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GridPP Meeting, 28/6/06 UB Overview à Role of the UB n Represent user community within GridPP management n Request and allocate.

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Presentation on theme: "GridPP Meeting, 28/6/06 UB Overview à Role of the UB n Represent user community within GridPP management n Request and allocate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dave.Newbold@cern.ch16th GridPP Meeting, 28/6/06 UB Overview à Role of the UB n Represent user community within GridPP management n Request and allocate Tier-1/2 hardware resources n Quarterly meetings (Q2 meeting this afternoon) n Meetings are open to all collaborators à Current issues n Resource allocation: Tier-1 resource contention n GridPP3 requirements definition n Migration to CASTOR2 at Tier-1 (discussion this afternoon)

2 Dave.Newbold@cern.ch16th GridPP Meeting, 28/6/06 Resources: T1 CPU à Available in July: 1031kSI2k à Farm is essentially fully used n Note that efficiency is still an issue - investigations continue

3 Dave.Newbold@cern.ch16th GridPP Meeting, 28/6/06 Resources: T1 Disk à Available in July: 179TB à We are critically short of Tier-1 disk n Deployment of new resources delayed by infamous firmware issues

4 Dave.Newbold@cern.ch16th GridPP Meeting, 28/6/06 Resources: T1 Tape à Available in July: 532TB n No further expansion of old tape technology planned

5 Dave.Newbold@cern.ch16th GridPP Meeting, 28/6/06 Resources: T2 à T2 accounting still needs to be optimised… à Available in July: 6322kSI2k; 887TB (!) n Note take up ratio…

6 Dave.Newbold@cern.ch16th GridPP Meeting, 28/6/06 GridPP3: Resources à Process n All experiments asked for forward look to 2012 n No explicit constraints placed on requirements n Future activities (not yet active in GridPP2) also gave input à LHC Experiments n Tier-1 resource balance informed by computing models n Tried to distinguish classes of use for CPU (not yet for disk) n Tier-1 scale set by community size or by practical minimum (CMS) n Tier-2 scales as community size n Resources increased significantly w.r.t current MoU numbers n Tier-1/2 resources roughly 1:1 (empirical confirmation of Doyles nth Law) à Other Experiments n Envelope of 5% T2 disk/CPU + T1 tape should cover the requirement n Future linear collider work may need more beyond 2010 n UB will continue in allocating role in GridPP3

7 Dave.Newbold@cern.ch16th GridPP Meeting, 28/6/06 GridPP3 Resources

8 Dave.Newbold@cern.ch16th GridPP Meeting, 28/6/06 GridPP3: UB Role à Issues with current UB structure n Balance between formal representation / open meetings n Narrow point of contact with the rest of GridPP n Quarterly resource allocation is increasingly impractical A more hands-on approach is required for T1 allocation n Optimisation of Tier-2 resource allocation process n Load on UB chair à Proposals for GridPP3 n Role of UB chair should be reviewed Empowered to make practical short-term decisions on resources n Cross-membership with new Deployment Board n More proactive discussion of technical requirements in the UK As opposed to top-down approach via WLCG

9 Dave.Newbold@cern.ch16th GridPP Meeting, 28/6/06 GridPP3: Data Flows à Outstanding item for GridPP3 planning: n Document our understanding of inter- and intra-site dataflows n Informs hardware, infrastructure and network planning at T1/T2 n Most information exists, needs to be collated and scaled for UK centres à Experiment dataflows: n T0 -> T1; T1 T1 (well understood?) n T1 -> T2 (potentially very large, not completely understood) E.g. what is the requirement for T1 T2_ext and vice versa? n Disk MSS bandwidth (becoming understood) Simplifying assumption is to ban random tape access n Disk CPU bandwidth Understood for bulk data operations at T1 Large uncertainties for analysis use - affects both T1 and T2 à WLCG working group (incl. NB, RJ, DN) will examine T1/T2 questions

10 Dave.Newbold@cern.ch16th GridPP Meeting, 28/6/06 Other Issues / Summary à Upcoming issues: n CASTOR2 testing / migration planning at Tier-1 n UK resource planning for dataflows (T1 and T2) n CPU efficiencies, including new architectures E.g. benchmarking on multicore - what scaling will we see? à Summary n UK resources are being heavily used n Contention for resources (esp. T1 disk) will soon hit us hard n GridPP3 requirements planning well advanced n Work to do on understanding dataflows (short and long term)

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