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CIVIL RIGHTS NCHE - TEACHING AMERICAN HISTORY Dekalb, Georgia Allan M. Winkler March 4, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "CIVIL RIGHTS NCHE - TEACHING AMERICAN HISTORY Dekalb, Georgia Allan M. Winkler March 4, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 CIVIL RIGHTS NCHE - TEACHING AMERICAN HISTORY Dekalb, Georgia Allan M. Winkler March 4, 2013

2 Personal Reflections Questions to Consider Why Did the Civil Rights Movement Gain Steam in the 1950s? What Were the Accomplishments of the 1960s? How and Why Did the Civil Rights Movement Change? What Were the Long Term Results of the Movement?

3 Background Civil Rights Efforts in the 1930s and 1940s Issues –The Anti-Lynching Campaign of the 1930s –Push for an End to Discrimination in the 1940s The Level of Presidential Leadership –FDR –Harry Truman Accomplishments –Integration of Baseball –Integration of the Armed Forces


5 Background Civil Rights Efforts in the 1930s and 1940s Issues –The Anti-Lynching Campaign of the 1930s –Push for an End to Discrimination in the 1940s The Level of Presidential Leadership –FDR –Harry Truman Accomplishments –Integration of Baseball –Integration of the Armed Forces

6 The 1950s Brown v. Board of Education (1954) –NAACP and Background in the Case –Issues –The Ruling and Its Impact –The Little Rock Nine The Emmett Till Case (1955) Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955) –Effort of Rosa Parks –Results of the Campaign Emergence of Martin Luther King, Jr. & SCLC Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960


8 The 1950s Brown v. Board of Education (1954) –NAACP and Background in the Case –Issues –The Ruling and Its Impact –The Little Rock Nine The Emmett Till Case (1955) Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955) –Effort of Rosa Parks –Results of the Campaign Emergence of Martin Luther King, Jr. & SCLC Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960


10 The 1950s Brown v. Board of Education (1954) –NAACP and Background in the Case –Issues –The Ruling and Its Impact –The Little Rock Nine The Emmett Till Case (1955) Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955) –Effort of Rosa Parks –Results of the Campaign Emergence of Martin Luther King, Jr. & SCLC Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960


12 The 1950s Brown v. Board of Education (1954) –NAACP and Background in the Case –Issues –The Ruling and Its Impact –The Little Rock Nine The Emmett Till Case (1955) Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955) –Effort of Rosa Parks –Results of the Campaign Emergence of Martin Luther King, Jr. & SCLC Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960


14 The 1950s Brown v. Board of Education (1954) –NAACP and Background in the Case –Issues –The Ruling and Its Impact The Emmett Till Case (1955) Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955) –Effort of Rosa Parks –Results of the Campaign Emergence of Martin Luther King, Jr. & SCLC Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960

15 The 1960s Growing Pressures –Sit-Ins & SNCC –Freedom Rides & CORE –The Campaign in Birmingham The Impact of Music –The Folk Song Revival –“We Shall Overcome”


17 The 1960s Growing Pressures –Sit-Ins & SNCC –Freedom Rides & CORE –The Campaign in Birmingham The Impact of Music –The Folk Song Revival –“We Shall Overcome”


19 The 1960s Growing Pressures –Sit-Ins & SNCC –Freedom Rides & CORE –The Campaign in Birmingham The Impact of Music –The Folk Song Revival –“We Shall Overcome”


21 The 1960s Growing Pressures –Sit-Ins & SNCC –Freedom Rides & CORE –The Campaign in Birmingham The Impact of Music –The Folk Song Revival –“We Shall Overcome”

22 The 1960s (continued) The March on Washington The Halting Efforts of JFK The Aggressive Efforts of LBJ –Civil Rights Act of 1964 –Voting Rights Act of 1965


24 The 1960s (continued) The March on Washington The Halting Efforts of JFK The Aggressive Efforts of LBJ –Civil Rights Act of 1964 –Voting Rights Act of 1965


26 The 1960s (continued) The March on Washington The Halting Efforts of JFK The Aggressive Efforts of LBJ –Civil Rights Act of 1964 –Voting Rights Act of 1965

27 Shifts in the Movement Freedom Summer (in Mississippi) –Mississippi Burning –The Miami University Civil Rights Memorial The Impact of Malcolm X Stokely Carmichael and Black Power The Black Panthers Violence in the Streets



30 Shifts in the Movement Freedom Summer (in Mississippi) –Mississippi Burning –The Miami University Civil Rights Memorial The Impact of Malcolm X The Example of Muhammad Ali Stokely Carmichael and Black Power The Olympic Protest The Black Panthers Violence in the Streets


32 Shifts in the Movement Freedom Summer (in Mississippi) –Mississippi Burning –The Miami University Civil Rights Memorial The Impact of Malcolm X The Example of Muhammad Ali Stokely Carmichael and Black Power The Olympic Protest The Black Panthers Violence in the Streets



35 Shifts in the Movement Freedom Summer (in Mississippi) –Mississippi Burning –The Miami University Civil Rights Memorial The Impact of Malcolm X The Example of Muhammad Ali Stokely Carmichael and Black Power The Olympic Protest The Black Panthers Violence in the Streets


37 Shifts in the Movement Freedom Summer (in Mississippi) –Mississippi Burning –The Miami University Civil Rights Memorial The Impact of Malcolm X The Example of Muhammad Ali Stokely Carmichael and Black Power The Olympic Protest The Black Panthers Violence in the Streets


39 Shifts in the Movement Freedom Summer (in Mississippi) –Mississippi Burning –The Miami University Civil Rights Memorial The Impact of Malcolm X The Example of Muhammad Ali Stokely Carmichael and Black Power The Olympic Protest The Black Panthers Violence in the Streets


41 Legacy of the Movement Gains Limitations

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