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Kindergarten Mentor Tutoring 2015-2016. Phoneme Segmentation—3 Min Day 1Day 2Day 3 Day 4 cab /c/ /a/ /b/ face /f/ /a/ /c/ /e/ back /b/ /a/ /ck/main/m/

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Presentation on theme: "Kindergarten Mentor Tutoring 2015-2016. Phoneme Segmentation—3 Min Day 1Day 2Day 3 Day 4 cab /c/ /a/ /b/ face /f/ /a/ /c/ /e/ back /b/ /a/ /ck/main/m/"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kindergarten Mentor Tutoring 2015-2016

2 Phoneme Segmentation—3 Min Day 1Day 2Day 3 Day 4 cab /c/ /a/ /b/ face /f/ /a/ /c/ /e/ back /b/ /a/ /ck/main/m/ /ai/ /n/ head /h/ /ea/ /d/ peak /p/ /ea/ /k/ meal /m/ /ea/ /l/beam/b/ /ea/ /m/ rib /r/ /i/ /b/ dice /d/ /i/ /ce/ kick /k/ /i/ /ck/did/d/ /i/ /d/ foam /f/ /oa/ /m/ knock /kn/ /o/ /ck/ soak /s/ /oa/ /k/job/j/ /o/ /b/ tub /t/ /u/ /b/ cube /c/ /u/ /be/ duck /d/ /u/ /ck/mud/m/ /u/ /d/ ham /h/ /a/ /m/ name /n/ /a/ /me/ camp /c/ /a/ /m/ /p/ plan/p/ /l/ /a/ /n/ leap /l/ /ea/ /p/ dear /d/ /ea/ /r/ neat /n/ /ea/ /t/peck/p/ /e/ /ck/ hide /h/ /i/ /de/ chief /ch/ /ie/ /f/ pies /p/ /ie/ /s/knife/kn/ /i/ /fe/ robe /r/ /o/ /be/ rod /r/ /o/ /d/ code /c/ /o/ /de/fog/f/ /o/ /g/ puff /p/ /u/ /ff/ rug /r/ /u/ /g/ gum /g/ /u/ /m/jump/j/ /u/ /m/ /p/ ranch /r/ /a/ /n/ /ch/ plane /p/ /l/ /a/ /ne/ trap /t/ /r/ /a/ /p/shape/sh/ /a/ /pe/ bed /b/ /e/ /d/ knee /kn/ /ee/ beach /b/ /ea/ /ch/weed/w/ /ee/ /d/ gift /g/ /i/ /f/ /t/ wig /w/ /i/ /g/ might /m/ /igh/ /t/like/l/ /i/ /ke/ boil /b/ /oi/ /l/ join /j/ /oi/ /n/ woke /w/ /o/ /ke/hole/h/ /o/ /le/ fun /f/ /u/ /n/ June /J/ /u/ /ne/ lung /l/ /u/ /n/ /g/cup/c/ /u/ /p/  This activity is done orally. The tutee will listen to the words you say and tell you the sounds they hear in each word.  Say to the tutee, “I am going to say a word, tell me all of the sounds you hear in the word. If I say mop, you’ll say /m/ /o/ /p/.”  The tutor will underline the sounds that the tutee segments.  Teach the tutee to tap the sounds in each word.  Record the number of sounds correct on the record sheet.

3 Letter Naming—1 Min  Ask the tutee to name as many letters as they can.  Have them point to the first letter and begin the timer.  Record the number of letters the tutee names correctly.

4 Letter Sounds—1 Min  Ask the tutee to tell you the sounds of as many letters as they can.  Have them point to the first letter and begin the timer.  Record the number of letters the tutee names correctly.  After the timing ask them the other sounds of c and g if they gave you a correct sound the first time.

5 Alphabet Flashcards—3 Min  Teach and practice 3-5 uppercase and lowercase letters and their sounds each week.  You may want to begin with the letters in the child's name if they don’t know them. abcde fghij klmno pqrst uvwxy

6 Letter Matching—1 Min  Ask the kindergartener to name and match the uppercase letter with lowercase letter.  Record the number of matches made.

7 Reading c-v-c Words—5 Min  The tutor says a word aloud from the word list provided. The tutee will place a letter card in the boxes to spell out the word. It can be helpful to print the vowels in red.  Help them hear the beginning, middle, and end sounds as they choose the letter to place in the box.  Finish by sounding out the word and reread it as a whole word.  Repeat and practice as needed  Record the number of words practiced and read.

8 Sight Words—2 Min  Help the tutee learn sight words starting with group 1.  Work on 5 words at a time. Move on to the next group of words when the student has master all 5.  Record the group of words you’re working on and how many they got correct each day.  Make flash cards of the sight words for them to practice.

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