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Learning and exploring Life science through the EBI reosurces and tools BIOQUEST workshop_2011 Vicky Schneider, EMBL-EBI Training Programme Project leader.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning and exploring Life science through the EBI reosurces and tools BIOQUEST workshop_2011 Vicky Schneider, EMBL-EBI Training Programme Project leader."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning and exploring Life science through the EBI reosurces and tools BIOQUEST workshop_2011 Vicky Schneider, EMBL-EBI Training Programme Project leader

2 Research

3 3 Key facts about research The EBI provides a unique environment for bioinformatics research Eight dedicated research groups aim to understand biology through new approaches to interpreting biological data Services teams also carry out R&D to enhance existing services and develop new ones Research programme complements services and the two are mutually supportive

4 Chemistry Curiosity-driven research ProteinsGenomesPathways and systemsTranscriptomes Ewan Birney Rolf Apweiler Nicolas Le Novère Nick Luscombe Paul Flicek Christoph Steinbeck John Overington Paul Bertone Anton Enright Gerard Kleywegt Janet Thornton Alvis Brazma Nick Goldman biology/medicine chemistry/chem engineering maths physics Text mining Dietrich Rebholz- Schuhmann John Marioni Julio Saez- Rodriguez

5 Examples of EMBL-EBI research What is the molecular basis of ageing? How do the neurons of someone with Parkinson’s disease signal differently from healthy neurons? What makes a stem cell decide to become skin or muscle? Which of these proteins will make good targets for drugs? Which of these changes to a genome’s structure drive cancer?

6 Training


8 8 Hands-on training for all levels of experience Interactive training in our purpose-built IT training suite at EMBL-EBI, Hinxton, Cambridge Learn from the EBI’s experts through a combination of talks and practical exercises Take a tour of all our core data resources, or focus in on specific data types Full programme at

9 9 Predoc and postdoc training Open Days for bioinformatics early-stage researchers PhD studentships through EMBL International PhD Programme EIPOD interdisciplinary post-doc fellowship programme EBI–Sanger postdoc programme

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