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The Rights-Respecting School Wyke Regis Primary Federation

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Presentation on theme: "The Rights-Respecting School Wyke Regis Primary Federation"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rights-Respecting School Wyke Regis Primary Federation
Why we have gathered everyone together. What do you already know about RR? Show of hands Insert slide of Charter. Hopefully by the end of this session everyone will be better informed.

2 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
This is an example of the articles. Why articles important. Education, Basic needs - health, Government responsibilities, Children's voice, inclusion, protection Survival rights Protection rights Development rights Participation rights Look at your booklets and find an example for one of these. As grp note on flipchart.

3 What we already do. Federation Charter Class Charter in every class
Class discussions about Rights Teaching and learning takes place in ‘rights-respecting classrooms’ and assemblies Special Events with a Global theme linked with fund raising We give children a voice - Children are becoming effective global citizens with a school council in each school Everyone is using the language of rights, respect and responsibility whenever possible We Involve parents and community so that all sections of the school community know about and value the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Involving everyone

4 Every class has a Rights and Responsibilities display.
What is a RR school? What are we doing?

5 There is increasing evidence that becoming a RRS contributes to:
Improved pupil self-esteem Pupils’ enhanced moral development Improved behaviour and relationships More positive attitudes towards diversity in society and the reduction of prejudice Pupils’ development as global citizens Enhanced job satisfaction for teachers Overall school improvement including better learning and academic standards

6 By the end of Year 2, most children . . .
Can distinguish between Wants and Needs Understand the concept of Rights and use the term appropriately in discussion Understand that Rights are linked with Responsibilities Know about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and can refer to individual rights under the Convention

7 What we need to do… Children come to understand that global issues such as poverty, inequality and sustainability are fundamentally about human rights. Mention theme week, thermometers, This year our focus is very much children around the world and thinking more globally.

8 Any questions or things you want to share? Next steps?
Volunteers for RR or Eco see Karen of I.

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