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Manifest Destiny Chapter 9 Q. Period 5 Period 5 (Fourth Nine-Weeks Notebook) 64. Bellwork-Jacksonian Democracy Notes10 pts 65. Reform nots 66. Jacksonian.

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Presentation on theme: "Manifest Destiny Chapter 9 Q. Period 5 Period 5 (Fourth Nine-Weeks Notebook) 64. Bellwork-Jacksonian Democracy Notes10 pts 65. Reform nots 66. Jacksonian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Manifest Destiny Chapter 9 Q


3 Period 5 Period 5 (Fourth Nine-Weeks Notebook) 64. Bellwork-Jacksonian Democracy Notes10 pts 65. Reform nots 66. Jacksonian Democracy study guide 67. ch 9 sec 1 outline 68. Manifest Destiny-bellwork and notes 69. ch 9 sec 2 outline

4 Bellwork page 14 Summarize the following quote in your own words ".... the right of our manifest destiny to over spread and to possess the whole of the continent which Providence has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty and federaltive development of self government entrusted to us. It is right such as that of the free to the space of air and the earth suitable for the full expansion of its principle and destiny of growth."- John L. O'Sullivan (1845) quote gathered from From Revolution to ReconstructionFrom Revolution to Reconstruction

5 Bellwork Continued Read the Geography and History Section on Spanish Missions on pages 312 and 313. Answer the Learning from Geography Questions on page 312


7 I. Manifest Destiny A. Manifest Destiny is the idea that God had given the continent to the Americans and wanted them to settle the western land to the Pacific Ocean. B. Squatters were settlers on land they did not own. After a period of time squatters were able to purchase land from the government C. The Steel Plow, the mechanical reaper and the combine allowed settlers to farm the west.

8 II. The Pacific Coast A. In 1818 the United States and Britain agreed to share the Oregon territory B. American missionaries were sent to spread the Gospel to the Native Americans there- They convinced many Easterners to come settle the Oregon Terr. C. California was controlled by Mexico but many Americans settled there.

9 III. The Western Trail A. By the 1840s mountain men had carved out passages that helped settlement of the west. B. The Oregon Trail was the most popular route, The California Trail and Santa Fe Trail were other routes C. Emigrants traveled westward in covered wagons called Conestoga wagons. D. Travel was dangerous

10 IV. The Mormon Migration A. The Mormons were a religious group led by Brigham Young. B. They made their way on the Mormon Trail C. The Mormons settled in Utah and settled Salt Lake City.

11 V. Native Americans A. Travelers feared indian attacks. B. There were relatively few indian attacks C. Native Americans actually helped many settlers. D. Western tribes were the Sioux, Cheyenne and Arapaho E. The Treaty of Fort Laramie was when the U.S. Govt. and 8 Indian groups agreed

12 Lone Star Legacy Video click on the link below to download and view the video YgqBCaMDg4OWVkZWQtNWNiMS00Y2F kLWE3ODEtNzEwOTdiY2IwODZk&hl=en YgqBCaMDg4OWVkZWQtNWNiMS00Y2F kLWE3ODEtNzEwOTdiY2IwODZk&hl=en

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