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Human Rights This concept lies at the heart of the United States political system and enables citizens and noncitizens to worship, speak, read and write.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Rights This concept lies at the heart of the United States political system and enables citizens and noncitizens to worship, speak, read and write."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Rights This concept lies at the heart of the United States political system and enables citizens and noncitizens to worship, speak, read and write what they choose.

2 14 th Amendment expanded individual rights. It defined citizenship and has been expanded to include due process.

3 Incorporation This is a safeguard given to citizens when a state or local government or even certain groups threaten basic rights. Nationalization means that citizens can take their case all the way to the Supreme Court if they believe their basic rights have been violated.

4 Freedom of Religion This involves the establishment clause and the free exercise clause.

5 Establishment Clause Congress shall make no law respecting a religion.

6 Free Exercise Clause Prohibits the government from unduly interfering with the free exercise of religion.

7 Landmark Supreme Court Cases

8 Everson v. Board of Education Allows states to use public money to pay for busing students to parochial schools (schools supported by a religion or church).

9 State Aid to Parochial Schools The courts use the Lemon test to determine aid to church schools. 1. aid must have a clear nonreligious purpose 2. its main effect neither advances nor inhibits religion. 3. avoid excessive government entanglement with religion.

10 Release Time for Students This is why your release time is now gone. McCollum v. Board of Education involved state supported schools being used for religious purposes. The court ruled the practice unconstitutional because public money was being used for religious purposes.

11 Engel v. Vitale The courts said reading a school prayer composed by a state entity was unconstitutional.

12 Abington School District v. Schempp The courts declared it unconstitutional for schools to sponsor Bible reading or to recite the Lord’s Prayer in public schools.

13 Santa Fe Independent School District V. Doe Schools cannot allow students to lead stadium crowds in prayer before football games.

14 Equal Access Act This law allows public high schools receiving federal funding to allow student religious groups to hold meetings in school.

15 Theory of Evolution The courts said that no state could ban the teaching of this since it does not endorse a religion. Creation can not be taught since it endorses a particular religious viewpoint.

16 Flag Salute Case The courts upheld children saluting the flag since the flag is a patriotic symbol and does not infringe on any religious freedom.


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