His Departure Acts 20 24:37 Thinking they saw a spirit…a spirit does not have flesh and bones 24:39 Look at my hands.. His hands 24:44 Everything must be fulfilled that is written about Me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms 24:45 The Christ will suffer 24:44 …while I was with you 20:22 Compelled by the spirit…the Holy Spirit 20:34 These hands of mine 20:27 I have not hesitated to proclaim to you the whole will of God 20:24 My life is worth nothing to me 20:18,31 The whole time I was with you

3 Jesus’ Commissions the 11 Apostles Prior to His Ascension Luke 24 Paul Commissions the Elders Prior to His Departure Acts 20 24:45 He opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures 24:46 rise from the dead on the third day 24:48 You are witnesses of these things 24:49 I am going to send you what My Father has promised 20:24 testifying to the gospel of God’s grace 20:31 remember that for three years 20:18, 20 You know…you know…you yourselves know 20:32 I commit you to God and the word of His grace

4 Jesus’ Commissions the 11 Apostles Prior to His Ascension Luke 24 Paul Commissions the Elders Prior to His Departure Acts 20 24:49 You have been clothed… 24:50 Lifted up His hands and blessed them 24:51 He left them…taken up into heaven 24:52 They knelt down to worship Him 24:52 they returned to Jerusalem 20:33 I have not coveted…clothing 20:35 It is more blessed to give than to receive 20:38 They would never see his face again 20:36 He knelt down with all of them and prayed 20:22 I am going to Jerusalem

5 Acts 1 12 Apostles = Overseers Acts 20 Elders = Overseers 1:20 may another take his place of oversight 1:24 show us which one… you have chosen 20: 28 …the flock over which The Holy Spirit has placed you [as] overseers… 20:28 …the Holy Spirit… has placed you… Changing of the Guard

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