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GridPP Project Overview

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1 GridPP Project Overview
David Britton, Imperial College

2 The Challenge of the LHC
All interactions 9 orders of magnitude The HIGGS

3 Tier Structure HPSS Tier 0 Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Online System
Tier2 Centre ~1 TIPS Online System Offline Farm ~20 TIPS CERN Computer Centre >20 TIPS RAL Regional Centre US Regional Centre French Regional Centre Italian Regional Centre Institute Institute ~0.25TIPS Workstations ~100 MBytes/sec Mbits/sec HPSS One bunch crossing per 25 ns 100 triggers per second Each event is ~1 MByte Physicists work on analysis “channels” Each institute has ~10 physicists working on one or more channels Data for these channels should be cached by the institute server Physics data cache ~PBytes/sec ~ Gbits/sec or Air Freight ~Gbits/sec Tier 0 Tier 1 Tier 3 Tier 4 ScotGRID++ ~1 TIPS Tier 2

4 Detector digitisation
Data Hierarchy RAW Recorded by DAQ Triggered events ~2 MB/event Detector digitisation ESD Pseudo-physical information: Clusters, track candidates (electrons, muons), etc. Reconstructed information ~100 kB/event AOD Physical information: Transverse momentum, Association of particles, jets, (best) id of particles, Physical info for relevant “objects” Selected information ~10 kB/event TAG Analysis information ~1 kB/event Relevant information for fast event selection

5 GridPP Project Overview

6 “The Project Map”

7 LHC Computing Grid (LCG)
Help create LCG project Components shared by LHC experiments; e.g. POOL Prototyping the CERN Tier0/1 center. (Scalability issue) Requirements; Monitoring; recommendations. Deploying and operating the LHC Computing Grid 6.2* 39.2 25.0 15.3 5.3 TOTAL 91.1 GridPP 24.0 * LCG management FTE in 2002

8 LHC Computing Grid LCG-1 Release

9 LCG Status Certification and distribution process established
Middleware package – components from – European DataGrid (EDG) US (Globus, Condor, PPDG, GriPhyN)  the Virtual Data Toolkit Agreement reached on principles for registration and security RAL to provide the initial grid operations centre FZK to operate the call centre Initial service being deployed now to 10 centres US, Europe, Asia Expand to other centres as soon as the service is stable On the map, the red dots are the first wave site, the blue dots are the sites that say they will be ready to come on in the next 6-12 months. Status on 24 July 2003 – I will an update on the 11th August There are two activities going on in parallel: -- Pre-production software is being deployed to 10 Regional Centres (Academia Sinica Taipei, BNL, CERN, CNAF, FNAL, FZK, IN2P3 Lyon, Moscow State Univ., RAL, Univ. Tokyo). This is a final validation of the distribution and installation process and tools, and establishes the network of service support people, but the Grid middleware is not the final version yet. About half of the sites have successfully installed this – a few (including BNL and Lyon) are very slow. -- Final testing is under way of the first production set of Grid middleware. This is being done by a group of grid experts from the LHC experiments (the “loose cannons”). There are a few “show stoppers” and about 15 very serious bugs. The target is to install the production software by the end of the month – one week from now! Academia Sinica Taipei, BNL, CERN, CNAF, FNAL, FZK, IN2P3 Lyon, Moscow State Univ., RAL, Univ. Tokyo

10 European DataGrid (EDG)
DataGrid passed the 2nd EU review in Feb. The reviewers congratulated the EU management for taking the risk of concentrating on Quality but hope that there will be no lost functionality by the end of the project. As GridPP and particularly GridPP2 progress this is a lesson that we need to bare in mind; one can’t be too ambitious if we want to establish a production quality grid. At this stage the status is EDG 2.0 has been released and now intense work on integrating and hardening. EDG 2.0 EDG 2.1

11 European DataGrid UK Roles Quality Assurance Representative 0.5
Deputy Leader, (Iteam) 2.0 Group Leader, Deputy Leader, Iteam, ATF, QA EU EU CA Group Manager 3.0 Deputy Leader, Security Group Leader, ATF 3.7* * Includes Security Group Leader 4.0 FTE DataGrid passed the 2nd EU review in Feb. The reviewers congratulated the EU management for taking the risk of concentrating on Quality but hope that there will be no lost functionality by the end of the project. As GridPP and particularly GridPP2 progress this is a lesson that we need to bare in mind; one can’t be too ambitious if we want to establish a production quality grid. At this stage the status is EDG 2.0 has been released and now intense work on integrating and hardening.

12 Job Checkpointing in EDG2.0
European DataGrid – WP1 WP1 Workload Management Job Checkpointing in EDG2.0 Job checkpoint states saved in the LB server Retrieval of job checkpoint Logging & Bookkeeping Server DataGrid passed the 2nd EU review in Feb. The reviewers congratulated the EU management for taking the risk of concentrating on Quality but hope that there will be no lost functionality by the end of the project. As GridPP and particularly GridPP2 progress this is a lesson that we need to bare in mind; one can’t be too ambitious if we want to establish a production quality grid. At this stage the status is EDG 2.0 has been released and now intense work on integrating and hardening. Job Also used (even in rel. 1) as repository of job status info Already proved to be robust and reliable The load can be distributed between multiple LB servers, to address scalability problems Saving of job checkpoint state state.saveState()

13 See OptorSim Demo at PPARC Stand
European DataGrid – WP2 WP2 Data Management UK Contributions RM in EDG2.0 User Interface or Worker Node Resource Broker Virtual Organization Membership Service Information Service Replica Metadata Catalog DataGrid passed the 2nd EU review in Feb. The reviewers congratulated the EU management for taking the risk of concentrating on Quality but hope that there will be no lost functionality by the end of the project. As GridPP and particularly GridPP2 progress this is a lesson that we need to bare in mind; one can’t be too ambitious if we want to establish a production quality grid. At this stage the status is EDG 2.0 has been released and now intense work on integrating and hardening. Replica Location Service Replica Manager See OptorSim Demo at PPARC Stand Replica Optimization Service Storage Element Storage Element SE Monitor Network Monitor

14 European DataGrid – WP3 RGMA in EDG2.0 UK Product
WP3 Information and Monitoring Services RGMA in EDG2.0 R-GMA Consumers LDAP InfoProvider GIN Server Stream Producer Consumer (CE) Consumer (SE) Consumer (SiteInfo) RDBMS Latest Producer GOUT ConsumerAPI Archiver (LatestProducer) R-GMA GLUE Schema Push mode Updates every 30s >70 sites (simul.) UK Product RGMA talk Thursday 10.15am DataGrid passed the 2nd EU review in Feb. The reviewers congratulated the EU management for taking the risk of concentrating on Quality but hope that there will be no lost functionality by the end of the project. As GridPP and particularly GridPP2 progress this is a lesson that we need to bare in mind; one can’t be too ambitious if we want to establish a production quality grid. At this stage the status is EDG 2.0 has been released and now intense work on integrating and hardening.

15 European DataGrid – WP4 UK Product WP4 Fabric Management
LCFG configuration software from Univ. Edinburgh was used from Month 12 onwards of the EDG project. Newer version, LCFGng, in EDG-2.0 and in LCG-1 DataGrid passed the 2nd EU review in Feb. The reviewers congratulated the EU management for taking the risk of concentrating on Quality but hope that there will be no lost functionality by the end of the project. As GridPP and particularly GridPP2 progress this is a lesson that we need to bare in mind; one can’t be too ambitious if we want to establish a production quality grid. At this stage the status is EDG 2.0 has been released and now intense work on integrating and hardening.

16 European DataGrid – WP5 SE in EDG2.0 UK Product
WP5 Mass Storage Management SE in EDG2.0 Client App API SE HTTP library SSL socket AXIS SE core SE Java Client Tomcat The design of the SE follows a layered model with a central core handling all paths between client and MSS. Core is flexible and extensible making it easy to support new protocols, features and MSS Java Client API C Client RMANMAN Apache Web Service UK Product DataGrid passed the 2nd EU review in Feb. The reviewers congratulated the EU management for taking the risk of concentrating on Quality but hope that there will be no lost functionality by the end of the project. As GridPP and particularly GridPP2 progress this is a lesson that we need to bare in mind; one can’t be too ambitious if we want to establish a production quality grid. At this stage the status is EDG 2.0 has been released and now intense work on integrating and hardening.

17 Testbed successfully demonstrated during
European DataGrid – WP6 WP6 Testbed EDG Application testbed: More than 40 sites More than 1000 CPUs 5 Terabyte of storage Testbed successfully demonstrated during 2nd EU review in Feb 2003 Large UK participation DataGrid passed the 2nd EU review in Feb. The reviewers congratulated the EU management for taking the risk of concentrating on Quality but hope that there will be no lost functionality by the end of the project. As GridPP and particularly GridPP2 progress this is a lesson that we need to bare in mind; one can’t be too ambitious if we want to establish a production quality grid. At this stage the status is EDG 2.0 has been released and now intense work on integrating and hardening.

18 (Wed 12:10: High speed data transfers)
European DataGrid – WP7 (Wed 12:10: High speed data transfers) WP7 Network Services

19 Applications

20 Multilayered Grid architecture
Applications: GANGA Server Bookkeeping DB Production EDG UI PYTHON SW BUS XML RPC server XML RPC module GANGA Module OS Module Athena\GAUDI GaudiPython PythonROOT GUI Job Configuration Remote user (client) Local Job LAN/WAN GRID LRMS Underlying GRID services (GLOBUS toolkit) GRID middleware (EDG, PPDG,…) Application specific layer (Athena/Gaudi, …) GUI interface OS and Network services Multilayered Grid architecture GANGA A common interface to the Grid for Atlas and LHCb

21 See GUIDO demo at the PPARC booth
Applications: GUIDO See GUIDO demo at the PPARC booth

22 Applications: CMS Adding RGMA to BOSS

23 Applications: CDF/D0

24 Applications: CDF/D0 D0 plan to reprocess 22 TB of DST using
SAMGrid starting mid September See SAMGrid Demo at PPARC Stand

25 Tier-1/A

26 Tier-2 ScotGrid … functional Tier-2 Four consortia established.
½ post funded at each. A lot of hardware exists.


28 Testbed

29 All testbed sites can be said to be truly on a Grid by virtue of their registration in a comprehensive resource information publication scheme, their accessibility via a set of globally enabled resource brokers, and the use of one of the first scalable mechanisms to support distributed virtual communities (VOMS). There are few such Grids in operation in the World today.

30 Data Challenges

31 ATLAS DC1 Phase 2 UK largest producer

32 Interoperability,Dissemination, Resources

33 The Future GridPP2 proposal: http:www/
“From Testbed to Production”

34 Summary Achievements: Status:
A major factor in establishing the LCG project Leadership roles within 5 of the 8 (applicable) EDG workpackages. Significant middleware development. Deployed the UK’s largest testbed (16 sites and >100 servers). Integration with EU-wide programme and linked to Worldwide efforts. Active Tier-1/A production centre, meeting demands. Tier-2 resources identified and a structure being developed. Established productive links with the experiment applications. Developed a proposal for a follow-on project, GridPP2. Responded to the “LHC Computing Challenge”: Defined and initiated a programme that will be the basis for LHC computing. Status: At the midpoint of GridPP1, 95 out of 182 tasks (52%) have been successfully completed. The LCG-1 release is imminent; a landmark moment.

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