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Dramatizer A program to help produce an audio dramatized New Testament, Bible, Book, or Selections.

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1 Dramatizer A program to help produce an audio dramatized New Testament, Bible, Book, or Selections.


3 July 2, 2008 Sangu  At a glimpse the project seems simple and straight forward but remember that is very, very rarely the case in missions, especially in drastically different cultures such as that in TZ. With all that said, the project is taking the finished translations of Ruth and Jonah and recording them verbatim in dramatized form [in at least 7 languages].  At a glimpse the project seems simple and straight forward but remember that is very, very rarely the case in missions, especially in drastically different cultures such as that in TZ. With all that said, the project is taking the finished translations of Ruth and Jonah and recording them verbatim in dramatized form [in at least 7 languages].

4 Mbeya area - Tanzania

5 July 2, 2008 Sangu  That next to last word [dramatized] adds tons more work to the project. Selecting reputable, well-voiced people from the local community of believers isn’t particular easy especially when I’m hours away from the eventual recording site. Much to my relief, this is where the translation team, part of the body of Christ, helps me out.  That next to last word [dramatized] adds tons more work to the project. Selecting reputable, well-voiced people from the local community of believers isn’t particular easy especially when I’m hours away from the eventual recording site. Much to my relief, this is where the translation team, part of the body of Christ, helps me out.

6 July 2, 2008 Sangu  Wiliadi, translation coordinator for his Sangu people, has anxiously stepped up to assume the responsibilities of all the on-site preparation groundwork. Lord, I thank you for Wiliadi and pray you bless him for having such a servant’s heart and a love for your word. I pray his efforts are quickly and extremely fruitful in order that more people can hear from you as soon as possible.

7 July 2, 2008 Sangu  So, where am I in the completion of this project? At the beginning. The translation department has already given me the soft copies of the two books. I marked verses by character (God, Jonah, Ruth, Boaz, etc.) and reviewed the text with Wiliadi a few weeks ago during his visit to Mbeya. After a few changes, the text is ready to be recorded.  So, where am I in the completion of this project? At the beginning. The translation department has already given me the soft copies of the two books. I marked verses by character (God, Jonah, Ruth, Boaz, etc.) and reviewed the text with Wiliadi a few weeks ago during his visit to Mbeya. After a few changes, the text is ready to be recorded.

8 July 2, 2008 Sangu  I’m also using a new program designed by a software guy at JAARS. It’s called Dramatizer and it does exactly that to the text of any book of the Bible. I point it to a text file of a book and it splits every word out by character and groups them together.  I’m also using a new program designed by a software guy at JAARS. It’s called Dramatizer and it does exactly that to the text of any book of the Bible. I point it to a text file of a book and it splits every word out by character and groups them together.

9 July 2, 2008 Sangu  So, I’ll have all of Boaz’s lines in one script to give to the Sangu speaker when I’m ready to record that character. I’ll have a master copy that has all the lines with the respective character noted next to it but the speaker only has to focus on reading and speaking what is on his/her sheet only. I’m anxious to see how that helps the flow and process of recording.

10 July 2, 2008 Sangu  Once all of the recording is completed, I have to edit it, make a master copy, and pretest it with a small group of Sangu before I go into the reproduction stage. The audio will be dubbed mainly onto cassette as that is the most widely used form of media among them. I’ll also do a number of CD’s and even look into experimenting with some digital players.  Once all of the recording is completed, I have to edit it, make a master copy, and pretest it with a small group of Sangu before I go into the reproduction stage. The audio will be dubbed mainly onto cassette as that is the most widely used form of media among them. I’ll also do a number of CD’s and even look into experimenting with some digital players.

11 July 2, 2008 Sangu  There are two possibilities in that regard: one is a solar-charged digital player that can hold the entire Bible! It is the more expensive of the two so the second option, which is extremely new to the market, would be what I choose. It is a hand-crank-charged mp3 player. Unlike the first one, we can easily upload content onto the player and even increase it’s memory capacity.  There are two possibilities in that regard: one is a solar-charged digital player that can hold the entire Bible! It is the more expensive of the two so the second option, which is extremely new to the market, would be what I choose. It is a hand-crank-charged mp3 player. Unlike the first one, we can easily upload content onto the player and even increase it’s memory capacity.

12 Oct 25, 2008 #1 Sangu  After Katherine finished her SU seminar, I took that opportunity to test the recordings on local pastors in attendance. The response was nothing but encouraging words and high anticipation for their cassettes to arrive. Here they are listening to the audio from my computer played through a PA system:

13 Mar 14, 2009 #3 Nyakyusa

14 Mar 17, 2009 Sangu All 20 [cassettes of Ruth and Jonah] sold in less than 10 minutes! That’s amazing considering the economic struggles that people group has due to their geographical location. Then, the other team leader e-mailed me that afternoon and said another Sangu pastor wanted 10 himself! That’s on top of another 20 the translation team leader asked for!

15 Overview  Assigns character name to each clip of scripture. 4,000-6000 clips are in a New Testament. This took 6 weeks for a translator for the New Testament.  Typically does 95% by itself  Gives multiple choice to translator when more than one person speaks in a verse  Allows for unknown character to be filled in easily by translator.

16 Menu is localizable – English

17 Menu is localisable – English

18 Le menu est localisable – français

19 O cardápio é localizável – português

20 After processing

21 What it does  Produces master script for recording  Produces scripts for each speaker to practice  Produces script for second monitor  Assists in the recording process  Ensures you have recorded everything  Keeps track of all the files created

22 Produces master script for recording

23 Produces scripts for each speaker to practice

24 Start with SFM text in Windows encoding

25  \id MRK  \header Mark  \st The Gospel according to  \mt Mark  \c 1  \s The Preaching of John the Baptist  \p  \v 1 This is the Good News about Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  \v 2  \q <<God said, <I will send my messenger ahead of you  \q2 to open the way for you.>  \q  \v 3  \q2 <Get the road ready for the Lord;  \q2 make a straight path for him to travel!> >>  \p  \v 4 So John appeared in the desert, baptizing and preaching. > he told the people, >  \v 5 Many people from the province of Judea and the city of Jerusalem went out to hear John. They confessed their sins, and he baptized them in the Jordan River.

26 Or SFM in Unicode encoding

27 First level quotes marked in one of the following ways  «quoted text»  >  (space)"quoted text"(space) straight quotes  “quoted text” smart quotes

28 Set options

29 View for translator preparing script


31 Context view for translator preparing script

32 Identifying characters that Dramatizer didn’t mark


34 Identifying multiple characters in same verse


36 Assists in the recording process

37 Keeps track of all the files created

38 Produces script for second monitor

39 Ensures you have recorded everything

40 Final results

41 Final results!

42 Download installation package   download

43 Easy installation of program and documentation

44 Download current PowerPoint   download

45 Identify bugs and request features   Issues 

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