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Remediation System Design & Implementation Presented by.

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Presentation on theme: "Remediation System Design & Implementation Presented by."— Presentation transcript:

1 Remediation System Design & Implementation Presented by

2 For the purpose of this presentation, remediation is assumed to be any mechanical means of removing or reducing petroleum hydrocarbon mass in the subsurface.

3 is a means to an end

4 is the process by which an NFA is achieved

5 is the “end” is No Further Action

6 Prerequisites for a comprehensive remedial system. Site Conceptual Model Feasibility Study Pilot Test Design and Construction

7 Critical to effective system design, installation and operation Minimum data package: Source area definition Geologic and groundwater framework Historic liquid level data Soil and groundwater concentration data; with vertical, horizontal and temporal coverage Boring logs and well diagrams Cross sections

8 Additional model data should include: Summary of receptors State regulatory compliance targets Risk-based clean up concentrations

9 Definition of remedial goals Set remedial technology target concentrations for: Source zone, with respect to horizontal and vertical profiles Down-gradient locations; i.e. property lines, water wells, other receptors

10 Define source area and required treatment zones

11 Minimum elements Survey all potentially applicable technologies Include preliminary cost comparisons over life-cycle Evaluate impact on site features Evaluate with respect to remedial goals

12 The purpose of a pilot test is to generate sufficient high-quality data around which to design an efficient remediation system.

13 Example Pilot Test Flow chart

14 System Design & Construction

15 Inspect system construction details prior to delivery

16 Logistics to complete include power drops

17 Subgrade infrastructure – extraction piping details

18 Subgrade infrastructure – should provide sufficient control for air flow liquid flow

19 Subgrade infrastructure – extraction wellhead assembly; adjustable drop-tube

20 Subgrade infrastructure – extraction wellhead assembly; adjustable drop-tube advantages

21 Site-Specific Issues Overhead Utilities System Enclosure Locations Site-specific application Infrastructure additions: Extraction wells Sparge points Observation points

22 Equipment break in Process “debugging”

23 Adjustments for site specific factors Post pilot test findings System balancing Flow rates: liquids, vapors, hydrocarbons

24 Vital Elements for Successful Remediation Effective performance Run Time Common causes of system shutdowns - Power outages Simple fix: add alarm callout routine to PLC after power is restored

25 Vital Elements for Successful Remediation Effective performance Run Time Common causes of system shutdowns – Sediment filters Simple fix: install additional filter housings

26 Vital Elements for Successful Remediation Effective performance Run Time Common causes of system shutdowns – Pump failure Simple fixes: add wye strainer (sediment filter) to pump inlet. Clean float control switches

27 Vital Elements for Successful Remediation Targeted application SCM Treatment zone Vertical extent of remediation Horizontal extent of remediation

28 Vital Elements for Successful Remediation Effective monitoring; timely & accurate Run Time Mass Removal ROI Quarterly Groundwater Sampling Results Confirmation Soil Sampling Results

29 Chemviron Midwest, Inc. 3000 Old Airport Road, Suite A, Wooster, Ohio 44691 330-264-2000 or “Offering you the finest environmental contracting services, products & remedial technologies available” Cemcor Environmental Services Craig Marlow 8248 Hidden Forest Drive, Holland, Ohio 43528 Phone 419.867.8966 Fax 419.867.8976 Cell 419.349.7970 Email or web:

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