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 Why? You will read a wide range of texts in many academic disciplines as preparation for college and the workplace.

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Presentation on theme: " Why? You will read a wide range of texts in many academic disciplines as preparation for college and the workplace."— Presentation transcript:

1  Why? You will read a wide range of texts in many academic disciplines as preparation for college and the workplace.

2  What? A complex text is a work that contains  challenging vocabulary,  long, complex sentences,  figurative language,  multiple levels of meaning, or  unfamiliar settings and situations

3  There are 3 strategies for comprehending a complex text:  Strategy 1: Multidraft Reading  Strategy 2: Close Read the Text  Strategy 3: Ask Questions

4 Strategy 1: Mulitdraft Reading  1 st Reading:  Basic Meaning  Who, What, When, Where (Plot elements)  Why (conflicts  are they resolved?)  Nonfiction text: read for main ideas  Poetry: identify speaker, setting, and subject

5 Strategy 1: Mulitdraft Reading  2 nd Reading:  Artistry and effectiveness of writing  Text structures (organizational patterns)  Author’s use of figurative language  Effect of author’s writing style

6 Strategy 1: Mulitdraft Reading  3 rd Reading:  Compare/Contrast text with others  Evaluate the text’s overall effectiveness  Evaluate its central idea or theme

7  Strategy 2: Close Read the Text  To comprehend a complex text, perform a close reading – a careful analysis of the words, phrases, and sentences within the text. As you close read, use the following tips to increase your understanding.

8  Tip 1 – Break down long sentences into parts.  Look for the subject of the sentence and its ver. Then, identify which parts of the sentence modify, or give more information about, its subject.

9  Tip 2 – Reread passages.  When reading complex texts, re-read difficult passages to make sure that you understand their meaning.

10  Tip 3 – Look for context clues. Such as:  Restatement of an idea.  Definition of sophisticated words.  Examples of concepts and topics.  Contrasts of ideas and topics.

11  Tip 4 – Identify pronoun antecedents.  If long sentences or passages contain pronouns, reread the text to make sure you know to what or whom the pronouns refer.

12  Tip 5 – Look for conjunctions.  Such as and, or, and yet, to understand relationships between ideas.

13  Tip 6 – Paraphrase.  Restate in your own words, challenging passages in order to check your understanding. Remember that a paraphrase is a word-for-word rephrasing of an original text; it is not a summary.

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