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Tony Doyle Executive Summary, PPARC, MRC London, 15 May 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Tony Doyle Executive Summary, PPARC, MRC London, 15 May 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tony Doyle Executive Summary, PPARC, MRC London, 15 May 2003

2 Tony Doyle - University of GlasgowOutline Questions from PPARC? Motivation Overview How Does the Grid Work? Middleware Development Testbed Status Is the Middleware Robust? LHC Computing Grid Applications Tier-1 and -2 Centre Resources Dissemination Achievements Timeline UK Grid Priorities Roadmap Future Grid Components

3 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Questions from PPARC? 1.What has been achieved in the first 18 months? See Oversight Committee (4): Executive Summary 2.Development in the medium-long term? GridPP1 (09/01-08/04)Prototypeshort Web to Grid GridPP2 (09/04-08/07)Productionmedium Prototype to Production (09/07-) Exploitationlong-term LHC exploitation

4 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Rare Phenomena – Huge Background 9 orders of magnitude The HIGGS All interactions

5 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Executive Summary Introduction Project Management Resources CERN DataGrid Applications Tier-1/A Tier-2 Dissemination Future Funding Ref: PMB-26-EXEC The prototype Grid is working Under control via Project Map Small modifications Scaling issues for LCG-1 Making impact Internationally Engaged (value added) Tier-A production mode Latent resources UK flagship project GridPP2 proposal in preparation

6 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Overview EDG - UK Contributions Architecture Testbed-1 Network Monitoring Certificates & Security Storage Element R-GMA LCFG MDS deployment GridSite SlashGrid Spitfire… Applications (start-up phase) BaBar CDF/D0 (SAM) ATLAS/LHCb CMS (ALICE) UKQCD £17m 3-year project funded by PPARC through the e-Science Programme CERN - LCG (start-up phase) funding for staff and hardware... CERN DataGrid Tier - 1/A Applications Operations

7 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow £17m++ 3-Year Project Five components –Tier-1/A = Hardware + CLRC e-Science Staff –DataGrid = 15 DataGrid Posts + CLRC PPD Staff –Applications = 13 Experiments Posts (to interface middleware) –Operations = Travel (~100 people)+ Management + Early Investment –CERN = 25 LCG posts + Tier-0 + LTA

8 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Project Management - 7 Elements

9 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Year 0 Year 1 The GridPP Project has passed prototype deployment stage 1...

10 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow How Does the Grid Work? 1. Authentication grid-proxy-init 2. Job submission dg-job-submit 3. Monitoring and control dg-job-status dg-job-cancel dg-job-get-output 4. Data publication and replication globus-url-copy, GDMP 5. Resource scheduling – use of Mass Storage Systems JDL, sandboxes, storage elements 0. Web User Interface…

11 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Middleware Development

12 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Testbed Status 10 th May 2003 14:40 UK-wide development using EU-DataGrid tools (v1.47). Not yet robust, but sufficient for prototype development. See

13 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Is the Middleware Robust? 1.Code Base (1/3 Mloc) 2.Software Evaluation Process 3.Testbed Infrastructure: Unit Test Build Integration Certification Production 4.Code Development Platforms

14 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow LHC Computing Grid Grid deployment project Not grid development Establishes the global computing infrastructure Allows all participating physicists to exploit LHC data Fosters and develops the required collaboration between –LHC experiments –peer computing centres –middleware providers Based at CERN Started March 2002

15 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow LHC Computing Grid Solid programme established Agreed between and supported by all LHC experiments LHC experiments contributing to development of common software (e.g. new persistency solution) First LHC global grid service for deployment in July 2003 Basis for a generic Science Grid Infrastructure

16 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Application Interfaces

17 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Tier-1/A: Year of Growth GridPP Certificates BaBar Use

18 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Tier-2 Web-Based Monitoring ScotGrid reached its 350,000th processing hour on Tuesday 6th May 2003. Status of Cambridge now available via Ganglia Posted on Mon 28 April 2003 10:02 BST

19 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Tier-1 and -2 Centre Resources Estimated resources at start of GridPP2 (Sept. 2004) Tier-2: (6000 CPUs + 500 TB) Tier-1: 1000 CPUs + 500 TB Tier-1 Shared distributed resources: required to meet experiment requirements Connected by network and grid… E = mc 2 Grid

20 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Dissemination: e-Science and Web e-Science All Hands Meeting held at Sheffield, 2-4 September 2002 –~ 300 people in total –~ 19 GridPP People attended –~ 13 GridPP Abstracts accepted (total ~100) –~ 10 GridPP Posters displayed – 4 GridPP Invited talks – 3 GridPP Demonstrations GridPP Web Page Requests: Currently 35,000 per month

21 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Dissemination: Posters ATLASSAM OptorSimGridPPTier-1/AScotGrid BaBarLHCbCMS Storage 10 Posters for NeSC Opening and e-Science All Hands Meeting

22 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Dissemination: Demonstrations Super Computing 2002 Baltimore, US Major event in November 2002 GridPP participated in three successful Worldwide demos –WorldGrid –Replica Location Service –SAMGrid These and other Web-based demos available online from

23 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Achievements I 1.Dedicated people actively developing a Grid 2.All with personal certificates 3.Using the largest UK grid testbed (16 sites and more than 100 servers) 4.Deployed within EU-wide programme 5.Linked to Worldwide Grid testbeds

24 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Achievements II 6.Grid Deployment Programme Defined The Basis for LHC Computing 7.Active Tier-1/A Production Centre meeting International Requirements 8.Latent Tier-2 resources being monitored 9.Significant middleware development programme 10.First simple applications using the Grid testbed (open approach)

25 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow GridPP From Prototype (hundreds) to Production (thousands) Grid.. 2002200520042003 2001 General deployment of e-Science methods… Certs.

26 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Timeline Timeline 2002200520042003 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 GridPP1- Procure, Install, Compute, Data Develop, Test, Refine LHC Computing Grid Initial Grid Tests EGEE GridPP2 Grid Service Prototypes Production 2001 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 DataGrid Middleware and Hardware Upgrades Worldwide Grid Demonstrations Transition and Planning Phase…GridPP2 Proposal

27 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Priorities: GridPP2 Proposal 1.Tier-1/A staff – National Grid Centre 2.Tier-1/A hardware – International Role 3.Tier-2 staff – UK e-Science Grid 4.Applications –Grid Integration (GridPP2) –Development (experiments proposals) 5.Middleware – EU-wide development 6.Tier-2 hardware – non-PPARC funding 7.CERN staff – quality assurance 8.CERN hardware – pro-rata contribution Final proposal writing phase… ALL of these are required to address the LHC Computing Challenge

28 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Roadmap: GridPP2 Proposal GridPP1GridPP2Exploitation

29 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow GridPP2 era Components: GridPP2 Proposal

30 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Future Grid Components 1. Dynamic Grid Optimisation e.g. OptorSim Automatic data replication to improve data access 2. Grid User Interfaces e.g. GUIDO Hide complexity of middleware from the end-user physicist

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