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S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 1 Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Workshop on MID and NAWID for interested Serbian manufacturers of measuring.

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Presentation on theme: "S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 1 Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Workshop on MID and NAWID for interested Serbian manufacturers of measuring."— Presentation transcript:

1 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 1 Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Workshop on MID and NAWID for interested Serbian manufacturers of measuring instruments, stakeholders and DMDM staff Peter Ulbig, Harry Stolz Belgrade, 31 October 2012 MID + NAWID

2 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 2 PTB = Germanys National Metrology Institute Braunschweig Berlin BESSY in Berlin

3 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 3 Brief introduction Dr. Peter Ulbig Head of Division Q of „Scientific-technical cross-sectional tasks“ Chairperson of the Deutsche Kalibrierdienst (association of PTB with accr. calibr. labs) Responsible for legal metrology, accreditation in metrology, international technical cooperation in metrology

4 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 4 Brief introduction Dr. Harry Stolz Head of the certification body Project leader of an EU Twinning project with Georgia dealing with metrology and standardisation Responsible for all certification systems at PTB. Expert in legal metrology, accreditation in metrology, international technical cooperation in metrology

5 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 5 Workshop on MID and NAWID Why this workshop ?  because Serbia likes to join the EU  because Serbia aims to align to European legislation  because European legislation is not easy!  but to make it easy for you to understand the philosophy behind  to give you an overview over the most relevant parts  to prepare you for the very next future!  and …

6 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 6 Workshop on MID and NAWID … you are not alone! Many countries are interested in the MID and NAWID or even try right now to integrate them in national laws: Balkan countries, Russia, Belarussia, Kazakhstan, … Jordan, Egypt Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco, Mauretania …

7 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 7 What are we talking about? MID = Measuring Instruments Directive (Directive EC/2004/22) NAWID = Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments Directive (Directive EC/2009/23, formerly 90/384/EC) 80 pages + 1000 pages (WELMEC guides) 22 pages + 200 pages (WELMEC guides)

8 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 8 MID + NAWID + European legislation MID NAWID 764 765 768

9 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 9 Where to be found?

10 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 10 Where to be found?

11 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 11 History before 1971: only national type approvals costs time and money sometimes different requirements time to place instruments on the market relatively long

12 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 12 History Non-automatic weighing instruments (NAWID) since 1990 (1990/384/EC) for different NAWIs more or less „New Approach“-direct. European type approv.

13 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 13 History „blue guide“ (1999): how to place goods in the EC-market and how to put them into use responsibilities (manufacturer, user …) EC declaration of conformity (CE marking) notified bodies market surveillance

14 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 14 History New Approach principles: Harmonisation is limited to essential requirements. Only products fulfilling the essential requirements may be placed on the market and put into use. Harmonised standards, which have been published in the Official EU-Journal and which have been transposed into national standards, are presumed to be conform to the corresponding essential requirements.

15 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 15 History New Approach principles: Application of harmonised standards or other technical specifications remains voluntary, and manufacturers are free to choose any technical solution that provides compliance with the essential requirements. Manufacturers may choose between different conformity assessment procedures provided for in the corresponding directive („Global Approach“).

16 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 16 History The “Global Approach”: – is a modular approach, offering harmonised conformity assessment procedures to the manufacturers – opens the possibility to take into account the manufacturers internal design and production control activities – allows a complete assessment until placing a measuring instrument on the market / putting into use – should provide a high level of confidence to the product MID: The conformity assessment procedures must be performed under the responsibility of a Notified Body, who is under the surveillance of a member state

17 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 17 History Basis: European harmonised standards Presumption of conformity with the essential requirements in full or in part if the instrument complies with : – Harmonised European Standard (CEN/CENELEC) – Normative Documents, e.g.drawn up by OIML, in full or in part referenced in the C series of the Official Journal of the European Communities Where an instrument not complies with referenced standards or documents, the Notified Body is in charge that the instrument meets the provisions of the Directive

18 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 18 History Simplified flow chart of conformity assessment procedures (Global Approach)‏ (“Blue Guide”:‏

19 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 19 History Comparison old and new approach: 1.Type approval 2.Initial verification 3.subsequent verification Conformity assessment subsequent verification

20 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 20 History Comparison old and new approach (example): 1.Type approval 2.Initial verification 3.subsequent verification 1.Conformity assessment (of the type) 2.Conformity to type 3.subsequent verification

21 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 21 History

22 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 22 History Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Measuring Instruments relevant for 31 European countries (2004/22/EC) = Measuring Instruments Directive = MID

23 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 23 History Measuring Instruments Directive (MID) since 2004 (2004/22/EC) for 10 meas. instruments based on the „New Approach“ conformity assessment (modules)

24 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 24 History Some bad experiences with „New Approach“: small and medium enterprises are more or less producing for a local market (not european-wide) market surveillance doesn‘t work in the EC (no concepts, no harmonisation) accreditation procedures are very different in the different member states (e.g. too many accreditation bodies)

25 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 25 History „New Legal Framework“ (Decision 768/2008):

26 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 26 History Improvement of the „New Approach“: regulation shall be reduced to make it easier for small and medium enterprises member states have to develop market surveillance concepts and shall protect consumers much more especially in the case of unsafe products from third countries there has to be only one accreditation body in each member state from 1st January 2010 on

27 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 27 2008 - 2012 Consequences of the „New legal framework“: revision of european guide lines („OMNIBUS-procedure“) to make it easy for everyone New approach omnibus Dir 1 Dir 2 Dir 3 Dir 4 Dir 5 unification of directives

28 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 28 2008 - 2012 Consequences of the „New legal framework“: Measuring Instruments Directive (MID) Non-automatic weighing instruments (NAWID) revision of european guide lines („OMNIBUS-procedure“) many changes ! only some changes !  process finished more or less in 2012

29 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 29 2013 - Consequences of the „New legal framework“: Measuring Instruments Directive (MID) Non-automatic weighing instruments (NAWID)  same definitions of e. g. „manufacturer“, „importer“ etc.  same conformity assessment modules

30 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 30 Definitions given by Decision 768/2008

31 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 31 Definitions given by Decision 768/2008

32 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 32 Obligations of manufacturers

33 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 33 Obligations of manufacturers

34 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 34 Conformity assessment Market research Concept, Customer requirement specifications Development Construction Product requirement specifications, Design, Techn. Docu- mentation, Prototype Production Components, Final products, Final inspection Manufacturing instructions, production facilities, Meas. and test equipment, Contracts with suppliers Process planning Speciments, Type tests, Design validation Development Validation Distribution, Start-up, service, maintenance Purchase Supplier Typical procedure at a manufacturer

35 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 35 Old approach Market research Concept, Customer requirement specifications Development Construction Product requirement specifications, Design, Techn. Docu- mentation, Prototype Production Components, Final products, Final inspection Manufacturing instructions, production facilities, Meas. and test equipment, Contracts with suppliers Process planning Speciments, Type tests, Design validation Development Validation Distribution, Start-up, service, maintenance Purchase Supplier Typical procedure at a manufacturer Initial Verification Type Approval

36 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 36 Structure of the Measuring Instruments Directive MID Annexes MI-001...MI-010 Requirements, specific to measuring instrument categories Annexes MI-001...MI-010 Requirements, specific to measuring instrument categories Articles 1 to 23 Articles 1 to 23 Annexes I and A-H1 Conformity assessment procedures Annexes I and A-H1 Conformity assessment procedures Annex I Basic Require- ments Annex I Basic Require- ments General description of the „modules“ possible „modules“

37 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 37 Structure of the Measuring Instruments Directive MI-001 Water Meters MI-002 Gas Meters and Volume Conversion Devices MI-003 Active Electrical Energy Meters MI-004 Heat Meters (MI-001 to MI-004: for utility measuring purposes) MI-005 Measuring Systems for the Measurement of Quantities of Liquids other than Water MI-006 Automatic Weighing Instruments MI-007 Taximeters MI-008 Material Measures (length, capacity measure) MI-009 Dimensional Measuring Instruments (e.g. area) MI-010 Exhaust Gas Analysers

38 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 38 Structure of the Measuring Instruments Directive Basic Principle: Regulations for legally controlled instruments are limited until “placing on the market” and/or “putting into use” – Member states remain responsible for their legal metrological control (choice of controlled instruments, market surveillance), but – National metrological control shall not lead to barriers for free movement of measuring instruments and – Directives have to be implemented into national legislation.

39 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 39 Structure of the Measuring Instruments Directive What is regulated in the Member States? (Regulated Instruments in % of Member States): Resid.I Com.I Industr. Utility meters (consumer protection) 100%, 97 %, 97 % MI-003 Active Electrical Energy Meters 93 %, 83 %, 74 % MI-001 Clean cold Water Meters 93 %, 93 %, 93 % MI-002 Gas Meters 89 %, 85 %, 85 % MI-001 Clean warm Water Meters 85 %, 89 %, 89 % MI-002 Volume conversion devices 82 %, 78 %, 78 % MI-004 Heat Meters (Resid.= residential use, Com. = commercial use, Industr. = industrial use)

40 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 40 Structure of the Measuring Instruments Directive Regulated Instruments in % Member States: 100 % MI-005 Fuel Dispensers (consum. prot.) 97 % MI-006 Automatic Weighing Instrum. (fair trade) 97 % MI-005 Systems on Road Tankers (fair trade) 93 % MI-005 Systems for Milk (fair trade) 89 % MI-007 Taximeters (consum. prot.) 85 % MI-010 Exhaust Gas Analysers (environment) 82 % MI-008 Material Measures: Length (consum.prot.) 74 % MI-008 Capacity measures (taxes) 70 % MI-009 Dimensional Measuring Instruments

41 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 41 Structure of the Measuring Instruments Directive Structure of the MID: 1) Articles, regulating the procedures: Definitions, Procedures for implementation, obligations, regulations, Criteria to be satisfied by the notified bodies, Necessary technical documentation from manufacturer, Safeguard clause in the case of non conformity, Changes and further development of the MID 2) General Essential Requirements (Annex I) 3) Conformity Assessment Procedures (Annexes A - H1) 4) Instrument Specific Essential Requirements (Annexes MI-001 to MI-010)

42 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 42 Structure of the Measuring Instruments Directive Essential Requirements: All instruments (Annex I)‏  Correct measurement: maximum permissible errors, durability  Influence quantities: mechanic, climatic, electromagnetic  Suitability for use, reproducibility  Verifiability: Metrolog. relevant parts, also for instruments in use  Additional functionalities, not under legal control  Protection against corruption (Hard- and Software)  Easy identification of metrological relevant Hard- and Software  Information to accompany the instruments  Indication of the result: (Metrologically controlled display for the consumer as the basis of the price to pay)  Further processing of data to conclude trading transaction

43 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 43 Structure of the Measuring Instruments Directive Instrument specific Essential Requirements (Annexes MI-001 to MI-010)  Rated operating conditions (climatic, mechan., electromagn.)  Maximum permissible Errors (MPE) at rated operating cond.  Permissible effects of disturbances  Indication of the result  Allowed Conformity Assessment Procedures If applicable:  Accuracy classes  Conditions for putting into use  Suitability / Durability  Requirements for sub assemblies with conformity assessment

44 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 44 MI-001, Water meters: B+D, B+F, H1 MI-002, Gas meters and volume conversion devices B+D, B+F, H1 MI-003, Active electrical energy metersB+D, B+F, H1 MI-004, Heat metersB+D, B+F, H1 MI-005, Measuring systems for the continous and dynamic measurement B+D, B+F, G, H1 of quantities of liquids other than water MI-006, Automatic weighing instruments mechanical systems:B+D, B+E, B+F, D1, F1, G, H1 electromechanical systems:B+D, B+E, B+F, G, H1 electronic systems or systems containing SW:B+D, B+F, G, H1 MI-007, TaximetersB+D, B+F, H1 MI-008, Material measures I – Material measure of lengthB+D, D1, F1, G, H II – Capacity serving measuresA1, B+D, B+E, D1, E1, F1, H MI-009, Dimensional measuring instruments mechanical or electromechanical: B+D, B+E, B+F, D1, E1, F1, G, H, H1 electronic or with SW: B+D, B+F, G, H1 MI-010, Exhaust gas analysersB+D, B+F, H1 An. A Internal pro- duction control An. F1 Product verifi- cation by N.B. (if so, statistic. verific.) An. C Internal pro- duction control An. D Assess- ment + sur- veillance of QMS pro- duction by N.B. An. E Assess- ment and sur- veillance of QMS product by N.B. An. F Product verifi- cation by N.B. (if so, statistic. verific.) An. C1 Internal pro- duction control + product testing by N.B. An. D1 Assess- ment and sur- veillance of QMS pro- duction by N.B. An. E1 Assess- ment and sur- veillance of QMS product by N.B. An. H1 Assess- ment and sur- veillance of full Quality Assu- rance + Design exami- nation by N.B. An. G Unit verifi- cation by N.B. An. H Assess- ment and sur- veillance of full Quality Assu- rance by N.B. An. B Type examination by N.B. (Notified Body) An. A1 Internal pro- duction control + product testing by N.B. Technical documentation of the manufacturer Conformity assessment modules

45 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 45 Conformity assessment modules Market research Concept, Customer requirement specifications Development Construction Product requirement specifications, Design, Techn. Docu- mentation, Prototype Production Components, Final products, Final inspection Manufacturing instructions, production facilities, Meas. and test equipment, Contracts with suppliers Process planning Speciments, Type tests, Design validation Development Validation Distribution, Start-up, service, maintenance Purchase Supplier M10 xxxx Declaration of conformity Module A: Conformity Declaration on base of internal production control of manufacturer (without notified body) Not scheduled for MID so far!!!

46 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 46 Market research Concept, Customer requirement specifications Development Construction Product requirement specifications, Design, Techn. Docu- mentation, Prototype Production Components, Final products, Final inspection Manufacturing instructions, production facilities, Meas. and test equipment, Contracts with suppliers Process planning Speciments, Type tests, Design validation Development Validation Distribution, Start-up, service, maintenance Purchase Supplier Conformity assessment modules Sample Verification Module A1: Internal production control of manufacturer + Sample Verification of final products Future module A2 M10 xxxx Declaration of conformity

47 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 47 Market research Concept, Customer requirement specifications Development Construction Product requirement specifications, Design, Techn. Docu- mentation, Prototype Production Components, Final products, Final inspection Manufacturing instructions, production facilities, Meas. and test equipment, Contracts with suppliers Process planning Speciments, Type tests, Design validation Development Validation Distribution, Start-up, service, maintenance Purchase Supplier Conformity assessment modules M10 xxxx Declaration of conformity Complete unit examination (100%) Module G: Unit verification of each single instrument Applicable for non-mass-produced single instruments MI-005, MI-006, MI-008, MI-009

48 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 48 Market research Concept, Customer requirement specifications Development Construction Product requirement specifications, Design, Techn. Docu- mentation, Prototype Production Components, Final products, Final inspection Manufacturing instructions, production facilities, Meas. and test equipment, Contracts with suppliers Process planning Speciments, Type tests, Design validation Development Validation Distribution, Start-up, service, maintenance Purchase Supplier M10 xxxx Declaration of conformity Modules B+C: Type examination (B) and internal production control (C) of manufacturer Type Examination Module C not scheduled for MID so far!!! Conformity assessment modules

49 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 49 Market research Concept, Customer requirement specifications Development Construction Product requirement specifications, Design, Techn. Docu- mentation, Prototype Production Components, Final products, Final inspection Manufacturing instructions, production facilities, Meas. and test equipment, Contracts with suppliers Process planning Speciments, Type tests, Design validation Development Validation Distribution, Start-up, service, maintenance Purchase Supplier M10 xxxx Declaration of conformity Modules B+C1: Type examination (B) and Sample Verification (C1) Module C1 not scheduled for MID so far !!! Future module C2 Type Examination Sample Verification Conformity assessment modules

50 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 50 Market research Concept, Customer requirement specifications Development Construction Product requirement specifications, Design, Techn. Docu- mentation, Prototype Production Components, Final products, Final inspection Manufacturing instructions, production facilities, Meas. and test equipment, Contracts with suppliers Process planning Speciments, Type tests, Design validation Development Validation Distribution, Start-up, service, maintenance Purchase Supplier Conformity assessment modules Modules B+F: Type Examination (B) and Product Verification (F) Applicable for small batch production of instruments MI-001 bis MI-007, MI-009, MI-010 (corresponds to former type approval and initial verification) M10 xxxx Declaration of conformity Type Examination Product Verification 100 % or statistical

51 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 51 Audit + surveillance Market research Concept, Customer requirement specifications Development Construction Product requirement specifications, Design, Techn. Docu- mentation, Prototype Production Components, Final products, Final inspection Manufacturing instructions, production facilities, Meas. and test equipment, Contracts with suppliers Process planning Speciments, Type tests, Design validation Development Validation Distribution, Start-up, service, maintenance Purchase Supplier Conformity assessment modules M10 xxxx Declaration of conformity Modules B+D: Type examination (B) and approval of quality system for production (D) MI-001…MI-010 Applicable for large batch production with an existing ISO 9001-certificate Type Examination

52 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 52 Audit + surveillance Purchase Supplier Market research Concept, Customer requirement specifications Development Construction Product requirement specifications, Design, Techn. Docu- mentation, Prototype Production Components, Final products, Final inspection Manufacturing instructions, production facilities, Meas. and test equipment, Contracts with suppliers Process planning Speciments, Type tests, Design validation Development Validation Distribution, Start-up, service, maintenance Conformity assessment modules Module D1: Approval of quality system for production (D1) – see D without B – Applicable for „simple“ large batch production with ISO 9001-certificate MI-006 (mech.), MI-008, MI-009 (mech., el.mech.) M10 xxxx Declaration of conformity

53 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 53 Audit + surveillance Market research Concept, Customer requirement specifications Development Construction Product requirement specifications, Design, Techn. Docu- mentation, Prototype Production Components, Final products, Final inspection Manufacturing instructions, production facilities, Meas. and test equipment, Contracts with suppliers Process planning Speciments, Type tests, Design validation Development Validation Distribution, Start-up, service, maintenance Purchase Supplier Conformity assessment modules Modules B+E: Type Examination (B) and Approval of Quality System for final examination (E) Only applicable, if final examination meets all characteristics, relevant to MID MI-006 (mech., el.mech.), MI-008-II, MI-009 (mech., el.mech.) Type Examination M10 xxxx Declaration of conformity

54 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 54 Audit + surveillance Market research Concept, Customer requirement specifications Development Construction Product requirement specifications, Design, Techn. Docu- mentation, Prototype Production Components, Final products, Final inspection Manufacturing instructions, production facilities, Meas. and test equipment, Contracts with suppliers Process planning Speciments, Type tests, Design validation Development Validation Distribution, Start-up, service, maintenance Purchase Supplier Conformity assessment modules Module E1: Approval of Quality System for final examination (E1) – see E without B – Simple measuring instruments, if final examination meets all attributes, relevant to MID MI-008-II, MI-009 (mech., el.mech.) M10 xxxx Declaration of conformity

55 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 55 Global Audit + surveillance Market research Concept, Customer requirement specifications Development Construction Product requirement specifications, Design, Techn. Docu- mentation, Prototype Production Components, Final products, Final inspection Manufacturing instructions, production facilities, Meas. and test equipment, Contracts with suppliers Process planning Speciments, Type tests, Design validation Development Validation Distribution, Start-up, service, maintenance Purchase Supplier Conformity assessment modules Module H: Approval of quality system for development and production Only for Material Measures and simple length measuring instruments MI-008-I, MI-008-II, MI-009 (mech., el.mech) M10 xxxx Declaration of conformity

56 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 56 Global Audit + surveillance Market research Concept, Customer requirement specifications Development Construction Product requirement specifications, Design, Techn. Docu- mentation, Prototype Production Components, Final products, Final inspection Manufacturing instructions, production facilities, Meas. and test equipment, Contracts with suppliers Process planning Speciments, Type tests, Design validation Development Validation Distribution, Start-up, service, maintenance Purchase Supplier Conformity assessment modules M10 xxxx Declaration of conformity Module H1: Approval of quality management system for development and production + Design examination MI-001…MI-007, MI-009, MI-010 Applicable for manufacturers with own type test equipment and ISO 9001-certificate Design Examination

57 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 57 Conformity assessment modules Ticket for the EC-Market since 30 th October 2006: M 06 0102 M = Conformity to the legal metrology Directive 2004/22/EC = Conformity to applicable technical harmonisation Directives 06 = Year of affixing the CE- and the metrology marking 0102 = Identification no. of the notified body, responsible for the conformity assessment procedure for ‘placing on the market’ and/or ‘putting into use’

58 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 58 CE-mark

59 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 59 Consequences n The manufacturer is solely responsible for the conformity of measuring instruments put to the market! n Notified bodies are conformity assessment service providers for manufacturers n Monopoly loss (The manufacturer is free to choose a Notified Body on a European level !!!)

60 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 60 Nando Database

61 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 61 n Conformity assessments of notified bodies are private services in spite of administrative acts (  General terms and conditions of certification, ´ certification contract) n The authorisation of notified bodies is limited to the contractual agreement with the manufacturer, it is restricted until placing on the market. (Possible kind of pressure: refusal or withdrawal of certificates) n Market surveillance is independent of notified bodies (A granted certificate does not ensure successful access to the market) Consequences

62 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 62 n Notified bodies shall follow the respective conformity assessment standards: EN 45011 (  ISO/IEC 17065), ISO/IEC 17025, ISO/IEC 17020, ISO/IEC 17021 n Separation of conformity assessment services as a notified body from the official (legal) tasks of metrology authorities (e.g. market surveillance) In case of a national metrology institute: independent units for conformity assessment and market surveillance Consequences

63 S1: Overview MID and NAWID 2012-10-31 63 Links Further Information New approach of EU: products/new-legislative-framework/ Notified Bodies (NANDO-Database): EU-Webpage Measuring Instruments: WELMEC:

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