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Presentation on theme: " 2015 Serve Alabama Grantee Meeting Marriott Grand National Lodge and Conference Center Opelika, Alabama Welcome Alabama AmeriCorps."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015 Serve Alabama Grantee Meeting Marriott Grand National Lodge and Conference Center Opelika, Alabama Welcome Alabama AmeriCorps State Program Directors

2 Introductions Name, Program Name, Location, What Focus Area, Age of program, Geographic Areas served by program Tent Card Write your first name along with an adjective to describe you – does not have to start with the same first letter of your name. Why did you choose that adjective? Explain during introductions


4 Governor's Office of Faith-Based and Volunteer Service Administers (7) State AmeriCorps Programs Liaison to Faith-Based Organizations and Non-Profits Lead agency for Volunteer & Donations Management FEMA Disaster Case Management Grant Governor's Emergency Relief Fund Responsible for ReadyAlabama Campaign

5 Alabama Network of Family Resource Centers AmeriCorps Instructional Support Team Building Communities, Bettering Lives Calhoun County AmeriCorps Initiative Impact Alabama AmeriCorps Selma AmeriCorps Program Teach For America – Alabama Current Alabama AmeriCorps Programs

6 Inform AmeriCorps grantees of the Commission’s requirements for program management and compliance Provide tools and resources for a successful program year Provide an opportunity to share and network with peers their practices for building a sound program foundation Purpose of Grantee Meeting

7 AmeriCorps grants are awarded to eligible organizations Engaging AmeriCorps members in evidence-based or evidence- informed interventions to strengthen communities, while serving Members receive benefits such as a living allowance, health care and education award Purpose of Funding

8 Prior to October 1, 2009: NATIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE ACT OF 1990 (as amended through P.L. 106-170, approved 12-17-99) After October 1, 2009: Edward Kennedy Serve America Act “Serve America Act” Guidance

9 The Corporation for National and Community Service, a federal agency that helps more than 5 million Americans improve the lives of their fellow citizens through service. Working hand in hand with local partners, they tap the ingenuity and can-do spirit of the American people to tackle some of the most pressing challenges facing our nation. They invest in thousands of nonprofit and faith-based groups that are making a difference across the country. We are AmeriCorps, Senior Corps, the Social Innovation Fund, the Volunteer Generation Fund, and more.AmeriCorps Senior CorpsSocial Innovation FundVolunteer Generation Fund About the Corporation

10 Serve Alabama as the State Service Commission has the responsibility to ensure that programs are given resources, training and updates in regards to statutory and regulatory requirements of the AmeriCorps funds but ultimately the grantee is responsible for execution of the funds. Monitoring for compliance is a “check-up” usually for a certain period of time from Serve Alabama for agencies but self monitoring should be an ongoing process. Compliance is continuous. Compliance

11 Programs should report in a timely and thorough manner *report good detailed data and quality work. *report extensions (reports are not considered late if submitted by the extension date.) Programs to communicate needs, expectations, problems and significant changes promptly. Programs (staff and members) attend Serve Alabama and CNCS sponsored trainings. Adhere to program contract executed by the State Service Commission. Expectations

12 Suspend reimbursement privileges until issues are resolved Suspend member until issue resolved (Examples: prohibited activities, unallowable activities, eligibility) Increased risk level resulting in additional site visits Suspension of AmeriCorps Grant Termination of AmeriCorps Grant Consequences

13 The NOFO, the CNCS Application Instructions and Serve Alabama Additional Instructions 2015 Terms and Conditions for AmeriCorps State and National Grants The Final Rule on the Serve America Act ( Code of Federal Regulations “CFR”- online and searchable Serve Alabama AmeriCorps Policy Manual Necessary Documents for Effective Program Management

14 Member Grievance Policy Member Evaluations (Written Performance Reviews) * minimal requirements: mid-year and end-of –term for full and half time member. End-of-term for less than half time. minimally address the following factors: whether the member completed the required number of hours *whether the member has satisfactorily completed assignments whether the member has met other performance criteria that were clearly communicated at the beginning of the service term Compelling Circumstance Exit Fiscal Policy Necessary Policies for Effective Program Management

15 Are activities that are outside the scope of the grant or contrary to the law. Some activities are unallowable such as inappropriate fundraising. Who does this apply to? Grantee Staff, Sub recipient Staff, Program Participants/Members and Volunteers Programs cannot recruit, train, or manage someone else to do a prohibited activity (volunteer) When are activities prohibited? While earning service or training hours, When charging time to a CNCS Program and When the AmeriCorps logo is displayed or evident Prohibited Activities

16 Outside of approved program scope Fundraising Limitations Displacement/Duplication/Supplantation Restrictions related to members as Team Leaders Training Restrictions Activities that do not demonstrate meaningful service Unallowable Activities

17 Activities that appear to be prohibited or unallowable can be questioned and disallowed - DISALLOWED Cost has to be repaid. Continued funding for Program may be at risk Negative publicity about AmeriCorps and YOUR Program Prohibited Activities Consequences

18 Considerations for Member Service Positions Member Position Description Outline Position Description Guidance Member Position Description Audit will be conducted on all programs in August 2015 Member Service Positions

19 2015 Terms and Conditions for AmeriCorps State And National Grants (May 1, 2015) Reference copy in your packet. 2015 Provisions

20 Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Training is NO Longer required, but some type of Disaster Training, such as Red Cross at least 50% of members should be trained/certified. Enroll /Exit Members in the Portal and My Service Log (MSL) within 14 days CHANGES THAT ARE REQUIRED IN WRITING: Changes in Scope or Goals of the Program, whether or not they involve budgetary changes Changes in or Extended Absences of Program Director, Site Supervisor or other Key Personnel of the Program Substantial changes in the level of member supervision Changes in Site Location Slot Conversion(s) Extended Absences of AmeriCorps members due to health or occupational reasons Request for approval for purchases exceeding $5000 2015-2016 Program Contract

21 Educate, Educate and Educate Stay abreast of policy changes and updates Communicate, Communicate, Communicate Network and help each other Visit and websites 2015-2016 Reminders

22 Jon Mason, Director Lisa Castaldo, Deputy Director Christine Williams, Senior Program Officer Ronica Faire, Accountant Cesily Means, AmeriCorps Program Officer LaChasta White, Officer Manager Your National Service Team

23 Questions or Feedback Questions or Feedback

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