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Contract Clauses Jim Duffy (BBCNL).

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Presentation on theme: "Contract Clauses Jim Duffy (BBCNL)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contract Clauses Jim Duffy (BBCNL)

2 Agenda Specifying Timber Contract Clauses Barriers In The Supply Chain
Market Response (Construction Industry) Specifying Timber Contract Clauses Barriers In The Supply Chain Awareness Raising

3 Market Response (Construction)
How is the Market currently Responding to Verified Legal Timber? Recognition of responsibility Timber Procurement Policies Terminology “Wherever Possible”, Where Appropriate” BBCL Timber Procurement Policy revised Recognising Credibility of Certification Schemes In tune with CPET guidance on Certification Schemes

4 Market Response (Construction)

5 Market Response (Construction)
BREEAM, SEAM & NEAT Assessments Scoring highly for use of Sustainable Timber Use of Sustainable Timber Taken for granted on PFI Projects

6 Specifying According to Credibility
FSC Certified FSC Certified Alternative Species Other Certification Schemes PEFC SFI MTCC Other Forms of Evidence (independently audited) No Evidence Increasing Risk CPET Guidance

7 How are requirements communicated?
BBCL Timber Procurement policy Embedded in Subcontract Conditions Subcontractor/Supplier Clauses For Subcontractor and Suppliers, evidence required prior to placing orders

8 How are requirements communicated? BBCL
Timber Procurement policy Embedded in Designer Agreements Design Consultant Agreement The Consultant shall support the Contractor’s commitment to environmental improvement and its timber procurement policy and where the Consultant is in the provision of the Services to specify types of timber and/or their source shall wherever possible only specify timber which is not on a recognized list of threatened species and shall only specify timber from an independently certified, well managed source, e.g. FSC or similar. If unable to do so the Consultant shall as soon as possible inform the Contractor in writing.

9 Flow Chart

10 What are the barriers in the Supply Chain? Missing links in COC
Understanding of requirements Knowledge of Credible Schemes

11 Awareness Raising Use Existing Expertise (CPET)
Stepped Approach With Supply Chain Commitment from Supply chain COC Sites for BBCL “Preferred Supplier” benefits (repeat business) Training

12 Any Questions?

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