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July 11, 1966 Minister of Public Order RSFSR V. Tikunov ordered the organization in 1967 in Volgograd at the Graduate School of Inquiry MOOP RSFSR, whose.

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2 July 11, 1966 Minister of Public Order RSFSR V. Tikunov ordered the organization in 1967 in Volgograd at the Graduate School of Inquiry MOOP RSFSR, whose main task " training for investigative units of the Ministries of Public Order of the Union republics," ie, software qualified personnel of the police throughout the country. The order determined 4-year training and the qualifications of graduates "lawyer" with a diploma single sample set for higher education institutions. Thus, persons who have graduated from university departmental, equal with conventional graduates of law schools. Order of the Minister established a permanent population ( 450 people ) and AC (1200 full-time students and the same number in the correspondence department ) of the Graduate School of the investigation, and ordered that each year in high school will take 300 people for full-time and correspondence courses. May 24, 1967 a meeting was held, which was attended by Chief SLM MOOP USSR G. Novikov, Head of Volgograd Oblast Executive Committee UOOP IA Glebov, Head of the Graduate School of Inquiry IA Potapov, Director of the Institute " Volgogradgrazhdanproekt " VV Schipahin etc. The main result of the meeting was the decision to start construction in February 1968 the hostel and utilities ( in the construction of engineering networks for future parade ground in the area of ​​ the platform for guests of honor, an unexploded bomb was found, has lain in the earth since the time of the Battle of Stalingrad ). Construction of teaching and administrative building and dormitories was completed in 1973. And in 1974, the investigative department, major departments and services received permanent residence on the street historic, 130. Since then, the new address of the school became known to the police officers investigating the employees of the Soviet Union.

3 Today as never before law enforcement functions in a highly dynamic environment are constantly changing and evolving. The demands placed on its personnel are ever increasing, both in scope and complexity as the educational aims are being expanded and complicated, the number of faculties has increased to seven. Presently the Academy has the following faculties: 1) investigators’ training department 2) forensic scientists’ training department 3) correspondence department 4) law department 5) investigators refresher department 6) criminal militia staff training department 7) lecturrers’ and research staff training department.

4 The Volgograd Academy is a recognized leader undertaking advanced research on the problems of preliminary investigation, Criminal Law and Procedure, Criminalities and Human Rights. The Academy scientists have published dozens of scientific work, text-books, monographs which essentially contributed to the development of the Russian legal science. They take part in working out regional programs of crime control and fighting juvenile delinquency. They are also working out decrees and rules for the Interior Ministry, central and local organs of power. Since the end of the 80ies the Volgograd Academy has been a place for holding important regional and international conferences on topical problems of improving preliminary investigation, legal defence of an individual, theoretical and methodological aspects of law science. The Academy gives very much attention to trastaff ining lecturers’ and research staff. There is a special lecturers’ and research training department and four dissertation councils for defending Candidates’ and Doctors’ dissertations. The Volgograd Academy has established an international reputation for its work. The Academy has trained hundreds of highly qualified specialists for the internal affairs bodies of the Community of Independent States, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Cuba, Mongolia, Bulgaria, Yemen and other countries. We are proud that the Volgograd Academy has earned wide spread respect and recognition for its accomplishments in the past and it is fully prepared to meet the new challenges in the future.

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