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IEC TC 100 Oct 22 2012 1 Wireless Power Transfer – multiple sources control management 2012-10-22 H. Sakakihara 100/AGS501.

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1 IEC TC 100 Oct 22 2012 1 Wireless Power Transfer – multiple sources control management 2012-10-22 H. Sakakihara 100/AGS501

2 IEC TC 100 Oct 22 2012 2 Background Multimedia products with wireless power transfer, specially electromagnetic induction technology, are spreading in the market. Electromagnetic induction Remove difficulty of connecting power line cable Request that a power source and a receiver should be put at a short distance in the appropriate position Magnetic resonance Give a spatial effect on power transfer Deliver power from multiple power sources to multiple receivers at a distance in a spatial space.

3 IEC TC 100 Oct 22 2012 3 Spatial Wireless Power Transfer System ① Multiple power sources configure a power transfer area. ② When a receiving device enters the power transfer area, its device will be charged automatically. Concept image-1Concept image-2 Power source

4 IEC TC 100 Oct 22 2012 4 Methods of formation of groups on power transfer areas including multiple power sources Which power source is responsible for power transfer to each receiving device? Controlling power transfer conditions among multiple power sources to achieve efficient power transfer to multiple receivers How can power sources set up the output conditioning on position and posture of receiving devices? Technical issues Power source...... Receiving device...... Group-1 Group-N

5 IEC TC 100 Oct 22 2012 5 New work item proposal Title : Wireless Power Transfer – multiple sources control management Scope: This International Standard specifies methods of formation of multiple groups on a spatial wireless power transfer system. A group on spatial wireless power transfer system, which is responsible for power transfer to receiving devices, has multiple power sources. This International Standard also specifies within a group methods of setting, sharing and controlling power transfer conditions among multiple power sources in order to achieve efficient power transfer to multiple receiving devices. NP submission: October, 2012

6 IEC TC 100 Oct 22 2012 6 System structure (1) Multiple sources configure power transfer area of each SWPTS (2) To deliver power to devices within intersection of power transfer areas, synchronizing of magnetic field arrangement on synchronizing of magnetic field based on position and posture of devices (3) Setting a SWPTS-S as Master (autonomous or user’s assignment) Master’s optimizing power magnetic field (calculation of matching conditions and magnetic field strength on SWPTS-Ss) Optimization on magnetic field to efficiently deliver power to all devices within SWPTS SWPTS-S Communication area Power transfer area SWPTS-1 SWPTS-2 Master Slave Master : Device SWPTS: Spatial Wireless Power Transfer System SWPTS-S: SWPTS-Source x z y Device-1

7 IEC TC 100 Oct 22 2012 7 Table of Contents 1.Scope 2.Normative References 3.Terms, definitions and abbreviations 4.Basic Overview 5.Requirements on SWPTS 6.Control and management method on SWPTS 6.1 Formation of SWPTS-Ss Group 6.2Preparation of Wireless power transfer for multiple SWPTS-Ds 6.3Wireless power transfer mode 6.4Reconfiguration of SWPTS :

8 IEC TC 100 Oct 22 2012 8 2012/ 101112 2013/ 1 2013/ 1011 2014 8 △ 10/22 TC100 AGS in Berlin ▲2012/10/13 NP submission △ 2013/10 CDV △ 2014/08 IS Schedule on proposed NP △ 2013/1 Closing voting on NP

9 IEC TC 100 Oct 22 2012 9 Thank you for your attention.

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